Examples of Library Services in a sentence
While there are individualized Program Review Handbooks for Instructional units, Counseling, CTE, Library Services, Student Services, Administrative units, and District Service Centers, there is one Annual Program Update template for use by everyone at the colleges which is completed in the Fall semester of non-program review years.
Both the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Division require public acknowledgement of Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant funding for activities and publications supported by grant funds.
Before the Subgrantee can purchase any equipment with a purchase price of more than $5,000 (per item), the Division must request approval from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Available grant funds will be awarded to projects that are the most competitive and that most appropriately help the state meet the goals and outcomes outlined in Florida’s Library Services and Technology Act long-range plan.
From: Director of Library Services Contact: Donna Corbeil, Library Director Action: Received.