Conferral. Summer study grants shall be conferred for course work for the purpose of improvement in the teacher’s field, or a related field of classroom teaching. No summer study grant may be used for work towards a new field of endeavor or towards certification in the teacher’s present position.
Conferral. (a) If the Purchaser gives a notice under clause 7.3(a), then any element of the Settlement Statement that is not disputed in that notice will be deemed final and binding on the Parties and the Vendor and the Purchaser must confer in good faith with a view to:
Conferral. 2.3.1. Awards of Distinguished Professorships shall be by special resolution of the Board of Trustees. No more than one or two such awards in each class should be made in any year, but none need be made in any year.
Conferral. 20.2 Within 5 Business Days of receipt of a Dispute Notice, representatives of the parties having authority to bind the parties shall confer in an attempt to resolve the Dispute, which conferral shall be confidential and on a ‘without prejudice’ basis.
Conferral. (a) Within 10 Business Days of a party receiving the Dispute Notice, the parties must meet confer at least once, in a genuine attempt to resolve the Dispute.