Cafeteria. A. A notice indicating that a permanent job opening exists, setting forth the job classification required and the location of the food service facility, shall be emailed to all food service employees by the President of the Union and posted on the District’s website for five (5) work days. B. Within three (3) work days after the last day of posting, employees with department seniority in the requisite job classification may apply for said job opening by sending a request for transfer on the appropriate form to the designated Human Resources administrator. Where a food service promotional position is to be retained, the process to fill the position shall be initiated within ten (10) calendar days. C. The job opening shall be awarded to the applicant having the highest job classification seniority. After the vacancy has been filled by transfer under the above procedure, the Board shall not be required to post further job vacancies resulting from such transfer. Subsequent vacancies in work locations shall be filled as follows: The most senior employees working in the Food Service Production Center will have first option to work in the summer feeding program. If that list is depleted, the positions will be filled by food service employees outside of the FSPC by job classification seniority. D. The Board shall fill such subsequent vacancies by transferring any person with the appropriate job classification who has on file an application for transfer to such location on the basis of job classification seniority. E. After the above transfer procedures have been completed, any remaining vacancies shall be filled by promotional examination in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission and the provisions hereinafter set forth. No employee new to the position, successful job bidding applicant, or transfer applicant under the above procedure may submit a job bid or transfer application until the lapse of one (1) year from the date of employment or reassignment, except where such reassignment was a result of the closing or announced closing of a school. Transfer requests by Civil Service employees shall indicate no more than six (6) specific work locations or school buildings. Transfer requests may be made at any time during the year, but all requests will expire on December 31 of each year. Transfer requests for the next year may be submitted during the preceding November and December but shall not become active requestsuntil January 1. Transfer requests may be withdrawn at any time by the employee. The Board may require the transfer of the eligible applicant to a requested location when a request is on file at the time the vacancy or the expected vacancy becomes known to the Board. F. Extra work on days when lunches are not being provided at the Food Production Center shall be offered on the basis of job classification seniority to employees with the appropriate job classification who are assigned to the Food Production Center. Extra service/work will be offered within each classification by building based on classification seniority. G. Regular employees in the appropriate classification shall be offered overtime or extra time at the Food Production Center before substitutes. H. Effective with the first day of the employee’s regular schedule for the 2022-2023 school year, satellite kitchen operators who have been at a normal schedule of five
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Cafeteria. A. A notice indicating that a permanent job opening exists, setting forth the job classification required and the location of the food service facility, shall be emailed to all food service employees by the President of the Union and posted on the District’s website bulletin board in each food service facility for five (5) work daysdays and a copy of said notice shall be sent to the President of the Union.
B. Within three (3) work days after the last day of posting, employees with department seniority in the requisite job classification may apply for said job opening by sending a request for transfer on the appropriate form to the designated Human Resources administratorDirector of Classified Personnel. Where a food service promotional position is to be retained, the process to fill the position shall be initiated within ten (10) calendar days.
C. The job opening shall be awarded to the applicant having the highest job classification seniority. After the vacancy has been filled by transfer under the above procedure, the Board shall not be required to post further job vacancies resulting from such transfer. Subsequent vacancies in work locations shall be filled as follows: The most senior employees working in the Food Service Production Center will have first option to work in the summer feeding program. If that list is depleted, the positions will be filled by food service employees outside of the FSPC by job classification seniority.
D. The Board shall fill such subsequent vacancies by transferring any person with the appropriate job classification who has on file an application for transfer to such location on the basis of job classification seniority.
E. After the above transfer procedures have been completed, any remaining vacancies shall be filled by promotional examination in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission and the provisions hereinafter set forth. No employee new to the positionemployee, successful job bidding applicant, or transfer applicant under the above procedure may submit a job bid or transfer application until the lapse of one (1I) year from the date of employment or reassignment, except where such reassignment was a result of the closing or announced closing of a school. Transfer requests by Civil Service employees shall indicate no more than six (6) specific work locations or school buildings. Transfer requests may be made at any time anytime during the year, but all requests will expire on December 31 of each year. Transfer requests for the next year may be submitted during the preceding November and December but shall not become active requestsuntil requests until January 1. I. Transfer requests may be withdrawn at any time by the employee. The Board may require the transfer of the eligible applicant to a requested location when a request is on file at the time the vacancy or the expected vacancy becomes known to the Board.
