CLASS COMPOSITION AND INCLUSION. No provincial language. Local Provisions: 1. No class is to enroll more than two (2) students with exceptional needs as defined in Article D.2.3. 2. The parties agree that students with exceptional needs should be served in the regular classrooms in neighbourhood schools. 3. In order to facilitate the integration of students with exceptional needs and provided that the student is recognized for funding purposes by the Ministry of Education as a student with exceptional needs it is agreed that: a. Consultation among the teacher, School Based Team, parents, administrative officer, educational consultants, auxiliary professional personnel, the student (where applicable) and the other appropriate personnel to consider relevant educational and medical information is to occur so as to determine an appropriate educational program; b. Prior to the introduction of an exceptional student in a regular classroom, an inservice program identified and developed by the School Based Team and educational consultants shall be developed; c. Resources which may include release time shall be provided to the classroom teacher for ongoing classroom assessment and consultation; d. Aide time be provided as determined through consultation procedures and subject to the availability of resources; e. Appropriately trained persons be responsible to administer medication or perform medical procedures; f. All teachers teaching on call (TTOCs) will be provided with an opportunity for orientation to working in classrooms that enroll exceptional children; g. Trained aides be provided for assisting, when needed, exceptional students with toileting, changing for physical education, participating in special events, and as identified through the Individual Education Plan; h. Individual educational programs will be developed for exceptional children through consultation and collaboration between the teacher, the school based team, and other personnel. The development and writing of the I.E.P. will not be the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher; i. The school based team represents a broad range of professionals available to the school and the district to serve the exceptional needs of the students. It consists of an administrative officer, teacher(s), learning assistance teacher, counsellor, helping teacher, and may be augmented by community agencies. The school based team’s process provides evaluative and assessment data, and helps in the development of a program that includes strategies and the delineation of responsibilities of personnel to respond to the student’s exceptional needs.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Provincial Collective Agreement
CLASS COMPOSITION AND INCLUSION. No provincial language. Local Provisionslanguage:
1. No class is The Board and the PRDTU recognize the requirement of the School Act that all school age students are entitled to enroll more than two (2) students with exceptional needs as defined in Article D.2.3an education.
2. The parties agree that For the purposes of this Agreement, students with exceptional special educational needs should are those identified by the appropriate district administrative officer, after consultation with the school- based team, and such resource people as may be served required in order to assess accurately the regular classrooms student's educational needs and requirements. This normally involves the Ministry of Education special program categories of dependent handicapped, moderately mentally handicapped, severely handicapped, physically handicapped, visually impaired, hearing impaired, autistic, severe learning disabled, mildly mentally handicapped and, in neighbourhood schoolssome instances, severe behaviour problems.
3. Most commonly at the elementary level the school-based team shall be comprised of a school administrator, a learning assistance teacher, and the involved classroom teacher(s). At the secondary level it shall commonly be comprised of a school administrator, a learning assistance teacher, a school counsellor and involved teacher(s). The school-based team may be augmented, as appropriate, by other teachers, district staff, outside agency personnel, student advocates, parents and the affected student.
4. a. In order to facilitate enhance the success of all students, all necessary resources and support identified by the school-based team and approved by the appropriate district administrative officer must be allocated prior to the integration of students with exceptional special needs and provided that the student is recognized for funding purposes into regular classes.
