School environment definition

School environment means within or on School Property, and at school sponsored or supervised activities, including, for example, on school grounds, on school buses, at functions held on school grounds, at school sponsored extracurricular activities held on and off school grounds, on field trips and at functions held at the school in the evening.
School environment means any physical or virtual place made available or authorised by the school governing authority for use by a child during or outside school hours, including
School environment means within or on school property and/or at school-sanctioned or supervised activities including at extracurricular activities held on and off school grounds, on field trips and at functions held at the school in the evening.

Examples of School environment in a sentence

  • Reference:New York State Education Department: Guidance to School Districts for Creating a Safe and Supportive School Environment for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students.HIGH SCHOOL SPORT STANDARDS‌ Number Practices Prior to First ScrimmageNumber Practices Prior to First ContestTeam and Individual Maximum No.Contests *Min.

  • For elementary schools without Pre-K programs, the School Environment score will be calculated as follows: Addressing Chronic Absenteeism (7.5); In-Seat Attendance (5); Re-enrollment (7.5); Access and Opportunities (5).

  • Studying the Public School Environment and Classroom Indoor Air Quality: Community-based Exposure Assessments Through Public-Private-Government Partnerships, Examples from CA and TX.

  • Building Effective Partnerships for School Environment Assessments and Interventions.

  • The eight components of CSH are: Health Education, Physical Education/Activity, Student/Family/Community Involvement, Health Services, Nutrition Services, Health School Environment, Health Promotion for Staff, and Counseling, Psychological and Social Services.

More Definitions of School environment

School environment means a school-sponsored or school-related activity, function or program, whether on or off school grounds, including at a school bus stop or on a school bus or other vehicle owned, leased or used by a local or regional board of education, and may include other activities, functions or programs that occur outside of a school- sponsored or school-related activity, function or program if bullying at or during such other activities, functions or programs negatively impacts the school environment.
School environment means any of the following physical, online or virtual places, used during or outside school hours:
School environment means any physical or virtual place made available or authorised by the school governing authority for use by a child during or outside school hours, including: • A campus of St Joseph’s College;• Online school environments (including platforms used for remote learning, email and intranet systems);• Other locations provided by St Joseph’s College for a child’s use (including, without limitation, locations used for school camps, sporting events, excursions, competitions, and other events). (Ministerial Order No. 870)
School environment. – this means all physical, online or virtual places made available or authorised by the school for use by a student during or outside hours, including (but not limited to) a campus of the school, online or virtual school environments and any other locations provided by the school or through a third party provider for a student to use, such as locations used for camps, delivery of education and training, sporting events, excursions, competitions or other events.
School environment means any physical or virtual place made available or authorised by the school governing authority for use by a child during or outside school hours including a campus of the school, online school environments or other locations provided by the school for a child’s use (including, without limitation, locations used for school camps, sporting events, excursions, competitions and other events).
School environment means any physical or virtual place made available or authorised by the School’s Board for use by a child, including:
School environment means within or on school property and/or at school sanctioned or supervised activities, including, for example, on school grounds, on school buses or at or near bus stops, at functions held on school grounds, at extra-curricular activities held on/or off school grounds, on field trips, and at functions held at the school in the evening.VIOLATIONS AND DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS EastSide Charter School utilizes the SOAR Behavior Chart (Appendix A) to inspire positive behavior, de-incentivize negative behavior, and keep parents informed of their child’s behavioral progress in the school. Every student begins each day on Coasting (“Green”) and has an opportunity to earn Flying High (“Blue”) or Soaring (“Purple”) with exceptional behavior. This chart is also used as a deterrent to poor behavior, as students earn Off the Ground (“Yellow”) or Landed (“Red”) if they demonstrate poor or unacceptable behavior. On occasion, a student’s behavior may warrant additional disciplinary action. The table below includes a List of Offenses and Behavioral Infractions that warrant additional disciplinary action. When selecting appropriate disciplinary actions, the administrator or designee may select one or more of the actions listed in addition to implementing an additional action if it is deemed that those listed below are not an effective deterrent to the student. Multiple offenses of a lesser offense may be treated at the next highest level. LIST OF OFFENSESThe following list is not at all exhaustive, and a student committing an act of misconduct that is not listed will still be subject to the authority of the Head of School or Designee.Level I OffensesLevel II OffensesLevel III OffensesClass DisruptionAbusive LanguageArsonClass CuttingAcademic CheatingAssaultDress CodeBreaking and EnteringFightingForgeryBullyingOffensive TouchingGamblingCareless or Reckless BehaviorPossession/Use of DangerousInstrument or Look AlikeLeaving School without AuthorizationDefiancePossession/Use of Drugs, Alcohol, or Paraphernalia orLook AlikeInappropriate BehaviorFailure to Attend DetentionRape or Attempted RapeInappropriate Bus BehaviorFightingRobberyStudent Presence in ProhibitedSchool AreaInappropriate Item/MaterialThreat to the Orderly SchoolProcessTrespassingInappropriate Sexual Behavior Unauthorized Use ofElectronicsInstigation Offensive Touching Sexual Harassment Smoking/Possession ofTobacco ProductsTampering with Fire SafetyDevicesTheft/Possession/Transfer ofStolen GoodsThreatening BehaviorV...