F. Extra work on days when lunches are not being provided at the Food Production Center shall be offered on the basis of job classification seniority to employees with the appropriate job classification who are assigned to the Food Production Center. Extra service/work will be offered within each classification by building based on classification seniority.
G. Regular employees in the appropriate classification shall be offered overtime or extra time at the Food Production Center before substitutes.
H. Effective with At the first day beginning of the employee’s regular schedule for the 2022-2023 each school year, all food service satellite kitchen operators managers’ territories shall be posted for bid. The territories shall be bid according to job classification seniority beginning with the most senior food service satellite manager. A food service satellite manager who have been at a normal schedule is absent may designate another food service satellite manager to bid in his/her behalf. The territories shall be retained for the school year with the understanding that occasional temporary assignment to cover vacancies may be required to meet the needs of fivethe school system.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Cafeteria. A. A notice indicating that a permanent job opening exists, setting forth the job classification required and the location of the food service facility, shall be emailed to all food service employees by the President of the Union and posted on the District’s website for five (5) work days.
B. Within three (3) work days after the last day of posting, employees with department seniority in the requisite job classification may apply for said job opening by sending a request for transfer on the appropriate form to the designated Human Resources administrator. Where a food service promotional position is to be retained, the process to fill the position shall be initiated within ten (10) calendar days.
C. The job opening shall be awarded to the applicant having the highest job classification seniority. After the vacancy has been filled by transfer under the above procedure, the Board shall not be required to post further job vacancies resulting from such transfer. Subsequent vacancies in work locations shall be filled as follows: The most senior employees working in the Food Service Production Center will have first option to work in the summer feeding program. If that list is depleted, the positions will be filled by food service employees outside of the FSPC by job classification seniority.
D. The Board shall fill such subsequent vacancies by transferring any person with the appropriate job classification who has on file an application for transfer to such location on the basis of job classification seniority.
E. After the above transfer procedures have been completed, any remaining vacancies shall be filled by promotional examination in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission and the provisions hereinafter set forth. No employee new to the position, successful job bidding applicant, or transfer applicant under the above procedure may submit a job bid or transfer application until the lapse of one (1) year from the date of employment or reassignment, except where such reassignment was a result of the closing or announced closing of a school. Transfer requests by Civil Service employees shall indicate no more than six (6) specific work locations or school buildings. Transfer requests may be made at any time during the year, but all requests will expire on December 31 of each year. Transfer requests for the next year may be submitted during the preceding November and December but shall not become active requestsuntil requests until January 1. Transfer requests may be withdrawn at any time by the employee. The Board may require the transfer of the eligible applicant to a requested location when a request is on file at the time the vacancy or the expected vacancy becomes known to the Board.
F. Extra work on days when lunches are not being provided at the Food Production Center shall be offered on the basis of job classification seniority to employees with the appropriate job classification who are assigned to the Food Production Center. Extra service/work will be offered within each classification by building based on classification seniority.
G. Regular employees in the appropriate classification shall be offered overtime or extra time at the Food Production Center before substitutes.
H. Effective with the first day of the employee’s regular schedule for the 2022-2023 school year, satellite kitchen operators who have been at a normal schedule of five
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Cafeteria. A. A notice indicating that a permanent job Regular cafeteria employees shall work the adopted school calendar days plus those days prior to the opening exists, setting forth of school and following the job classification required and the location closing of the food service facility, shall be emailed to all food service employees school deemed necessary by the President of School Lunch Manager. Other than the Union and posted on the District’s website for five (5) work days.
B. Within three (3) work days after the last day of postingSuperintendent Conference Day prior to school opening, cafeteria employees with department seniority in the requisite job classification may apply for said job opening by sending a request for transfer on the appropriate form to the designated Human Resources administrator. Where a food service promotional position is to be retained, the process to fill the position shall be initiated within ten (10) calendar days.
