Employee Absence. Should a Member of the Bargaining Unit be absent from work without pay, among other appropriate remedies, s/he shall have deducted from her/his basic salary, the contractual amount divided by the number of days in session in the legal school term for each day missed.
Employee Absence. If an employee is not at work for the following reasons, when a job is posted, he/she may apply for the job if he/she does so within three (3) working days of his/her return to work, providing the absence from work is for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days.
Employee Absence. Field trips missed by an employee due to an 44 authorized absence will not cause the employee to miss his or her turn. That 45 employee will be offered the next available field trip, however, no employee 1 will be allowed to bank trips.
Employee Absence. Employees anticipating a planned absence from duties shall notify his/her building administrator or designee as soon as practicable prior to the absence and consistent with the leave provisions of this Agreement.
Employee Absence. Attendance at Employee meetings within budgetary allowance is allowable with permission of the immediate supervisor and the Superintendent.
Employee Absence. An employee who will be absent is expected to report his/her absence no later than 6:00
a. m. that day or two (2) hours prior to the start of school in which building you work. An employee during their scheduled prep time shall not be required to cover classes for an employee who is absent. An employee who gives up their prep time to cover a class will be compensated at the rate of $20.00 per class period or can elect to accumulate that time as substitution compensation time. A receipt for this compensation time will be provided to the teacher by the building administration. The teacher may submit these receipts at any time and request compensation time on the standard leave request form to be used in not less than half-day increments. The substitute compensation time may not be rolled over to consecutive years.
Employee Absence. When absence can be anticipated, the Employee shall notify the appropriate supervisor or head employee* as soon as possible. Bus Drivers shall continue the practice of notifying the Bus Mechanic or in his absence the Transportation Supervisor. The Substitute Procedure listed in Exhibit A of this Agreement shall be utilized for all absences. *Food Service ⇒ Head Cook Maintenance ⇒ Head Custodian Secretarial ⇒ Principal Aide ⇒ Principal Absence information shall be included on the Employee’s time sheet. The Employee is responsible for filing any forms that are necessary and required for absences requiring prior approval. The absences requiring prior approval are when absences can be reasonably anticipated, such as vacation, professional leave, OAPSE Local #462 leave and leaves of absence.
Employee Absence. Any absence not allowed or provided for under this Contract shall be subject to a reduction in pay on an hourly basis, based upon an eight (8) hour workday. Within the discretion of the Principal, said reduction in pay shall not apply where a Teacher’s late arrival for a morning session is due to an emergency or reason beyond the Teacher’s control. For this exception to apply, the Teacher shall call the Principal to notify him of the reason for being late.
Employee Absence. 28.1 All employees must call the substitute office even though a substitute may not be required.
28.2 In case of a planned or unplanned absence, the employee shall notify the District as soon as practicable by calling the District to provide the following information: Name, school, subject or grade level, location of lesson plans, day and date of absence, and reason for absence. The District will provide the phone number and procedure for calling the District in the event of employee absence.
28.3 Employees anticipating absence for more than one (1) day shall, if able, report, in advance, all anticipated dates of absence to expedite their request for a substitute. Employees shall notify the Substitute Office of any changes to their reported absence as soon as practicable. In addition, the employee may keep his or her principal advised concerning the reason for the duration of the absence.
28.4 A substitute shall be provided by the District when an employee is absent from his/her regular duties for one-half (1/2) day or more, except for SLPs, Psychologists, and Occupational and Physical Therapists for whom a substitute shall be provided when necessary to provide adequate supervision of students or the continuation of the educational program. Counselors will be provided substitutes after the second consecutive day of absence.