Collecting Information. Contractor must gather and maintain government information only to the minimum extent necessary to accomplish the work.
Collecting Information a. The access system shall avoid duplication of screening and assessments by using assessments already performed or by forwarding information gathered during the screening process to the provider receiving the referral, in accordance with applicable federal/state confidentiality guidelines (e.g. 42 CFR Part 2 for substance use disorders).
b. The access system shall have procedures for coordinating information between internal and external providers, including Medicaid Health Plans and primary care physicians20.
Collecting Information. 1. For the purposes of the Product’s enhancement, quality improvements and to grasp the user activity on the Product, our main server of the Product is designed to obtain users update information and other specific information from user’s computer.
2. The update information and other specific information from user’s computer mentioned this provision are as below.
(1) The Product edition and its version you use;
(2) Internet Protocol address information for the connection and
(3) Information such as how many times you click on which menu label on the Product's main tool bar only if you agree with the "data collection for Product improvement (xxxx://" (Any model information you create will not be sent)
3. The Company will not disclose the information we collected under this clause to the third party without your explicit permission unless required to disclose by law through governmental agencies or any other institution with quasi-authority.
Collecting Information. During the time span of the plan and at such intervals as may be designated in the plan, information shall be collected relative to the progress of the employee in implementing the plan.
Collecting Information. We may collect financial and other information about you, such as information (i) establishing your existence or identity (name, address, phone number) and background; (ii) related to transactions arising from your relationship with and through us and other financial institutions; (iii) provided on an application for products and services; (iv) on the products and services you use; and (v) about financial behaviour, such as your payment history and credit worthiness. We may collect this information during the course of our relationship with you. We may obtain this information from any source necessary for the provision of products and services, including from (i) you; (ii) service arrangements you make with or through us; (iii) credit reporting agencies;
Collecting Information. We may collect and confirm financial and other information about Customer during the course of our relationship with Customer, including information: i. establishing Customer’s existence, identity (for example, name, address, phone number, date of birth, etc.) and background;
Collecting Information. 1. For the purposes of the Product’s enhancement, quality improvements and to grasp the user activity on the Product, our main server of the Product is designed to obtain users update information and other specific information from user’s computer.
2. The update information and other specific information from user’s computer mentioned this provision are as below.
i. The Product edition, its version, the type of OS and license you use and the name of folder under the folder (.astah) for saved configuration files and logfiles;
ii. Internet Protocol address information for the connection and iii. Information such as how many times you click on which menu label on the Product’s main tool bar only if you agree with the “data collection for Product improvement (xxxx://” (Any model information you create or any other design information will not be sent)
3. The Company will not disclose the information we collected under this clause to the third party without your explicit permission unless required to disclose by law through governmental agencies or any other institution with quasi-authority.
Collecting Information. Royal Bank may collect and confirm financial and other information about the Customer during the course of its relationship with the Customer, including information: (i) establishing the Customer’s existence, identity (for example, name, address, phone number, date of birth, etc.), and background; (ii) related to transactions arising from the Customer’s relationship with and through Royal Bank, and from other financial institutions; (iii) provided on any application for the Services or OPS; (iv) for the provision of the Services or OPS; and (v) about the Customer’s financial behaviour, including payment history and credit worthiness. Royal Bank may obtain this information from any source necessary for the provision of the Services or OPS, including from: (i) the Customer; (ii) service arrangements made with or through Royal Bank; (iii) credit reporting agencies; (iv) other financial institutions; (v) registries; and (vi) references provided to Royal Bank. The Customer acknowledges receipt of notice that from time to time reports about the Customer may be obtained by Royal Bank from credit reporting agencies.
Collecting Information. The NFP will receive information relating to public health events that are of national significance or a potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern as defined in this Agreement. Potential sources include:
Collecting Information. We may collect financial and other information about you, such as information: (i) establishing your existence or identity (name, address, phone number) and background; (ii) related to transactions arising from your relationship with and through us and other financial institutions; (iii) provided on an application for products and services; (iv) on the products and services you use; and