b. In most instances, ongoing support identified by the Ministry of Education as a student with exceptional needs it is agreed that:
a. Consultation among school-based team and approved by the teacher, School Based Team, parents, appropriate district administrative officer, educational consultants, auxiliary professional personnel, the student (where applicable) and the other appropriate personnel to consider relevant educational and medical information is to occur so as to determine an appropriate educational program;
b. Prior officer shall be put in place prior to the introduction placement of an exceptional student students with special needs in a regular classroom. In some instances, an inservice program identified and developed by upon recommendation of the School Based Team and educational consultants shall be developed;
c. Resources which may include release time shall be provided to the classroom teacher for ongoing classroom assessment and consultation;
d. Aide time be provided as determined through consultation procedures and subject to the availability of resources;
e. Appropriately trained persons be responsible to administer medication or perform medical procedures;
f. All teachers teaching on call (TTOCs) will be provided with an opportunity for orientation to working in classrooms that enroll exceptional children;
g. Trained aides be provided for assisting, when needed, exceptional students with toileting, changing for physical education, participating in special events, and as identified through the Individual Education Plan;
h. Individual educational programs will be developed for exceptional children through consultation and collaboration between the teacher, the school school-based team, it may be appropriate to make the placement and, as soon as practicable afterwards, put the identified support, materials, facilities, equipment and other personnel. The development and writing of the I.E.P. will not be the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher;
i. The school based team represents a broad range of professionals available to the school and the district to serve the exceptional needs of the studentsprocedures in place. It consists of an administrative officer, teacher(s), learning assistance teacher, counsellor, helping teacher, and may be augmented by community agencies. The school based team’s process provides evaluative is recognized that on-site and/or off-site observation and assessment data, and helps in the development of a program that includes strategies and the delineation of responsibilities of personnel to respond to the student’s exceptional needsmay precede such identification.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Local and Provincial Matters Agreement, Local and Provincial Matters Agreement, Local and Provincial Matters Agreement
CLASS COMPOSITION AND INCLUSION. No provincial language. Local Provisionslanguage:
1. No class is to enroll more than two (2) The Union shall be granted representation on the Superintendent's Advisory Committee on the integration of students with exceptional special needs as defined in Article D.2.3into the regular classroom.
2. The parties agree that students with exceptional needs should be served in the regular classrooms in neighbourhood schools.
3. In order to facilitate the integration consideration of students with exceptional needs and provided that the student is recognized for funding purposes by the Ministry of Education as integrating a student with exceptional educational needs it is agreed that:
a. Consultation among the teacher, School Based Team, parents, administrative officer, educational consultants, auxiliary professional personnel, the student (where applicable) and the other appropriate personnel to consider relevant educational and medical information is to occur so as to determine an appropriate educational program;
b. Prior to the introduction on a permanent basis into a heterogeneous class of an exceptional student in a regular classroom, an inservice program identified and developed students shall involve consultation by the School Based Team prior to integrating the student into the class or classes.
3. As appropriate a temporary placement will be made to prevent delay of the student's reception at the school. This temporary placement will allow time for the School Based Team to meet and educational consultants shall be developed;
c. Resources which such meeting will occur as soon as possible. Additional resources may include release time shall be provided to the classroom teacher school during the temporary placement.
4. All students will receive their education in an enabling learning environment. The most enabling environment for ongoing classroom assessment and consultation;
d. Aide time be provided as students with special needs is normally determined through consultation procedures the School Based Team working collaboratively. The School Based Team will develop a process to formulate an individualized education plan for the student with special needs.
5. The School Based Team is composed of the classroom teacher(s), administrative officer(s), support services professional staff and, where appropriate, parents, other professional personnel, auxiliary staff, and subject to the availability of resources;student. Other professional personnel may include professionals not employed with the District.
e. Appropriately trained persons be responsible to administer medication or perform medical procedures;
f. All teachers teaching on call (TTOCs) 6. As approved by the Board, in-service training with release time and classroom aides, where necessary, will be provided with an opportunity to ensure that the integration experience is positive for orientation to working in classrooms that enroll the exceptional children;
g. Trained aides be provided for assistingchild, when needed, exceptional students with toileting, changing for physical education, participating in special eventsthe regular children , and as identified through the Individual Education Plan;
h. Individual educational programs will be developed for exceptional children through consultation and collaboration between the teacher, .
7. A classroom teacher may request that the school based teamSchool Based Team meet to review the program of a student with special needs, and other personnelto request support in developing appropriate action to meet the students' needs.
8. The development and writing of the I.E.P. will not be the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher;
i. The school based team represents Where a broad range of professionals available teacher believes that there is a student in his/her class that has special needs, he/she shall refer such student to the school and the district to serve the exceptional needs of the students. It consists of an administrative officerSchool Based Team for consultation and, teacher(s)where appropriate, learning assistance teacher, counsellor, helping teacher, and may be augmented by community agencies. The school based team’s process provides evaluative and assessment data, and helps for support in the development of developing a program that includes strategies and the delineation of responsibilities of personnel to respond to meet the student’s exceptional 's needs.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
CLASS COMPOSITION AND INCLUSION. No provincial language. Local Provisions:
1. No class is to enroll more than two (2) students with For the purpose of this Article, an exceptional needs student means: moderately mentally handicapped, severely and profoundly mentally handicapped, physically handicapped, visually impaired, hearing impaired, autistic, severe learning disabled, mildly mentally handicapped, severe behaviour, or dependent handicapped as defined in Article D.2.3.
