Classroom Assignment and Preparation. The principal or his/her designee shall notify each teacher of his/her tentative classroom assignment prior to the end of the current school year. Classrooms shall be ready for teacher occupancy at least five (5) days before the first day of classes if possible or feasible. (Ready for teacher occupancy means textbooks, teacher desks, student desks, student chairs and file cabinets in proper rooms; either teacher desk or file cabinet shall lock.) Classrooms under construction or repair due to the acts of nature or vandalism will be exempt from this provision until ready for occupancy. The Board will then have five (5) days to comply with this provision. When possible, teachers may work in their classroom with air conditioning six (6) days before the first day of classes.
Classroom Assignment and Preparation. The district shall notify each teacher of his/her tentative classroom assignment prior to the end of the current school year. If a change is necessary during the summer, the teacher will be notified by mail.