Actual Revenues definition
Examples of Actual Revenues in a sentence
Schedule 2: Summary of Actual Revenues for the Historic Test Period Presents per-book revenues for the Historic Test Period.
For example, for a determination of AR in November 2014, the best estimate of actual revenues will be the Actual Revenues in 2013 and the Forecast Revenues expected for the remainder of the Fourth Access Arrangement Period.
A determination of AR in subsequent years will use the Actual Revenues received where available, and the best revised forecasts for the remaining years, where the revised forecasts may differ from those forecasts made at earlier determinations.
Each determination of AR will be equal to the best estimate of the actual revenues received for the whole of the Fourth Access Arrangement Period at the time of calculation, using both actual data (Actual Revenues) (where available) and best estimates of forecast revenues (Forecast Revenues) where required.
Budget versus Actual Revenues and ExpendituresAppropriations are made by The City for capital expenditures of the Authority, including operating and administrative costs.