Confidentiality of Unpublished Data Institution and Investigator Sample Clauses

Confidentiality of Unpublished Data Institution and Investigator acknowledges and agrees that Study Data that is not published, presented or otherwise disclosed in accordance with Section 5.1 or Section 5.2 (“Unpublished předloží vedoucímu oddělení pro globální lékařské publikace Zadavatelovy společnosti, e-mailová adresa: , k posouzení nejpozději šedesát (60) dnů před odevzdáním navrhované publikace vydavateli nebo uskutečněním navrhované prezentace. Zadavatel do šedesáti (60) dnů od přijetí upozorní Poskytovatel nebo případně Xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx Důvěrné informace (kromě Studijních dat a údajů) nebo za informace, které by mohly zhoršit možnost získání patentové ochrany pro Objevy. Zadavatel bude mít právo požádat Poskytovatel nebo případně Zkoušejícího o odstranění konkrétně označených Důvěrných informací (s výjimkou Studijních dat a údajů) nebo případně o odložení navrhovaného zveřejnění nebo prezentace o dalších šedesát (60) dnů, aby mohl Zadavatel uplatnit patentovou ochranu pro Objevy. 5.2 Multicentrické publikování V případě multicentrických klinických hodnocení se Poskytovatel a Zkoušející zavazují, že bez Zadavatelova předchozího písemného souhlasu nebudou samostatně publikovat, prezentovat ani jinak zveřejňovat výsledky vlastních činností klinického hodnocení podle této Smlouvy nebo informace týkající se takových činností, dokud nebude vydána multicentrická publikace. Bude-li Zadavatel koordinovat vydání multicentrické publikace, bude o účasti Zkoušejícího jako jmenovitě uvedeného autora rozhodnuto v souladu se zásadami Zadavatele, požadavky vydavatele a obecně přijímanými zásadami autorství. Pokud nebude multicentrická publikace vydána do osmnácti (18) měsíců od dokončení Studie a uzamčení databáze ve všech výzkumných centrech nebo případně od předčasného přerušení nebo ukončení Studie, budou mít Poskytovatel a Zkoušející právo zveřejnit a prezentovat výsledky Studie podle této Smlouvy, včetně Studijních dat, a to výhradně v souladu se standardy pro vědecké práce a požadavky na předkládání prací pro vydání podle článku 5.1 a v souladu s ustanoveními článku 5.3 „Důvěrnost nepublikovaných údajů“. 5.3 Důvěrnost nepublikovaných údajů Poskytovatel a Zkoušející tímto berou na vědomí a souhlasí s tím, že na Studijní data, která nebudou uveřejněna, prezentována nebo jinak sdělena v souladu s článkem 5.1 nebo 5.2 Data”) shall be subject to the provisions on Confidential Information according to Section 3 of this Agreement, and Institution and Investigator shall not, and shall requir...
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Confidentiality of Unpublished Data Institution and Investigator acknowledges and agrees that Study Data that is not published, presented or otherwise disclosed in accordance with Section 5.1 or Section 5.2 (“Unpublished Data”) shall be subject to the provisions on Confidential Information according to Section 3 of this Agreement, and Institution and Investigator shall not, and shall require their personnel not to, disclose Unpublished Data to any other site participating in the Study or any third party or disclose any Study Data to any other site participating in the Study or any third party in greater detail than the same may be disclosed in any publications, presentations or disclosures made in accordance with Section 5.1 or Section 5.2. 5.4
Confidentiality of Unpublished Data Institution and Investigator acknowledges and agrees that Study Data that is not published, presented or otherwise disclosed in accordance with Section 5.1 or Section 5.2 ("Unpublished Data") shall be subject to the provisions on Confidential Information according to Section 3 of this Agreement, and Institution and Investigator shall not, and shall require their personnel not to, disclose Unpublished Data to any other site participating in the Study or any third party or disclose any Study Data to any other site participating in the Study or any third party in greater detail than the same may be disclosed in any publications, presentations or disclosures made in accordance with Section 5.1 or Section 5.2. publikovať do 18 (osemnástich) mesiacov od dokončenia skúšania a uzamknutia databázy na všetkých pracoviskách skúšania alebo akéhokoľvek predčasného ukončenia či zastavenia skúšania, majú zdravotnícke zariadenie a skúšajúci právo publikovať a prezentovať výsledky pracoviska skúšania vyplývajúce z vlastných aktivít pracoviska skúšania vykonávaných podľa tejto zmluvy vrátane údajov skúšania výhradne v súlade s vedeckými normami a požiadavkami na predkladanie publikácií alebo prezentácií, ako je uvedené v článku 5.1, a ustanoveniami článku 5.3 „Dôvernosť nepublikovaných údajov".
Confidentiality of Unpublished Data Institution and Investigator acknowledges and agrees that Study Data that is not published, presented or otherwise disclosed in accordance with Section 5.1 or Section 5.2 („Unpublished Data“) shall be subject to the provisions on Confidential Information according to Section 3 of this Agreement, and Institution and Investigator shall not, and shall require their personnel not to, disclose Unpublished Data to any other site participating in the Study or any third party or disclose any Study Data to any other site participating in the Study or any third party in greater detail than the same may be disclosed in any publications, presentations šedesát (60) dní tak, xxx xxxx pro Objevy získat patentovou ochranu. 5.2 Multicentrické publikování Pokud xx Xxxxxx multicentrická, Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející souhlasí, že bez předchozího písemného souhlasu Zadavatele nebudou nezávisle publikovat, prezentovat, ani jinak zpřístupňovat jakékoli výsledky nebo informace, týkající se vlastních aktivit Místa provádění klinického hodnocení podle této Smlouvy dokud nebude zveřejněna multicentrická publikace. Pokud je multicentrická publikace koordinována Zadavatelem, participace Zkoušejícího jako označeného autora bude rozhodnuta v souladu se zásadami Zadavatele, požadavky vydavatele a všeobecně platnými pravidly pro autorství. Pokud nebude multicentrická publikace zveřejněna do osmnácti (18) měsíců od dokončení Studie a uzavření databáze ve všech místech výzkumu, případně od jakéhokoli jiného dřívějšího ukončení nebo zrušení Studie, Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející budou oprávněni publikovat a prezentovat Výsledky Studie z Místa provádění klinického výzkumu, vzniklé vlastními aktivitami Místa provádění klinického výzkumu podle této Smlouvy, včetně studijních dat. Taková publikace nebo prezentace musí odpovídat vědeckým standardům a požadavkům na publikaci specifikovaným v odstavci 5.1 a ustanovením odstavce 5.3 „Důvěrnost nepublikovaných údajů”. 5.3

