DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY. Groups or persons using school facilities shall be liable for any property damages caused by the activity. The cost of repair or replacement shall be paid by the group or persons involved and they may be denied further use of school facilities. Additional clean-up fees may be charged to return facility to original condition. Only non-marking shoes on our gymnasium floors, please.
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY. 2.3.1 To protect school property from damage and mistreatment, organizations using school facilities should take such precautions as necessary to return school property clean and in good working order. 2.3.2 Groups shall be responsible for maintaining and returning facilities to the district in the same condition in which they were received. 2.3.3 Applicants agree that in cases where school property has been damaged or abused beyond normal wear, costs for such repairs will be the responsibility of the organization.
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY. Parent w be respons b e for any damage to or oss of Schoo property or systems from Student s act ons or those of Student s guests. Parent w re mburse Schoo for any such damage or oss upon Schoo s request.
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY. Parent will be responsible for any damage to or loss of School property or systems from Student’s actions or those of Student’s guests. Parent will reimburse School for any such damage or loss upon School’s request.
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY. Any damage or loss to JPSD property as a result of any action by the Vendor in the delivery, execution or performance of any item or service stated in these specifications shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of designated JPSD personnel, at the Vendor's cost, within a reasonable time. Each Vendor, by presenting an rfp under these specifications, binds himself to make positive that all goods are fully up to the standards set by the specifications. Should it be discovered within a reasonable period of time from the date of purchase order or contract that such goods or services are not up to standard, JPSD shall have the right to have such goods or services replaced by others conforming to the standard requirements and the entire expense be borne by the Vendor. The Vendor shall agree to guarantee and warrant all equipment provided as a result of this rfp for a period equal to the stated guaranty/warranty in the specifications. All such warranties shall provide the coverage as indicated in the specifications.
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY. It is expected that all damage, even though it is accidental, will be acknowledged by the person involved and reimbursement made to the school. It is suggested that students check with their parents regarding homeowners insurance to see if such damages might be covered by their policies.
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY. Groups or persons using school facilities shall be liable for any property damages caused by the activity. The cost of repair or replacement shall be paid by the group or persons involved and they may be denied further use of school facilities. Additional clean-up fees may be charged to return facility to original condition. Only non-marking shoes on our gymnasium floors, please. ADULT SPONSORSHIP All juvenile organizations seeking use of school premises must have adequate adult sponsorship and supervision of all facilities used, including the lavatories, at all times.
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTYA student shall not knowingly or with reckless disregard cause or attempt to cause damage to school property including but not limited to buildings, ground, equipment or materials. In accordance with State law, parents may be liable for payment for the cost of repair or replacement of any such property damage caused by the acts of their children.
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTYA student who is found to have damaged district property will be held responsible for the reasonable cost of repairing or replacing property. Students’ dress is an important part of our school environment. For these reasons, Black Butte School has a set of rules for student attire:
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY. CCWNY-BCS agrees to reimburse WCSD for damage and loss, including theft, to WCSD equipment or property resulting from its use of the property and facilities. (See appendix – enforceable items)