C. The job opening shall be awarded to the applicant having the highest job classification seniority. After the vacancy has been filled by transfer under the above procedure, the Board shall not will be required to post further job vacancies resulting from such transferwork on a rotational basis to cover the needs of the cafeteria on all the other Superintendent Conference Days. Subsequent vacancies in work locations shall Hie initial list will be filled as follows: created based on seniority. Regular cafeteria employees will be expected to perform extra cafeteria functions when requested by the School Lunch Manager. The most senior District will provide its cafeteria employees working with four uniform shirts each contract year. The District will also provide its cafeteria employees with a maximum annual uniform allowance of $150.00. Receipts for purchase of District approved slacks, tops and shoes must be presented to the District before payment will be made. Unused portions of the uniform money will return to the District at the end of the year Qanuary 1 - December 31). Regular cafeteria employees will wear a uniform shirt and acceptable slacks Monday through Thursday throughout the school year. hi the absence of a co-worker in the Food Service Production Center will have first option to work in the summer feeding program. If cafeteria department, that list is depleted, the positions absence will be filled by food service employees outside in the following manner: Job titles will rotate up according to “chain of command” and then seniority within the titles. When the cafeteria personnel are asked to cater events that are over and above the regular school day time schedule, the following will be the manner in which the event will be handled:
1. The School Lunch Manager will oversee the event.
2. All other regular cafeteria employees, which include the Assistant Cafeteria Manager and Assistant Xxxx, will have their name placed on a rotating roster. Employees will be selected, in rotation, to serve at an event. If an employee turns down an event, the next employee on the rotation list will be asked to worlc The employee who refused will not be asked again until their name comes back around on the rotation list.
3. Employees who work the event will be paid at time and one half after 40 hours.
4. The dates and times of the FSPC by job classification seniorityevents will be updated (as the events come into the school) and posted in the Elementary and Middle-High School Cafeteria work area.
D. The Board shall fill such subsequent vacancies by transferring any person with the appropriate job classification who has on file an application for transfer to such location on the basis of job classification seniority.
E. After the above transfer procedures have been completed, any remaining vacancies shall be filled by promotional examination in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission and the provisions hereinafter set forth. No employee new to the position, successful job bidding applicant, or transfer applicant under the above procedure may submit a job bid or transfer application until the lapse of one (1) year from the date of employment or reassignment, except where such reassignment was a result of the closing or announced closing of a school. Transfer requests by Civil Service employees shall indicate no more than six (6) specific work locations or school buildings. Transfer requests may be made at any time during the year, but all requests will expire on December 31 of each year. Transfer requests for the next year may be submitted during the preceding November and December but shall not become active requestsuntil January 1. Transfer requests may be withdrawn at any time by the employee5. The Board may require the transfer of the eligible applicant to a requested location when a request is on file at the time the vacancy or the expected vacancy becomes known to the Board.
F. Extra work on days when lunches are not being provided at the Food Production Center shall be offered on the basis of job classification seniority to employees with the appropriate job classification who are assigned to the Food Production Center. Extra service/work rotating roster will be offered within each classification by building based on classification seniority.
G. Regular employees posted in the appropriate classification shall Elementary and Middle High School and will be offered overtime or extra time at up-dated the Food Production Center before substitutes1st of every month.