Related to Confidentiality of Unpublished Data Institution and Investigator

  • Confidentiality of Contractor Information The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that this Contract and any and all Contractor information obtained by the State in connection with this Contract are subject to the State of Vermont Access to Public Records Act, 1 V.S.A. § 315 et seq. The State will not disclose information for which a reasonable claim of exemption can be made pursuant to 1 V.S.A. § 317(c), including, but not limited to, trade secrets, proprietary information or financial information, including any formulae, plan, pattern, process, tool, mechanism, compound, procedure, production data, or compilation of information which is not patented, which is known only to the Contractor, and which gives the Contractor an opportunity to obtain business advantage over competitors who do not know it or use it. The State shall immediately notify Contractor of any request made under the Access to Public Records Act, or any request or demand by any court, governmental agency or other person asserting a demand or request for Contractor information. Contractor may, in its discretion, seek an appropriate protective order, or otherwise defend any right it may have to maintain the confidentiality of such information under applicable State law within three business days of the State’s receipt of any such request. Contractor agrees that it will not make any claim against the State if the State makes available to the public any information in accordance with the Access to Public Records Act or in response to a binding order from a court or governmental body or agency compelling its production. Contractor shall indemnify the State for any costs or expenses incurred by the State, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees awarded in accordance with 1 V.S.A. § 320, in connection with any action brought in connection with Contractor’s attempts to prevent or unreasonably delay public disclosure of Contractor’s information if a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the State improperly withheld such information and that the improper withholding was based on Contractor’s attempts to prevent public disclosure of Contractor’s information. The State agrees that (a) it will use the Contractor information only as may be necessary in the course of performing duties, receiving services or exercising rights under this Contract; (b) it will provide at a minimum the same care to avoid disclosure or unauthorized use of Contractor information as it provides to protect its own similar confidential and proprietary information; (c) except as required by the Access to Records Act, it will not disclose such information orally or in writing to any third party unless that third party is subject to a written confidentiality agreement that contains restrictions and safeguards at least as restrictive as those contained in this Contract; (d) it will take all reasonable precautions to protect the Contractor’s information; and (e) it will not otherwise appropriate such information to its own use or to the use of any other person or entity. Contractor may affix an appropriate legend to Contractor information that is provided under this Contract to reflect the Contractor’s determination that any such information is a trade secret, proprietary information or financial information at time of delivery or disclosure.

  • Confidentiality of Vendor Data Vendor understands and agrees that by signing this Agreement, all Vendor Data is hereby released to TIPS, TIPS Members, and TIPS third-party administrators to effectuate Vendor’s TIPS Contract except as provided for herein. The Parties agree that Vendor Data is accessible by all TIPS Members as if submitted directly to that TIPS Member Customer for purchase consideration. If Vendor otherwise considers any portion of Vendor’s Data to be confidential and not subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 552 Texas Gov’t Code (the “Public Information Act”) or other law(s) and orders, Vendor must have identified the claimed confidential materials through proper execution of the Confidentiality Claim Form which is required to be submitted as part of Vendor’s proposal resulting in this Agreement and incorporated by reference. The Confidentiality Claim Form included in Vendor’s proposal and incorporated herein by reference is the sole indicator of whether Vendor considers any Vendor Data confidential in the event TIPS receives a Public Information Request. If TIPS receives a request, any responsive documentation not deemed confidential by you in this manner will be automatically released. For Vendor Data deemed confidential by you in this manner, TIPS will follow procedures of controlling statute(s) regarding any claim of confidentiality and shall not be liable for any release of information required by law, including Attorney General determination and opinion. In the event that TIPS receives a written request for information pursuant to the Public Information Act that affects Vendor’s interest in any information or data furnished to TIPS by Vendor, and TIPS requests an opinion from the Attorney General, Vendor may, at its own option and expense, prepare comments and submit information directly to the Attorney General stating why the requested information is exempt from disclosure pursuant to the requirements of the Public Information Act. Vendor is solely responsible for submitting the memorandum brief and information to the Attorney General within the time period prescribed by the Public Information Act. Notwithstanding any other information provided in this solicitation or Vendor designation of certain Vendor Data as confidential or proprietary, Vendor’s acceptance of this TIPS Vendor Agreement constitutes Vendor’s consent to the disclosure of Vendor’s Data, including any information deemed confidential or proprietary, to TIPS Members or as ordered by a Court or government agency, including without limitation the Texas Attorney General. Vendor agrees that TIPS shall not be responsible or liable for any use or distribution of information or documentation by TIPS Members or as required by law.

