Conversion of Seniority. For the purpose of comparison of seniority with that of permanent full-time employees, the seniority of permanent part-time employees shall be converted by adding the hours paid by the Employer to date and dividing the total by the daily full-time paid hours worked in their current position. For the purposes of this Clause, unpaid leaves of absence, periods of Short-term Disability during which the Employer makes no contribution to earnings, Workers' Compensation, Long-term Disability, vacation pay payout to a permanent part-time employee or overtime shall not be counted as "hours paid by the Employer."
Conversion of Seniority a) When a part-time employee transfers from a regular part-time position to a full-time position seniority shall be calculated on the basis of one (1) year equals 1900 part- time hours;
b) When a full-time employee transfers from a full-time position to a regular part-time position, he/she will carry his/her full-time seniority date with them;
c) When a full-time employee who has previously worked as a regular part-time employee and has had their seniority converted as in a) above, transfers back to a regular part-time position, he/she will carry his/her full-time seniority date with them;
d) When a regular part-time employee who has previously worked as a full-time employee and has carried their seniority as in b) above, transfers back to a full-time position, his/her regular part time hours will be converted as in a) above and the full-time seniority date adjusted accordingly.