Communication Test. Prior to the exchange of nominations between the Parties, EWE shall carry out a communi- cation test with the Storage Customer. In the communication test, EWE will test whether its communication requirements are met and whether the Storage Customer is able to transmit notices and messages concerning implementation to EWE and to receive such notices and messages from EWE and process them.
Communication Test. 3.1. Upon Conclusion of the Storage Service Agreement, however prior to the Commencement Day of the Storage Service Agreement at the latest, the Provider shall be entitled to conduct a Communication Test. By conducting this Communication Test, the Provider verifies whether its communication requirements have been fulfilled and whether the Customer is able to provide the Provider with information and notifications regarding the execution of the Storage Service Agreement and to receive such information and notifications from the Provider and process them accordingly.
3.2. The Provider shall be entitled to repeat the Communication Test at any time during the term of Storage Service Agreement in the event of any reasonable doubt about whether the Customer continues to be qualified to fulfill the requirements pursuant to Clause 3.1 hereof.
3.3. Should the Customer fail to pass the Communication Test pursuant to the provisions of Clauses 3.1 and 3.2 hereof, the Customer shall take immediate remedial action to fulfill the communication requirements without undue delay. Should the Customer still be unable to fulfill the communication requirements within ten (10) Working Days after failing to pass the Communication Test, the Provider shall be entitled to reset any Nomination submitted by the Customer until it has demonstrated compliance with the communication requirements.
3.4. Should the Customer even upon expiry of the period pursuant to the provisions of Clause 3.3 fail to fulfill the communication requirements, the Provider shall be entitled to terminate the Storage Service Agreement with immediate effect.
Communication Test. II.
6.1 After signature of the BSP Contract aFRR and before submission of aFRR Energy Bid(s), the communication requirements for activation, as described in Annex 10.C, must have been successfully tested.
Communication Test. II.
6.1 After signature of the BSP Contract aFRR and before submission of aFRR Energy Bid(s), the communication requirements for activation, as described in Annex 10.C, must have been successfully tested.
II.6.2 After signature of the BSP Contract aFRR and before submission of any aFRR Capacity Bid, the communication requirements for the prequalification tests, activation for redispatching (if relevant) and availability tests, as described in Annex 6.F, Annex 12.F and Annex 12.F must have been successfully tested.
II.6.3 The BSP must respect the requirements of the communication test, pursuant to Art. II.6.1, II.6.2, at all times during the validity of the BSP Contract aFRR. If the BSP no longer complies with these requirements, the BSP is temporarily excluded from the aFRR Service starting from the moment of notification by XXXX. The BSP has to succeed a new communication test in order to be considered again by XXXX for the provision of the aFRR Service by XXXX. If the non-compliance is observed for a period for which the BSP has an aFRR Obligation, penalties described in Art. II.17.2 apply.
II.6.4 In case of non-respect of Art. II.6.1, the BSP is not allowed to participate neither in aFRR Capacity Bid Submission, nor in Energy Bid submission.
II.6.5 In case of non-respect of Art. II.6.2, the BSP is not allowed to participate in aFRR Capacity Bids submission.
II.6.6 The general liability regime organized by Art. I.6 of the General Conditions is applicable during the communication test.
II.6.7 Both Parties can request a communication test at any time to check whether the communication channels are operational.
II.6.8 XXXX will not remunerate costs linked to communication tests.
Communication Test. 3.1. Upon Conclusion of the Storage Service Agreement, however prior to the Commencement Day of the Storage Service Agreement at the latest, the Storage Service Provider shall be entitled to conduct a Communication Test. By conducting this Communication Test, the Storage Service Provider verifies whether its communication requirements have been fulfilled and whether the Storage Customer is able to provide the Storage Service Provider with information and notifications regarding the execution of the Storage Service Agreement and to receive such information and notifications from the Storage Service Provider and process them accordingly.
3.2. The Storage Service Provider shall be entitled to repeat the Communication Test at any time during the term of Storage Service Agreement in the event of any reasonable doubt about whether the Storage Customer continues to be qualified to fulfill the requirements pursuant to Article 3.1 hereof.
3.3. Should the Storage Customer fail to pass the Communication Test pursuant to the provisions of Articles 3.1 and 3.2 hereof, the Storage Customer shall take immediate remedial action to fulfill the communication requirements without undue delay. Should the Storage Customer still be unable to fulfill the communication requirements within ten (10) Working Days after failing to pass the Communication Test, the Storage Service Provider shall be entitled to reset any Nomination submitted by the Storage Customer until it has demonstrated compliance with the communication requirements.
3.4. Should the Storage Customer even upon expiry of the period pursuant to the provisions of Article 3.3 fail to fulfill the communication requirements, the Storage Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate the Storage Service Agreement with immediate effect.
Communication Test. In accordance with dispositions of Art. II.6, XXXX will check the communication channels of the BSP. The BSP must be able to receive and interpret the signals, as defined in Annex 10, for the activation of the mFRR Service. In case that the requirements are not fulfilled, XXXX and the BSP will make their best effort to identify the source of the failure and the BSP is expected to solve the source of the failure. Any costs linked to the tests are borne by the BSP.
Communication Test. (1) The transport customer shall ensure that the balancing group manager designated by it requests, from OPAL NEL TRANSPORT, a communication test pursuant to Clause 6 (3) of the GTC no later than 10 working days prior to the day of the first nomination. The prerequisite for passing the communication test shall be the balance group manager’s 24-hour accessibility on each gas day.
(2) As part of the communication test, OPAL NEL TRANSPORT shall examine whether the balancing group manager is able to send messages and notifications relating to the handling of the transports to OPAL NEL TRANSPORT and to receive such messages and notifications from OPAL NEL TRANSPORT.
(3) OPAL NEL TRANSPORT shall inform the balancing group manager of the outcome of the communication test.
Communication Test. In accordance with the dispositions of Article II.5, XXXX will check the communication channels of the FSP. The FSP must be able to send signals to XXXX as described in Annex 6 for the activation of the DA/ID Flexibility Service. In case the FSP does not fulfill the above requirements, XXXX and the FSP will make their best effort to identify the source of the failure. The FSP is expected to solve the source of the failure. Any costs linked to the tests are borne by the FSP.
Communication Test. The BSP and XXXX will check together before performing a Prequalification Test the BSP’s ability to exchange data with XXXX as required in Annex 8: • Nomination Communication - Nomination procedure: XXXX and the BSP must verify the BSP’s ability to correctly exchange nomination files as described in Art.7.7. • Real-time communication - XXXX and the BSP will verify the BSP’s ability to correctly exchange real-time data as defined in Annex 8. In case that the organization requirements are not fulfilled, XXXX and the BSP will make their best effort to identify the source of the failure and the BSP is expected to solve the source of the failure. Any costs linked to the tests are borne by the BSP.
A. Delivery Points Conditions
Communication Test. 1. At the factory test, the supplier shall temporarily connect to the Modbus TCP Ethernet port on the generator control panel to confirm proper Modbus communication.