2determined by the Superintendent of Schools or designate. The parties agree that students with exceptional needs should definitions for these categories shall be served in the regular classrooms in neighbourhood schools.
3. In order to facilitate the integration of students with exceptional needs and provided that the student is recognized for funding purposes as prescribed by the Ministry of Education Education.
2.1 Receiving teachers shall be advised as a early as possible when exceptional students are to be placed in their class or classes in order that consultation can take place with the school-based team. Where possible, the advice and consultation shall occur prior to the student with exceptional needs it is agreed that:
a. Consultation among placement. The school-based team may include the teacherclassroom teacher(s), School Based TeamAdministrative Officer(s), parents, administrative officer, educational consultantsDirector of Instruction, auxiliary professional personnel, the student parents and/or the student(s) (where applicable) and the other appropriate personnel personnel.
2.2 After consultation and with the approval of the Director of Instruction, teachers shall receive appropriate in-service training to consider relevant assist with educational programming of identified exceptional students.
2.3 Release time for such in-service training or professional development, funded by the Board, shall be arranged at least concurrent with the placement of a student with exceptional needs subject to the approval of the Director of Instruction.
2.4 Where such in-service training or professional development is initiated by the Board for the months of July or August, the teacher shall be paid at the rate of 1/195 of annual salary for each day of such training.
2.5 The school-based team in each school shall be allocated resources to arrange, periodically, during a school year, for time free from instructional duties for teachers of integrated exceptional students. This time shall be used to evaluate program effectiveness and medical information to confer with teacher assistants, other teachers, case managers, District personnel, itinerant teachers and others concerning the exceptional students.
2.6 Individual Educational Plans for exceptional students shall be written by the assigned program manager after consultation with the classroom teacher(s), principal, parents, and other appropriate personnel.
2.7 The school-based team shall review the needs of the exceptional students assigned to the school. It shall determine appropriate placements within the school based on current numbers of exceptional students integrated into each regular classroom and based on other educational considerations.
2.8 An Administrative Officer and the classroom teacher(s) shall establish clear procedures for the carrying out of fire and earthquake drills that expedite the evacuation and care of exceptional students. When there is sufficient time to occur so as to determine an appropriate educational program;
b. Prior do so, the procedures shall be established prior to the introduction of an exceptional student in a regular classroom, an inservice program identified and developed by the School Based Team and educational consultants shall be developed;
c. Resources which may include release time shall be provided to the classroom teacher for ongoing classroom assessment and consultation;
d. Aide time be provided as determined through consultation procedures and subject to the availability of resources;
e. Appropriately trained persons be responsible to administer medication or perform medical procedures;
f. All teachers teaching on call (TTOCs) will be provided with an opportunity for orientation to working in classrooms that enroll exceptional children;
g. Trained aides be provided for assisting, when needed, exceptional students with toileting, changing for physical education, participating in special events, and as identified through the Individual Education Plan;
h. Individual educational programs will be developed for exceptional children through consultation and collaboration between the teacher, the school based team, and other personnel. The development and writing of the I.E.P. will not be the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher;
i. The school based team represents a broad range of professionals available to the school and the district to serve the exceptional needs of the students. It consists of an administrative officer, teacher(s), learning assistance teacher, counsellor, helping teacher, and may be augmented by community agencies. The school based team’s process provides evaluative and assessment data, and helps in the development of a program that includes strategies and the delineation of responsibilities of personnel to respond to the student’s exceptional needsinto regular classrooms.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
CLASS COMPOSITION AND INCLUSION. No provincial language. Local Provisions:Language: In accordance with Minister’s Order 150/89, unless the educational needs of a student referred to in that Order indicate that the student’s educational program should be provided otherwise, the Board shall provide that student with an educational program in classrooms where that student is integrated with other students.
1. No class For the purpose of this Collective Agreement, a student with special needs shall be any student who has been identified formally as “Dependent Handicapped” or as “Low Incidence/High Cost” and meets the criteria for funding by the Ministry of Education. A student whose disadvantage has been corrected by technical or other means shall not be considered a student with special needs for the purposes of this clause. If for part or all of his or her educational program, a student with special needs is not to enroll more than two (2) students be integrated in accordance with exceptional needs as defined in Article D.2.3Minister’s Order 150/89, any educational placement shall be made on the basis of a specific recommendation for placement by the Director of Instruction – Special Education after consultation with affected teaching staff.