H. Effective with the first day of the employee’s regular schedule for the 2022-2023 school year, satellite kitchen operators who have been at a normal schedule of five
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Agreement (Moa)
Cafeteria. A. A notice indicating The parties acknowledge that a permanent job opening existsfood service is or shall be provided in the lower level of the Building. The parties further acknowledge that, setting forth although the job classification existing food service facility in the Building will be in place the Commencement Date, shortly thereafter Landlord will be relocating the food service facility to the lower level of the Building (the "Food Service Relocation"). Landlord estimates that the Food Service Relocation will take approximately six (6) weeks (which time period may be further extended as a result of delays in Landlord obtaining all required required governmental and/or municipal inspections, approvals, authorizations or consents, including, without limitation, any required inspections by and authorizations from the location Department of Health, although Landlord agrees to use reasonable diligent in obtaining same), during which period there will be no food service facility in the Building. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord agrees that during the Food Service Relocation, it will arrange for limited food service to be available at the Building (i.e., prepared foods, such as sandwiches and beverages sold by food service personnel, not served from a vending machine). Once the Food Service Relocation is completed, Landlord agrees that the service provided in the food service facility shall be similar in quality to that which is offered in similar Class "A" office buildings. For so much of the Term as such food service is provided in the Building, Tenant shall be permitted to invite its principals and employees to use same for the purchase and consumption of food and beverages offered for sale. Tenant shall pay or reimburse Landlord, on a monthly basis, for Tenant's Proportionate Share of any subsidy provided by Landlord to the food service operator, but in no event shall Tenant's Proportionate Share of the subsidy exceed $15,000.00 per annum. Tenant shall also have the right to use the food service area from time to time and at any time after 3:00 p.m on weekdays for the hosting of business events or functions so long as (a) Tenant provides Landlord with reasonable prior notice of the date, time and nature of such events or functions, (b) Tenant reimburses Landlord, on demand, for any additional cost or expense actually incurred by Landlord in connection with such events or functions (e.g., security services, cleaning services, etc.), and (c) Tenant enters into such agreements for such use of the food service facility, area as Landlord and the food service provider may reasonably request. The use of the food service shall be emailed subject to all the reasonable rules and regulations of Landlord and/or the operator of the food service employees by the President of the Union and posted on the District’s website for five (5) work days.
B. Within three (3) work days after the last day of posting, employees with department seniority in the requisite job classification may apply for said job opening by sending a request for transfer on the appropriate form now or hereafter imposed. Notwithstanding anything to the designated Human Resources administrator. Where a contrary contained in this Paragraph, if the food service promotional position is to be retainedopens for business and subsequently closes, the process to fill the position either temporarily or permanently, there shall be initiated within ten (10) calendar days.
C. The job opening no abatement or diminution of Rent and Tenant shall in no event be awarded to the applicant having the highest job classification seniority. After the vacancy has been filled by transfer relieved from any of its obligations under the above procedurethis lease, the Board except that Tenant shall not be required to post further job vacancies resulting from such transferpay Tenant's Proportionate Share of the food service subsidy for the period in which the food service is not operational. Subsequent vacancies in work locations shall be filled as follows: The most senior employees working Further, in the Food Service Production Center will have first option to work event there is no food service in the summer feeding program. If that list is depletedBuilding for thirty (30) or more consecutive days, Landlord shall provide Tenant with a revocable license to use the positions will be filled by food service employees outside area so that Tenant can provide its own licensed and reputable food service operator for the purpose of providing food service in the lower level of the FSPC by job classification seniorityBuilding.
D. The Board shall fill such subsequent vacancies by transferring any person with the appropriate job classification who has on file an application for transfer to such location on the basis of job classification seniority.
E. After the above transfer procedures have been completed, any remaining vacancies shall be filled by promotional examination in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission and the provisions hereinafter set forth. No employee new to the position, successful job bidding applicant, or transfer applicant under the above procedure may submit a job bid or transfer application until the lapse of one (1) year from the date of employment or reassignment, except where such reassignment was a result of the closing or announced closing of a school. Transfer requests by Civil Service employees shall indicate no more than six (6) specific work locations or school buildings. Transfer requests may be made at any time during the year, but all requests will expire on December 31 of each year. Transfer requests for the next year may be submitted during the preceding November and December but shall not become active requestsuntil January 1. Transfer requests may be withdrawn at any time by the employee. The Board may require the transfer of the eligible applicant to a requested location when a request is on file at the time the vacancy or the expected vacancy becomes known to the Board.
F. Extra work on days when lunches are not being provided at the Food Production Center shall be offered on the basis of job classification seniority to employees with the appropriate job classification who are assigned to the Food Production Center. Extra service/work will be offered within each classification by building based on classification seniority.
G. Regular employees in the appropriate classification shall be offered overtime or extra time at the Food Production Center before substitutes.
H. Effective with the first day of the employee’s regular schedule for the 2022-2023 school year, satellite kitchen operators who have been at a normal schedule of five
Appears in 1 contract