Categorical Use of Force Adjudications of Administrative Disapproval Sample Clauses

Categorical Use of Force Adjudications of Administrative Disapproval. Extensive Retraining The purpose of an administrative appeal hearing for a Categorical Use of Force Adjudication of Administrative Disapproval – Extensive Retraining is to provide the employee an opportunity to appeal the Department’s action. The Department shall bear the burden of proof to establish by a preponderance of evidence that the Department’s action should remain. Effective April 1, 2018, and including any request for an administrative hearing made to the Internal Affairs Administrative Division whether accepted or rejected prior to this date, Paragraph E below is added to this Article.
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Categorical Use of Force Adjudications of Administrative Disapproval. Extensive Retraining A request to appeal a Categorical Use of Force (CUOF) finding of Administrative Disapproval - Extensive Retraining shall be filed within twenty (20) calendar days after the employee was served by the employee’s commanding officer with the decision of the Chief of Police on a CUOF Internal Process Report, Form

Related to Categorical Use of Force Adjudications of Administrative Disapproval

  • Definition of Force Majeure For the purposes of this section, an event of force majeure shall mean any cause beyond the control of the affected Interconnection Party or Construction Party, including but not restricted to, acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake, storm, fire, lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance or disobedience, labor dispute, labor or material shortage, sabotage, acts of public enemy, explosions, orders, regulations or restrictions imposed by governmental, military, or lawfully established civilian authorities, which, in any of the foregoing cases, by exercise of due diligence such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid, and which, by the exercise of due diligence, it has been unable to overcome. Force majeure does not include (i) a failure of performance that is due to an affected party’s own negligence or intentional wrongdoing; (ii) any removable or remediable causes (other than settlement of a strike or labor dispute) which an affected party fails to remove or remedy within a reasonable time; or (iii) economic hardship of an affected party.

  • Mitigation of Force Majeure The suspension of a Party’s performance under the Agreement due to a claim of Force Majeure shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure event. A Party suspending performance due to Force Majeure shall take, or cause to be taken, such action as may be necessary to void, or nullify, or otherwise to mitigate, in all material respects, the effects of such event of Force Majeure. The Parties shall take all reasonable steps to resume normal performance under this Agreement after the cessation of any Force Majeure event. If Seller cannot meet the Expected Initial Delivery Date as a result of a Force Majeure event declared by Seller in accordance with Article Two, then Seller shall work diligently to resolve the effect of the Force Majeure and provide evidence of its efforts promptly upon Xxxxx’s written request.

  • Certification of Funds; Budget and Fiscal Provisions; Termination in the Event of Non-Appropriation This Agreement is subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the City’s Charter. Charges will accrue only after prior written authorization certified by the Controller, and the amount of City’s obligation hereunder shall not at any time exceed the amount certified for the purpose and period stated in such advance authorization. This Agreement will terminate without penalty, liability or expense of any kind to City at the end of any fiscal year if funds are not appropriated for the next succeeding fiscal year. If funds are appropriated for a portion of the fiscal year, this Agreement will terminate, without penalty, liability or expense of any kind at the end of the term for which funds are appropriated. City has no obligation to make appropriations for this Agreement in lieu of appropriations for new or other agreements. City budget decisions are subject to the discretion of the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors. Contractor’s assumption of risk of possible non-appropriation is part of the consideration for this Agreement. THIS SECTION CONTROLS AGAINST ANY AND ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT.

  • Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion First Tier Participants:

  • Grant Remedies Termination and Prohibited Activities 18 9.1 Remedies 18 9.2 Termination for Convenience 19 9.3 Termination for Cause 19

  • CERTAIN TERMINATIONS PROHIBITED; CERTAIN CANCELLATIONS NON-APPEALABLE The following circumstances will not be considered a valid basis for termination of this agreement, and will be considered non- appealable or irrelevant to an appeal of a cancellation fee assessment:

  • Participating State Modifications or Additions to Master Agreement These modifications or additions apply only to actions and relationships within the Participating State. The following changes are modifying or supplementing the Master Agreement terms and conditions.

  • Resolution of Employee Dismissal or Suspension Disputes The following procedure shall be used for the resolution of disputes relating to the dismissal or suspension of an employee(s):

  • XXXXX-XXXXX AND RELATED ACT PROVISIONS This section is applicable to all Federal-aid construction projects exceeding $2,000 and to all related subcontracts and lower-tier subcontracts (regardless of subcontract size). The requirements apply to all projects located within the right-of- way of a roadway that is functionally classified as Federal-aid highway. This excludes roadways functionally classified as local roads or rural minor collectors, which are exempt. Contracting agencies may elect to apply these requirements to other projects. The following provisions are from the U.S. Department of Labor regulations in 29 CFR 5.5 “Contract provisions and related matters” with minor revisions to conform to the FHWA- 1273 format and FHWA program requirements.

  • Report of the Settlement Agreement to the Office of the Attorney General Of California

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