2. The parties agree that For the purpose of facilitating integration/mainstreaming of students with exceptional special needs should into regular classroom programs, each school into which such students are to be served in placed shall establish a school-based team composed of the regular classrooms in neighbourhood schoolsfollowing:
a. the receiving teacher(s);
b. school-based Learning Assistance and Special Education Resource teacher(s);
c. an Administrative Officer;
d. the Chair of the team who shall be selected from among the professional teaching and administrative school-based staff.
3. The placement of a student with special needs shall be determined by the student’s intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs. In order accordance with the School Act, the school principal has the authority to facilitate make such placements within the provisions of the Act and the Collective Agreement.
4. The Board, in consultation with the staff and administration of the school, shall determine the nature and extent of human, material and financial resources required and shall endeavor to ensure that the resources and facilities necessary to integrate a student with special needs are, wherever possible, in place prior to the integration of students with exceptional needs and provided that the student is recognized for funding purposes student.
5. Professional development/re-training approved by the Ministry Board to assist a teacher to integrate a child shall be funded by the Board, and, wherever possible, such training shall be afforded prior to the integration of Education as a student with exceptional special needs.
6. A principal may make an emergency placement of a student with special needs it is agreed that:for a maximum period of one (1) month and at that time, a permanent placement of the student must be made.
a. Consultation among the teacher, School Based Team, parents, administrative officer, educational consultants, auxiliary professional personnel7. The introduction to a school of a class of students with special needs shall occur only after consultation between district staff, the student (where applicable) school based administrative officers and the other appropriate personnel to consider relevant educational and medical information school based teachers. Such consultation is to occur so as early in the decision making process as possible.
8. Teacher(s), integrating students with special needs, who are requested by the Board to determine an appropriate educational program;attend in-service, consultative meetings, or training for days beyond the regular work year shall be compensated in accordance with Article B.24 (Payment Beyond the Regular Work Year) of the Collective Agreement.
b. Prior 9. The receiving teacher shall have the right to be involved in the introduction development of those Individual Educational Programs required for students with special needs and the Principal shall ensure that such IEPs are prepared where they are required. There shall be no requirement that a teacher be solely responsible for the development of an exceptional student in a regular classroomIndividual Educational Program.
10. Where specialized training is required for teacher assistants, an inservice program identified and developed by the School Based Team and educational consultants Board shall be developed;
c. Resources which may include release time shall be provided to ensure that such training has been undertaken or is acquired. When possible or essential for the classroom teacher for ongoing classroom assessment and consultation;
d. Aide time be provided as determined through consultation procedures and subject to welfare of the availability of resources;
e. Appropriately trained persons be responsible to administer medication or perform medical procedures;
f. All teachers teaching on call (TTOCs) student, such training will be provided with an opportunity for orientation to working in classrooms that enroll exceptional children;
g. Trained aides advance of the placement of the student. Teacher assistants will be provided for assisting, when needed, exceptional students with toileting, changing for physical education, participating in special eventsneeds where those needs include such things a catheterization, and as assisting the student to participate in instructional programs.
11. At the request of the receiving teacher, a school-based team shall review the placement of a student with special needs who has been identified through in accordance with part a) of this clause. The Chairperson shall inform the Individual Education Plan;
h. Individual educational programs will be developed teacher and, where the Principal is not a member of the school-based Team; the Principal, of the results of the review within ten (10) teaching of the teacher’s request for exceptional children through consultation a review. If a school based team fails to act on the request of a teacher for such a review, the teacher may request that the Principal undertake a review and collaboration between the Principal shall report to the teacher, the school based team, and other personnel. The development and writing results of the I.E.P. will not be the sole responsibility review within ten teaching days of the classroom teacher;
i. The school based team represents a broad range of professionals available to the school and the district to serve the exceptional needs of the students. It consists of an administrative officer, teacher(s), learning assistance teacher, counsellor, helping teacher, and may be augmented by community agencies. The school based team’s process provides evaluative and assessment data, and helps in the development of a program that includes strategies and the delineation of responsibilities of personnel to respond to the student’s exceptional needsrequest.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
CLASS COMPOSITION AND INCLUSION. No provincial language. Local Provisions:Language: In accordance with Minister’s Order 150/89, unless the educational needs of a student referred to in that Order indicate that the student’s educational program should be provided otherwise, the Board shall provide that student with an educational program in classrooms where that student is integrated with other students.
