Crosswalks. Students transferring to TTU are eligible to receive degree credit for the courses listed in the attached Transfer Pathway Crosswalks (Attachment A) under the terms of this Agreement. Although not covered by this Agreement, transfer of additional coursework may be possible.
Crosswalks. ☐ Provider Crosswalk ☐ Physician Crosswalk ☐ UNOS Crosswalk*
Crosswalks. 4.5.1. To be maintained such that they are functional and safe.
Crosswalks. A. Provide marked crosswalks within Davies Transit Centre in accordance with Section 2-4.3C [Crossing Treatments] of this Schedule. At a minimum provide crosswalks from the four corners of the central passenger loading platform to the sidewalk located on the opposite side of the busway.
Crosswalks. After resurfacing, the County will restripe the roadways.
a. As a courtesy, the County will install thermoplastic traffic marking lines and thermoplastic traffic markings symbols across the County road and across the intersecting municipal road at municipal intersections, and will replace crosswalk markings only if the crosswalks terminate at curb ramps that comply with ADA regulations.
b. Once installed, the Municipality is responsible for the maintenance of these markings and symbols across both the County Road and across the intersecting municipal road unless the intersection is under County jurisdiction.
c. If the Municipality plans a streetscape project, the County recommends using stamped or imprinted crosswalks and that these crosswalks be completed after the roadway is resurfaced. Crosswalks made from raised materials such as pavers or other types of concrete blocks and headers, or very thick layers of extruded thermoplastic materials, are not recommended. Should the Municipality install crosswalks of this type, then it is the Municipality’s responsibility to maintain them at all times.
Crosswalks. Description Approximate Length km Unit Price per km Material Cost Labour Cost Subtotal INTERSECTIONS Description/Location Material Cost Labour Cost Subtotal WEYBURN AIRPORT – MAIN RUNWAY Description Unit Unit Price Material Cost Labour Cost Subtotal WEYBURN AIRPORT – TAXIWAY Description Unit Unit Price Material Cost Labour Cost Subtotal
Crosswalks. In a crosswalk. (6) Street excavations. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct any traffic lane.
Crosswalks. Landlord shall cause the crosswalks identified as items 2A and 2B on Exhibit "E-1" attached hereto to be removed in the same manner as Landlord has previously removed the two crosswalks previously located on the southern portion of the Entire Tract.
Crosswalks. Signalized intersection operations.
Crosswalks. The Foundation will maintain four (4) accessible routes from the outer grounds over the dirt track to the infield which comply with Standards 4.5.1, 4.5.2. In order to keep these pathways in good working order, the Foundation agrees to establish a bi-hourly maintenance schedule during each day of Jazz Fest, or more often as warranted by high-traffic times such as during opening and closing hours each morning and evening. o.