Coordinating Plans. N/A 14. Reimbursement: See Section 8, Service A1.
Coordinating Plans. A discussion of how both agency plans will be coordination helps to define the need for the IAA. The discussion of coordination can be placed in Section 8: Services Provided by Agency, integrated as a specific activity under each category. Alternatively, coordination may be placed its own section in the IAA or a separate category of related activities. Model: In order to secure the following benefits: <<List Benefits>>, <<Agency 1>> and <<Agency 2>> jointly agree to work collaboratively and coordinate program activities in the following areas: … The scope of services covered under Title XIX may impact Title V’s program plans and budgets. Similarly, actions of Title V may affect Medicaid provider service requirements and the cost of services. Therefore, each agency hereby states its intention to coordinate plans… The benefits of coordinating plans, such as: • Preventing duplication of effort among agency programs. • Improving the cost effectiveness of the health care delivery system. • Improving the availability of services. • Focusing services on specific population groups or geographic areas. • Maximizing effectiveness of service delivery.
Coordinating Plans. To ensure high quality, coordinated services there will be joint development of policies and regulations between the Title V and XIX programs on services. There will be coordination and collaboration in the development and implementation of managed care programs. VIII. Cooperative and Collaborative Methods and Arrangements. A. Arrangements for Resolving Operational Issues.
Coordinating Plans. The Department shall collaborate via mutually agreed upon activities/conferences.
Coordinating Plans. See Section 8, Service B9 for coordination of EPSDT.
Coordinating Plans. Ongoing communication between state level staff responsible for planning, financing, implementing, and evaluating health care services will occur so that a coordinated system can be ensured.
Coordinating Plans. KDHE and SRS must participate in cooperative program planning and monitoring of MCH services covered by XIX.
Coordinating Plans. See Section 8, Service A17, B7, C8. Overview Legislation Analysis Development State IAAs Appendices
Coordinating Plans. See Section 9.
Coordinating Plans. The Department shall coordinate with the Division in the purchase of case management and extended services for those individual Medicaid beneficiaries who are pregnant/postpartum and at high risk and for infants, birth to 1 year of age, who are at high risk for mortality and morbidity.