1. No class For the purpose of this Collective Agreement, a student with special needs shall be any student who has been identified formally as “Dependent Handicapped” or as “Low Incidence/High Cost” and meets the criteria for funding by the Ministry of Education. A student whose disadvantage has been corrected by technical or other means shall not be considered a student with special needs for the purposes of this clause. If for part or all of his or her educational program, a student with special needs is not to enroll more than two (2) students be integrated in accordance with exceptional needs as defined in Article D.2.3Minister’s Order 150/89, any educational placement shall be made on the basis of a specific recommendation for placement by the Director of Instruction – Special Education after consultation with affected teaching staff.
2. The parties agree that For the purpose of facilitating integration/mainstreaming of students with exceptional special needs should into regular classroom programs, each school into which such students are to be served in placed shall establish a school-based team composed of the regular classrooms in neighbourhood schoolsfollowing:
a. the receiving teacher(s);
b. school-based Learning Assistance and Special Education Resource teacher(s);
c. an Administrative Officer;
d. the Chair of the team who shall be selected from among the professional teaching and administrative school-based staff.
3. The placement of a student with special needs shall be determined by the student’s intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs. In order accordance with the School Act, the school principal has the authority to facilitate make such placements within the provisions of the Act and the Collective Agreement.
4. The Board, in consultation with the staff and administration of the school, shall determine the nature and extent of human, material and financial resources required and shall endeavor to ensure that the resources and facilities necessary to integrate a student with special needs are, wherever possible, in place prior to the integration of students with exceptional needs and provided that the student is recognized for funding purposes student.
5. Professional development/re-training approved by the Ministry Board to assist a teacher to integrate a child shall be funded by the Board, and, wherever possible, such training shall be afforded prior to the integration of Education as a student with exceptional special needs.
6. A principal may make an emergency placement of a student with special needs it is agreed that:for a maximum period of one (1) month and at that time, a permanent placement of the student must be made.
a. Consultation among the teacher, School Based Team, parents, administrative officer, educational consultants, auxiliary professional personnel7. The introduction to a school of a class of students with special needs shall occur only after consultation between district staff, the student (where applicable) school based administrative officers and the other appropriate personnel to consider relevant educational and medical information school based teachers. Such consultation is to occur so as early in the decision making process as possible.
8. Teacher(s), integrating students with special needs, who are requested by the Board to determine an appropriate educational program;attend in-service, consultative meetings, or training for days beyond the regular work year shall be compensated in accordance with Article B.23 (Payment Beyond the Regular Work Year) of the Collective Agreement.
b. Prior 9. The receiving teacher shall have the right to be involved in the introduction development of those Individual Educational Programs required for students with special needs and the Principal shall ensure that such IEPs are prepared where they are required. There shall be no requirement that a teacher be solely responsible for the development of an exceptional student in a regular classroomIndividual Educational Program.
10. Where specialized training is required for teacher assistants, an inservice program identified and developed by the School Based Team and educational consultants Board shall be developed;
c. Resources which may include release time shall be provided to ensure that such training has been undertaken or is acquired. When possible or essential for the classroom teacher for ongoing classroom assessment and consultation;
d. Aide time be provided as determined through consultation procedures and subject to welfare of the availability of resources;
e. Appropriately trained persons be responsible to administer medication or perform medical procedures;
f. All teachers teaching on call (TTOCs) student, such training will be provided with an opportunity for orientation to working in classrooms that enroll exceptional children;
g. Trained aides advance of the placement of the student. Teacher assistants will be provided for assisting, when needed, exceptional students with toileting, changing for physical education, participating in special eventsneeds where those needs include such things a catheterization, and as assisting the student to participate in instructional programs.
11. At the request of the receiving teacher, a school-based team shall review the placement of a student with special needs who has been identified through in accordance with part a) of this clause. The Chairperson shall inform the Individual Education Plan;
h. Individual educational programs will be developed teacher and, where the Principal is not a member of the school-based Team; the Principal, of the results of the review within ten (10) teaching of the teacher’s request for exceptional children through consultation a review. If a school based team fails to act on the request of a teacher for such a review, the teacher may request that the Principal undertake a review and collaboration between the Principal shall report to the teacher, the school based team, and other personnel. The development and writing results of the I.E.P. will not be the sole responsibility review within ten teaching days of the classroom teacher;
i. The school based team represents a broad range of professionals available to the school and the district to serve the exceptional needs of the students. It consists of an administrative officer, teacher(s), learning assistance teacher, counsellor, helping teacher, and may be augmented by community agencies. The school based team’s process provides evaluative and assessment data, and helps in the development of a program that includes strategies and the delineation of responsibilities of personnel to respond to the student’s exceptional needsrequest.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Provincial Collective Agreement
CLASS COMPOSITION AND INCLUSION. No provincial language. Local Provisionslanguage:
1. No class is to enroll more than two (2) The Union shall be granted representation on the Superintendent's Advisory Committee on the integration of students with exceptional special needs as defined in Article D.2.3into the regular classroom.