  • Confidentiality of Client Information ENP providers shall ensure that information about, or obtained from a participant’s records, shall be maintained in a confidential manner.

  • Confidentiality of Listing Information Verizon shall accord CBB Listing Information the same level of confidentiality that Verizon accords its own listing information, and shall use such Listing Information solely for the purpose of providing directory-related services; provided, however, that should Verizon elect to do so, it may use or license CBB Listing Information for directory publishing, direct marketing, or any other purpose for which Verizon uses or licenses its own listing information, so long as CBB Customers are not separately identified as such; and provided further that CBB may identify those of its Customers who request that their names not be sold for direct marketing purposes and Verizon shall honor such requests to the same extent that it does for its own Customers. Verizon shall not be obligated to compensate CBB for Verizon's use or licensing of CBB Listing Information.

  • Confidentiality of Protected Data (a) Vendor acknowledges that the Protected Data it receives pursuant to the Master Agreement originates from the District and that this Protected Data belongs to and is owned by the District.

  • Confidentiality and Safeguarding of University Records; Press Releases; Public Information Under this Agreement, Contractor may (1) create, (2) receive from or on behalf of University, or (3) have access to, records or record systems (collectively, University Records). Among other things, University Records may contain social security numbers, credit card numbers, or data protected or made confidential or sensitive by Applicable Laws. [Option (Include if University Records are subject to FERPA.): Additional mandatory confidentiality and security compliance requirements with respect to University Records subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 United States Code (USC) §1232g (FERPA) are addressed in Section 12.41.] [Option (Include if University is a HIPAA Covered Entity and University Records are subject to HIPAA.): Additional mandatory confidentiality and security compliance requirements with respect to University Records subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 160 and subparts A and E of Part 164 (collectively, HIPAA) are addressed in Section 12.26.] Contractor represents, warrants, and agrees that it will: (1) hold University Records in strict confidence and will not use or disclose University Records except as (a) permitted or required by this Agreement, (b) required by Applicable Laws, or (c) otherwise authorized by University in writing; (2) safeguard University Records according to reasonable administrative, physical and technical standards (such as standards established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Center for Internet Security [Option (Include if Section 12.39 related to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards is not include in this Agreement.):, as well as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards]) that are no less rigorous than the standards by which Contractor protects its own confidential information; (3) continually monitor its operations and take any action necessary to assure that University Records are safeguarded and the confidentiality of University Records is maintained in accordance with all Applicable Laws and the terms of this Agreement; and (4) comply with University Rules regarding access to and use of University’s computer systems, including UTS165 at xxxx:// At the request of University, Contractor agrees to provide University with a written summary of the procedures Contractor uses to safeguard and maintain the confidentiality of University Records.

  • CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION ‌ 35 Provider shall protect all Personal Information, records and data from unauthorized disclosure 36 in accordance with 42 CFR §431.300 through §431.307, RCWs 70.02, 71.05, 71.34 and for 37 individuals receiving SUD services, in accordance with 42 CFR Part 2 and WAC 388-877B. 38 Provider shall have a process in place to ensure all components of its provider network and 39 system understand and comply with confidentiality requirements for publicly funded 40 behavioral health services. Pursuant to 42 CFR §431.301 and §431.302, personal information 41 concerning applicants and recipients may be disclosed for purposes directly connected with 42 the administration of this Contract and the State Medicaid Plan. Provider shall read and 43 comply with all HIPAA policies.

  • Confidentiality and Safeguarding Information 1. Each Party may have access to confidential information made available by the other. The provisions of the Florida Public Records Act, Chapter 119, F.S., and other applicable state and federal laws will govern disclosure of any confidential information received by the State of Florida.

  • Confidentiality and Data Protection 12.1 Buyer undertakes that it shall not at any time disclose to any person any confidential information concerning (i) the business, affairs, customers, clients or suppliers of Seller or any of its affiliates and (ii) the operations, processes, product information, recipes and formulae, know-how, designs, trade secrets of Seller or any of its affiliates, except as permitted by Condition 12.2 (“Confidential Information”).

  • Confidentiality of Student Records 1. Student educational records created as a result of this Agreement shall be retained and disseminated in accordance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements.

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