CHILD BIRTH AND CHILD REARING LEAVE. 1. Only the period of doctor certified disability connected with childbirth will be charged to the employee's accumulated paid sick leave, if available. 2. If requested, tenured employees shall be granted child care leave without pay for the remainder of the contract year in which the birth occurs, or in the case of adoption, de facto custody is obtained, or sooner if necessary to fulfill requirements of the adoption. 3. If requested, tenured employees shall be granted child care leave without pay for the full academic year immediately following the year of the birth or adoption of the employee's child provided the employee gives written notice to the Board of the request prior to April 15th of the year of the birth or adoption, or within 30 days of the birth or adoption if it occurs after April 15th, 4. Child rearing leaves as provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 are included within the rights provided bythe New Jerseyand Federal Family Leave Actsand maynot be used to extend the time allowed in paragraphs 2 and 3 above.


  • Child Rearing Leave Subd. 1 Child rearing leave of absences shall be available to teachers for a period of time, not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months, for the purpose of caring for a newborn infant or pre-school adopted child for which the applicant has the legal responsibility for the care and/or support of said child. Such leave may be taken subsequent to birth of the teacher's child, or in the case of adoption, when the child is physically turned over to the teacher-parent. a. At least two (2) calendar months prior to the estimated delivery date of the child, the employee shall be required to notify the Employer in writing whether or not the employee intends to take child rearing leave. This election may be changed at any time before the teacher is no longer disabled from working due to childbirth or pregnancy related disability or before the fifteenth (15th) day after the birth of the child, whichever is sooner. b. Upon filing an application for adoption of a pre-school child, the employee shall be required to notify the Employer, in writing, of the teacher's intention to take a child rearing leave. Such notice to include the estimated date when such leave shall become effective. Subd. 3 In connection with the election to take child rearing leave, the teacher shall submit a request for such leave in writing. Such request shall include an estimated commencement date and return date. The estimated commencement date shall be the physician's projected date the teacher will no longer be disabled from teaching due to childbirth or pregnancy related disability, or in the case of an adoption, the agency's estimated date when the child will be turned over to the parent. Subd. 4 In making the final determination under Subd. 3 concerning the duration of a child rearing leave of absence, the Employer shall not be required to grant a leave of absence in excess of two (2) semesters. The actual commencement date of child rearing leave shall be the date on which the teacher is no longer disabled due to childbirth and pregnancy related disability as determined by the physician; or, in the case of an adoption, the date when the child is physically turned over to the teacher-parent. The return date shall be twelve (12) calendar months following the actual commencement of the leave except as may be provided in Subd. 7.

  • Child Care Leave The Employer shall, upon her request, grant an employee: (i) Who is the natural parent of a newborn or unborn child, or (ii) Who is adopting or has adopted a child, a leave of absence without pay of thirty-seven (37) consecutive weeks or such a shorter period as the employee requests so as to enable the employee to care for the child An employee who is or will be a natural parent intending to take this childcare leave shall (iii) Provide the Employer with a medical doctor’s certificate specifying the probable date of delivery or the date upon which the birth has occurred and, (iv) In absence of an emergency, give four (4) weeks written notice to the Employer of the commencement date and duration of the leave. An employee who is a parent of the newborn, other than the birth mother, shall be granted three (3) days leave without loss of pay within a reasonable period of time surrounding the occasion of the birth of the child. While on child care leave, an employee shall retain her full employment status and continue to accumulate seniority. An employee who is an adoptive parent intending to take this leave shall: (v) Provide the Employer with the proof that a child has been or will be placed with the employee for the purpose of adoption, (vi) Notify the Employer of the commencement date and duration of the leave on being made aware of the date of placement with the employee for adoption, and (vii) In the absence of an emergency, give four (4) months notice to the Employer before the anticipated day on which a child will come into the employees care and custody in the case of private adoption or upon approval in accordance with the Family Services Act as a prospective adopting parent. Where a natural mother intends to take a child care leave in addition to a maternity leave, except if the newborn is hospitalized when an employee’s maternity leave expires, the employee is required to commence the child care leave immediately on expiration of the maternity leave unless the Employer and the employee otherwise agree. The child care leave may be taken by either natural or adoptive parents. Where both parents are employees it may be shared by the child’s parent’s but the leave is only thirty-seven (37) weeks in TOTAL, regardless of how it is divided, and it must be taken in a consecutive manner. The combined maternity leave of seventeen (17) weeks and child care leave thirty-seven (37) weeks taken by one or both parents cannot total more than fifty-two (52) weeks after that date. Child care leave shall begin not earlier than the date on which the newborn or adopted child came into the care and custody of the employee and end not later than fifty-two (52) weeks after that date.

  • Industrial Relations Training Leave Union Delegate/Employee Representative shall have access to industrial relations training in accordance with Appendix E hereof.

  • Family Violence Leave Family Violence Leave as provided for by the Holidays Act 2003 is in addition to other leave allowances within the collective agreement.

  • Personal/Carer’s Leave 18.1 Entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave a) Paid personal leave will be available to an Employee (other than casual Employees) when they are absent due to: (i) personal illness or injury (sick leave); or (ii) for the purposes of caring for an immediate family or household member who is sick and requires the Employee's care and support (carer's leave). b) The amount of personal leave to which an Employee is entitled is as follows: (i) Upon commencement of employment Employees will automatically be credited with 5 days Personal and/or Xxxxx’s leave. After 6 months of employment, the leave will begin to accrue progressively up until it reaches 10 days at the conclusion of 12 months employment. (ii) Once the Employee has completed one year of continuous employment, the Employee shall be credited with a further ten days personal leave entitlement at the beginning of the Employee's second and subsequent year, which subject to clause 18.1(f) hereof, shall commence on the anniversary of engagement. c) In any year unused personal leave accrues. d) An Employee will inform the Company of the Employee's inability to attend for duty, and need to take personal leave, as soon as practicable. e) An Employee shall prove to the Company's satisfaction that the Employee’s Personal/Xxxxx’s leave is/was justified. Such evidence may be a medical practitioner’s certificate, or a statutory declaration. An Employee will not be required to provide such evidence for single days of absence but only where two or more consecutive days of absence are taken. f) If an Employee’s employment is terminated by the Company and is re-engaged within a period of six months, then the Employee's unclaimed balance of sick leave shall continue from the date of re-engagement. In such case the Employee's next year of service will commence after a total of twelve months has been served with that Company excluding the period of interruption in service from the date of commencement of the previous period of employment or the anniversary of the commencement of the previous period of employment, as the case may be. g) Unpaid carer’s leave will be in accordance with the NES. 18.2 Immediate family or household a) The entitlement to use personal leave for the purpose of carer's or compassionate leave is subject to the person being either: (i) a member of the Employee's immediate family; or (ii) a member of the Employees' household. b) The term immediate family includes: (i) a spouse, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the Employee; or (ii) a child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of a spouse or de facto partner of the Employee.

  • Pregnancy and Parental Leave (a) Pregnancy/Parenting leave will be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act, except where amended in this provision. (b) If possible the employee shall give written notification at least one (1) month in advance of the date of commencement of such leave and the expected date of return. (c) The employee shall reconfirm her intention to return to work on the date originally approved in subsection (b) above by written notification received by the Employer at least four (4) weeks in advance thereof. The employee shall be reinstated to her former position, unless the position has been discontinued in which case she shall be given a comparable job. (d) An employee who is on pregnancy leave as provided under this Agreement, who has completed five (5) months of continuous service and has applied for and is in receipt of Employment Insurance pregnancy/ parental benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act shall be paid a supplemental employment benefit. That benefit will be equivalent to the difference between seventy-five percent (75%) of her regular weekly earnings (which for part-time employees shall include percentage-in-lieu) and the sum of her weekly Employment Insurance benefits and any other earnings. Such payment shall commence following receipt by the Employer of the employee's Employment Insurance cheque stub as proof that she is in receipt of Employment Insurance pregnancy/ parenting benefits, and shall continue while the employee is in receipt of such benefits for a maximum period of seventeen (17) weeks. The employee will endeavour to provide a copy of the Employment Insurance cheque stub within two (2) weeks of receipt of the employee’s EI benefit. The employee's regular weekly earnings shall be determined by multiplying her regular hourly rate on her last day worked prior to the commencement of the leave times her normal weekly hours. The normal weekly hours for an employee working less than seventy-five

  • Maternity Adoption and Parental Leave For the purposes of granting Maternity, Adoption and Parental Leave, the provisions of the Canada Labour Code and of its Regulations shall apply.

  • Extended Child Care Leave Upon written notification, no later than four weeks prior to the expiration of the aggregate leave taken pursuant to Clauses 21.1 (Maternity Leave) and 21.2 (Parental Leave), an employee will be granted a further unpaid leave of absence not to exceed one year. An employee wishing continued coverage under any applicable benefit plans will pay the total premium costs while on extended child care leave. An employee on extended child care leave will provide the Employer with at least one month's written notice of return from such leave. Upon return from extended child care leave, an employee will be placed in their former position.

  • Pre-Retirement Counseling Leave Each employee within four (4) years of chosen retirement age or date shall be granted, on a one-time basis, up to three and one-half (3-1/2) days leave with pay to pursue bona fide pre-retirement programs. Employees shall request the use of leave provided in this Section at least five (5) days prior to the intended day of use.

  • Volunteer Firefighting Leave Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.