2. The parties agree that students with exceptional needs should be served in the regular classrooms in neighbourhood schools.
3. In order to facilitate the integration consideration of students with exceptional needs and provided that the student is recognized for funding purposes by the Ministry of Education as integrating a student with exceptional educational needs it is agreed that:
a. Consultation among the teacher, School Based Team, parents, administrative officer, educational consultants, auxiliary professional personnel, the student (where applicable) and the other appropriate personnel to consider relevant educational and medical information is to occur so as to determine an appropriate educational program;
b. Prior to the introduction on a permanent basis into a heterogeneous class of an exceptional student in a regular classroom, an inservice program identified and developed students shall involve consultation by the School Based Team prior to integrating the student into the class or classes.
3. As appropriate a temporary placement will be made to prevent delay of the student's reception at the school. This temporary placement will allow time for the School Based Team to meet and educational consultants shall be developed;
c. Resources which such meeting will occur as soon as possible. Additional resources may include release time shall be provided to the classroom teacher school during the temporary placement.
4. All students will receive their education in an enabling learning environment. The most enabling environment for ongoing classroom assessment and consultation;
d. Aide time be provided as students with special needs is normally determined through consultation procedures the School Based Team working collaboratively. The School Based Team will develop a process to formulate an individualized education plan for the student with special needs.
5. The School Based Team is composed of the classroom teacher(s), administrative officer(s), support services professional staff and, where appropriate, parents, other professional personnel, auxiliary staff, and subject to the availability of resources;student. Other professional personnel may include professionals not employed with the District.
e. Appropriately trained persons be responsible to administer medication or perform medical procedures;
f. All teachers teaching on call (TTOCs) 6. As approved by the Board, in-service training with release time and classroom aides, where necessary, will be provided with an opportunity to ensure that the integration experience is positive for orientation to working in classrooms that enroll the exceptional children;
g. Trained aides be provided for assistingchild, when needed, exceptional students with toileting, changing for physical education, participating in special eventsthe regular children , and as identified through the Individual Education Plan;
h. Individual educational programs will be developed for exceptional children through consultation and collaboration between the teacher, .
7. A classroom teacher may request that the school based teamSchool Based Team meet to review the program of a student with special needs, and other personnelto request support in developing appropriate action to meet the students' needs.
8. The development and writing of the I.E.P. will not be the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher;
i. The school based team represents Where a broad range of professionals available teacher believes that there is a student in his/her class that has special needs, they shall refer such student to the school and the district to serve the exceptional needs of the students. It consists of an administrative officerSchool Based Team for consultation and, teacher(s)where appropriate, learning assistance teacher, counsellor, helping teacher, and may be augmented by community agencies. The school based team’s process provides evaluative and assessment data, and helps for support in the development of developing a program that includes strategies and the delineation of responsibilities of personnel to respond to meet the student’s exceptional 's needs.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
CLASS COMPOSITION AND INCLUSION. No provincial language. Local Provisionslanguage:
1. No class is The Board and the PRDTU recognize the requirement of the School Act that all school age students are entitled to enroll more than two (2) students with exceptional needs as defined in Article D.2.3an education.
2. The parties agree that For the purposes of this Agreement, students with exceptional special educational needs should are those identified by the appropriate district administrative officer, after consultation with the school- based team, and such resource people as may be served required in order to assess accurately the regular classrooms student's educational needs and requirements. This normally involves the Ministry of Education special program categories of dependent handicapped, moderately mentally handicapped, severely handicapped, physically handicapped, visually impaired, hearing impaired, autistic, severe learning disabled, mildly mentally handicapped and, in neighbourhood schoolssome instances, severe behaviour problems.
