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Length of Day Sample Clauses

Length of DayThe total workday shall consist of not more than 7 hours and 45 minutes and shall include a scheduled duty-free lunch period as provided to employees or SUCCESS employees under Subsection 3 of this Article.
Length of DayTeachers in years one through eight in the district shall have a work week equivalent of 90 minutes longer than the current contract, as directed by the district, to participate in requisite professional development activities.
Length of Day. A. Employees shall work the following time periods per day: 480 minutes for School Psychologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, and Program Specialists; 450 minutes for High School Counselors; 420 minutes for Middle School Counselors and Elementary School Counselors; and 450 minutes for School Nurses. Service shall begin at reasonable times as approved by the immediate supervisor and should generally correspond closely with the start of the employee's assigned school(s). B. The work day is to be served consecutively, except for interruptions of lunch unless mutually agreed upon. C. If, in the performance of duties, the employee works in excess of the length of day set forth in Paragraph A, the employee and the immediate supervisor may agree to an equitable schedule adjustment in recognition of the work day exceeding the length of day set forth in Paragraph A. D. All LPPA employees are required, as assigned, to participate in the following activities beyond the workday without requesting an equitable schedule adjustment: Faculty meetings; Special Services Department meetings (Management Chairperson to strive to keep the meeting within the LPPA workday); project or district meetings; completion of parent conferences (at home or school) and IEP meetings that commence during the regular workday; back-to-school and open house nights; athletic and social events; music performances; and the supervision of organized student groups. In an emergency, employees may be required to perform duties not indicated above. In no case shall an employee be required to participate in an IEP or parent conference past 5:00 p.m. In the event that an employee, at the employee's sole option, elects to continue to attend an IEP or parent conference past 5:00 p.m., the employee shall be paid prorated per diem pay for the duration of the IEP or parent conference past 5:00 p.m. E. An employee who is assigned to a school site for more than fifty percent (50%) of their work time will be considered as a staff member at that site. An employee who is not assigned to any one school site for more than fifty percent (50%) of their work time will be considered as a staff member at a site assigned by the supervisor. F. Office time will be provided during the professional day or week as demanded by the workload and responsibilities of the individual employee and shall be mutually agreed upon between employee and immediate supervisor. G. LPPA employees will not be assigned to regular day-to-day dut...
Length of DayThe total workday shall consist of not more than 7 hours and 30 minutes and shall include a scheduled duty-free lunch period as provided to employees under subsection 3 of this article. With the approval of the Director of Human ResourcesClassified Staff, specific schools/programs may be designated at 7 hours and 45 minutes and shall include a scheduled duty-free lunch period as provided to employees under subsection 3 of this article. For Family Advocates the total work day shall consist of no more than 8.0 hours and shall include a scheduled duty-free lunch period as provided to employees under subsection 3 of this article.
Length of Day. The duty day for all teachers shall be seven hours forty-five minutes. The total teaching time and planning time during a duty day by a teacher shall not exceed six hours and fifty minutes. Should the Board of Education elect to operate the school district on the basis of statutorily defined hours for any given school year, teachers may be required to work or teach more than six hours fifty minutes during the school year. Teachers are responsible for the supervision of students between the teachers' contractual arrival time and the start of classes, and between the end of classes and the teachers' contractual departure time. The nature of this supervision will be determined by the building principals. Only in the case of exceptional circumstances will such supervision extend beyond the normal duty day. Teachers shall be provided a minimum of thirty minutes for a duty-free lunch each day; however, passing time to and from lunch can be counted as part of the thirty minutes allowed.
Length of Day. Each personal business day shall be equivalent in time to the employee's contracted work day.
Length of DayThe workday for certified teachers shall be seven (7) hours and forty (40) minutes. It is recognized that the total school program at each school includes such events as plays, athletics, music programs, open-houses, parent-teacher conferences and programs, faculty meetings and all other similar types of school functions and programs. From time to time the Superintendent or building Principal may require a change in the daily hours for employees and also may require an employee to attend the above- designated functions and programs if the employee is not on a leave of absence as provided in this Agreement. Duties at plays, athletic events and music programs shall be assigned by the Principal on an equitable basis. An employee may be required to attend all faculty meetings unless excused by the building Principal or unless the employee is on a leave of absence as provided in this Agreement. Employees may be required to perform a maximum of two (2) duties in addition to open house outside of the normal contract day.
Length of Day. The standard workday for the Social Worker is seven and one-half (7.5) hours per day, excluding lunch.
Length of Day. The school day for teachers will not begin before 7:30 a.m., or end later than 4:00
Length of Day. 1. The Board of Education and Administration shall plan a school day that is in compliance with Ohio Revised Code, Section 3313.48. 2. The school day shall be in compliance with the minimum standards as established by the State Board of Education. 3. The minimum standards as established by the State Board of Education concerning the granting of two hundred (200) minutes per week of teacher planning time will be implemented district wide. Elementary teachers will be scheduled a minimum of thirty (30) consecutive planning minutes daily. Time periods of ten (10) minutes or less will not be considered planning time. A committee of principals, special teachers and grade level chairs will meet in the spring to give input to the elementary building administrators prior to the scheduling for the following academic year. 4. Each teacher shall be granted at least the time equivalence for lunch as directed under 3319.111 of the Ohio Revised Code (30 continuous duty free minutes). The granting of the lunch period shall not be cause for lengthening the school day. 5. The teacher day shall not exceed seven (7) hours and thirty (30) minutes, inclusive of a thirty (30) minute duty free lunch period. 6. The building time schedules will be cooperatively developed by the Board of Education and the Association prior to the beginning of each school year. 7. Teachers are required to be on duty prior to the start of the assigned school day and at the end of the day as follows: a. Lake Elementary – fifteen (15) minutes before and ten (10) minutes after b. Lake High School, Lake Middle School – fifteen (15) minutes before and ten (10) minutes after. c. The times in 7a and 7b are not part of the planning time and are within the 7 hour, 30 minute day. 8. Every effort will be made on the part of the teacher to attend open house, parent- teacher conferences, IEP meetings, staffings, faculty/department/grade level meetings and award programs. 9. Upon the request of the Association, the parties agree to reopen negotiations when meetings mandated by the State ODE exceed the normal work days significantly. 10. The best use of ICE time shall be determined by each Building Leadership Team based on the individual needs for the students as determined by the teacher or Building Leadership Team.