Comply with Laws It will comply in all material respects with all applicable laws and orders to which it may be subject if failure so to comply would materially impair its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or any Credit Support Document to which it is a party.
Applicable Laws and Regulations a) This Agreement is in accord with and pursuant to the California Affordable Care Act, Section 100500 et seq., Title 22 of the California Government Code (Chapter 655, Statutes of 2010 and Chapter 659, Statutes of 2010) and the implementing regulations, Title 10, Chapter 12 of the California Code of Regulations, § 6400 et seq., as enacted or as modified during the course of this Agreement. This Agreement is also in accord with and pursuant to the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and its implementing Federal regulations, as enacted or modified during the course of this Agreement, including standards for QHP certification set forth at 45 C.F.R. Part 156 et seq. (Subpart C: Qualified Health Plan Minimum Certification Standards). b) Contractor is subject to the obligations imposed on Contractor under applicable laws, rules and regulations of the Federal Affordable Care Act, the California Affordable Care Act, and any other applicable Federal, State or local laws, rules and regulations. The parties to this Agreement recognize and acknowledge there may be material changes to the above-referenced rules and regulations and other applicable Federal, State, or local laws, rules and regulations. Should such an event arise, the parties agree that revisions to this Agreement may be necessary to align provisions contained herein with the changes made to these laws. Nothing in this Agreement limits such obligations imposed on Contractor, including any failure to reference a specific State or Federal regulatory requirement applicable to Covered California or Contractor. In those instances where Covered California imposes a requirement in accordance with the California Affordable Care Act or as otherwise authorized by California law that exceeds a requirement of the Federal Affordable Care Act or other Federal law, the State law and Covered California requirement shall control unless otherwise required by law, rules and regulations.
Minimum Vendor Legal Requirements Vendor shall remain aware of and comply with this Agreement and all local, state, and federal laws governing the sale of products/services offered by Vendor under this contract. Such applicable laws, ordinances, and policies must be complied with even if not specified herein.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations A. The Parties shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations including, but not limited to, safety; security; export control; environmental; and suspension and debarment laws and regulations. Access by a Partner to NASA facilities or property, or to a NASA Information Technology (IT) system or application, is contingent upon compliance with NASA security and safety policies and guidelines including, but not limited to, standards on badging, credentials, and facility and IT system/application access. B. With respect to any export control requirements: 1. The Parties will comply with all U.S. export control laws and regulations, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 C.F.R. Parts 120 through 130, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730 through 799, in performing work under this Agreement or any Annex to this Agreement. In the absence of available license exemptions or exceptions, the Partner shall be responsible for obtaining the appropriate licenses or other approvals, if required, for exports of hardware, technical data and software, or for the provision of technical assistance. 2. The Partner shall be responsible for obtaining export licenses, if required, before utilizing foreign persons in the performance of work under this Agreement or any Annex under this Agreement, including instances where the work is to be performed on-site at NASA and where the foreign person will have access to export-controlled technical data or software. 3. The Partner will be responsible for all regulatory record-keeping requirements associated with the use of licenses and license exemptions or exceptions. 4. The Partner will be responsible for ensuring that the provisions of this Article apply to its Related Entities. C. With respect to suspension and debarment requirements: 1. The Partner hereby certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it has complied, and shall comply, with 2 C.F.R. Part 180, Subpart C, as supplemented by 2 C.F.R. Part 1880, Subpart C. 2. The Partner shall include language and requirements equivalent to those set forth in subparagraph C.1., above, in any lower-tier covered transaction entered into under this Agreement.