3. Most commonly at the elementary level the school-based team shall be comprised of a school administrator, a learning assistance teacher, and the involved classroom teacher(s). At the secondary level it shall commonly be comprised of a school administrator, a learning assistance teacher, a school counsellor and involved teacher(s). The school-based team may be augmented, as appropriate, by other teachers, district staff, outside agency personnel, student advocates, parents and the affected student.
4. a. In order to facilitate enhance the success of all students, all necessary resources and support identified by the school-based team and approved by the appropriate district administrative officer must be allocated prior to the integration of students with exceptional special needs and provided that the student is recognized for funding purposes into regular classes.
b. In most instances, ongoing support identified by the Ministry of Education as a student with exceptional needs it is agreed that:
a. Consultation among school-based team and approved by the teacher, School Based Team, parents, appropriate district administrative officer, educational consultants, auxiliary professional personnel, the student (where applicable) and the other appropriate personnel to consider relevant educational and medical information is to occur so as to determine an appropriate educational program;
b. Prior officer shall be put in place prior to the introduction placement of an exceptional student students with special needs in a regular classroom. In some instances, an inservice program identified and developed by upon recommendation of the School Based Team and educational consultants shall be developed;
c. Resources which may include release time shall be provided to the classroom teacher for ongoing classroom assessment and consultation;
d. Aide time be provided as determined through consultation procedures and subject to the availability of resources;
e. Appropriately trained persons be responsible to administer medication or perform medical procedures;
f. All teachers teaching on call (TTOCs) will be provided with an opportunity for orientation to working in classrooms that enroll exceptional children;
g. Trained aides be provided for assisting, when needed, exceptional students with toileting, changing for physical education, participating in special events, and as identified through the Individual Education Plan;
h. Individual educational programs will be developed for exceptional children through consultation and collaboration between the teacher, the school school-based team, it may be appropriate to make the placement and, as soon as practicable afterwards, put the identified support, materials, facilities, equipment and other personnel. The development and writing of the I.E.P. will not be the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher;
i. The school based team represents a broad range of professionals available to the school and the district to serve the exceptional needs of the studentsprocedures in place. It consists of an administrative officer, teacher(s), learning assistance teacher, counsellor, helping teacher, and may be augmented by community agencies. The school based team’s process provides evaluative is recognized that on-site and/or off- site observation and assessment data, and helps in the development of a program that includes strategies and the delineation of responsibilities of personnel to respond to the student’s exceptional needsmay precede such identification.
Appears in 1 contract
CLASS COMPOSITION AND INCLUSION. No provincial language. Local Provisions:
1. No class is to enroll more than two (2) students with exceptional needs as defined in Article D.2.3.
2. The parties agree that students with exceptional needs should be served in the regular classrooms in neighbourhood schools.
32. In order to facilitate the integration of students with exceptional needs and provided that the student is recognized for funding purposes by the Ministry of Education as a student with exceptional needs it is agreed that:
a. Consultation among the teacher, School Based Team, parents, administrative officer, educational consultants, auxiliary professional personnel, the student (where applicable) and the other appropriate personnel to consider relevant educational and medical information is to occur so as to determine an appropriate educational program;
b. Prior to the introduction of an exceptional student in a regular classroom, an inservice program identified and developed by the School Based Team and educational consultants shall be developed;
c. Resources which may include release time shall be provided to the classroom teacher for ongoing classroom assessment and consultation;
d. Aide time be provided as determined through consultation procedures and subject to the availability of resources;
e. Appropriately trained persons be responsible to administer medication or perform medical procedures;
f. All teachers teaching on call (TTOCs) will be provided with an opportunity for orientation to working in classrooms that enroll exceptional children;
g. Trained aides be provided for assisting, when needed, exceptional students with toileting, changing for physical education, participating in special events, and as identified through the Individual Education Plan;
h. Individual educational programs will be developed for exceptional children through consultation and collaboration between the teacher, the school based team, and other personnel. The development and writing of the I.E.P. will not be the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher;
i. The school based team represents a broad range of professionals available to the school and the district to serve the exceptional special needs of the students. It consists of an administrative officer, teacher(s), learning assistance teacher, counsellor, helping teacher, and may be augmented by community agencies. The school based team’s process provides evaluative and assessment data, and helps in the development of a program that includes strategies and the delineation of responsibilities of personnel to respond to the student’s exceptional special needs.
3. No class is to enroll more than two (2) students with exceptional needs as defined in Article D.1.3 and D.1.4.
4. The actual allocation of:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement