Termination of the Contract 1. The Contractor may terminate the contract if the Partner has inadequately discharged or failed to discharge any of the contractual obligations, insofar as this is not due to force majeure, after notification of the Partner by registered letter has remained without effect for one month. 2. The Partner shall immediately notify the Contractor, supplying all relevant information, of any event likely to prejudice the performance of this contract.
SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1. The subject of the Contract is the creation of the work ordered as a result of own creative intellectual activity of the Author – to elaborate the evaluation of applications delivered to the Client (hereinafter “Work”) within an open call for submitting applications to solve projects of research and development in particular science and technology fields pursuant to the Article 6 Section 3 of Act No.172/2005 Coll. On State Aid Administration and Central State Administration as amended (hereinafter “Act”) subsequently as amended, labelled VV 2021 (hereinafter “Open Call”). 2. The Author undertakes to conduct professional intellectual activity within the process of application evaluations submitted to the Client by applicants under the Open Call announced by the Research and Development Agency and to elaborate an evaluation report on results of submitted applications evaluation, so an expert opinion according to the regulations defined in the Open Call. 3. The Subject of the Contract is to issue a licence pursuant to the Article II hereof. 4. The Client is obliged to pay remuneration to the Author for the Work including the licence pursuant to the Article III hereof. 5. The author declares the Work shall be the result of his/her own intellectual activity with exclusive copyright. The Author is responsible for the fact that by using the Work pursuant to the Contract nor legal regulations or copyright and the rights of third parties shall be infringed. 6. The Author undertakes to create the work in accordance with the principles of independence, impartiality and objectivity and without any bias. In the event of a breach of this obligation, the Client is entitled not to pay any remuneration.