Definition of Days A day shall mean calendar days, however, where a deadline occurs on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday (as identified in Article 25), the deadline shall be extended to the next normal business day.
Computation of Period of Days, Deadline In computing a period of days, when the ending date is not 54 specified, the first day is excluded and the last day is included, e.g., three days after MEC. If any deadline falls on a Saturday, 55 Sunday or federal or Colorado state holiday (Holiday), such deadline Will Will Not be extended to the next day that is not
Length of Day The total workday shall consist of not more than 7 hours and 45 minutes and shall include a scheduled duty-free lunch period as provided to employees or SUCCESS employees under Subsection 3 of this Article.
Computation of Overtime In computing overtime a period of thirty (30) minutes or less shall be counted as one-half (½) hour and a period of more than thirty (30) minutes but less than sixty (60) minutes shall be counted as one (1) hour.
Number of Days In computing the number of days for purposes of this Agreement, all days shall be counted, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays; provided, however, that if the final day of any time period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday on which federal banks are or may elect to be closed, then the final day shall be deemed to be the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or such holiday.
Overtime Computation Computation of overtime will be rounded upward to the nearest one-tenth (1/10th) of an hour.
Computations Unless otherwise expressly set forth herein, any accrued interest on any Loan, any Fees or any other Obligations due hereunder shall be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days and the actual number of days elapsed.
Calculation of Overtime If the overtime work has been carried out before as well as after the regular working hours during a certain day, the overtime periods shall be added together. Only full half hours are included in the calculation.
Overtime Calculation For the purpose of overtime calculation only, approved or scheduled time off work will be considered the same as time worked.