Damage and Loss Sample Clauses

Damage and LossThe insurance applies to damage and loss in accordance with sections 5.3.1–5.3.6 below. 5.3.1. Theft
Damage and Loss. 5.6 Legal protection
Damage and LossXXXXXX agrees to return the leased premises and equipment to the CITY at the end of the term of use in the same condition as the date of the start of this lease, ordinary use and wear excepted. RENTER agrees that if any portion of the Facility or contents thereof, during the term of this lease, shall be damaged by the act, default, or negligence of the RENTER or of the RENTER's agents, employees, patrons, guests or any person admitted to premises by RENTER, RENTER will pay to the CITY upon demand such sums as shall be necessary to restore the premises and equipment to their previous condition. RENTER hereby assumes full responsibility for the character, acts, and conduct of all persons admitted to any portion of the premises at the time of RENTER’s use, not including any representatives of the CITY.
Damage and Loss. LICENSEE agrees to return the leased premises and equipment to the DISTRICT at the end of the term of use in the same condition as the date of the start of this lease, ordinary use and wear excepted. LICENSEE agrees that if any portion of the Facility or contents thereof, during the term of this lease, shall be damaged by the act, default, or negligence of the LICENSEE or of the LICENSEE's agents, employees, patrons, guests or any person admitted to premises by LICENSEE, LICENSEE will pay to the DISTRICT upon demand such sums as shall be necessary to restore the premises and equipment to their previous condition. LICENSEE hereby assumes full responsibility for the character, acts, and conduct of all persons admitted to any portion of the premises at the time of LICENSEE’s use, not including any representatives of the DISTRICT.
Damage and Loss. 13.1 The Student shall be fully responsible for any cost to make good any damage and/or loss to any part of the Room or Residence or the Contents caused by the willful act, omission or negligence of the Student, their guests or anyone within their reasonable control. The cost reasonably incurred by the University for making good any such damage and/or loss will be charged to the Student as soon as possible after it occurs. The Student shall pay these costs to the University within seven (7) days. If the Student fails to pay such costs by the due date for payment and within seven (7) days of the University notifying the Student in writing that the costs remain outstanding,the University may deduct the cost from the Deposit.
Damage and Loss. 5.1 Students bring their devices onto the school site at their own risk. Students should protect their device by use of a protective case and padded sleeve in a backpack. 5.2 In cases of malicious damage or theft of another student’s device, existing school processes for damage to schools or another student’s property apply.
Damage and Loss. If a device is damaged, lost, or stolen during the time that it is issued to the student, whether intentionally or due to negligence, the student and the student’s parent/guardian will be responsible for paying the fines outlined in this document. Negligence The district administration will determine course of action including full replacement of the Chromebook up to $381.95 if a device has been damaged multiple times in the same school year. Responsible Device Use All users of District-issued devices must follow the expectations outlined in District Policy and Operating Guidelines IFBGA: Responsible use of the Enterprise Network, JD: Student Discipline/Student Code of Conduct, and JS: Student Fines, Fees and Charges. Failure to follow these expectations will lead to applicable student disciplinary consequences. All District policies can be found at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. While off school grounds parents/guardians are solely responsible for monitoring student’s use of the device. Students may not exhibit inappropriate behaviors, or access prohibited materials with the device, at any time, at any location. Students will be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action if they use the device for inappropriate activities, whether on or off school grounds. Privacy District-issued devices remain the property of DCSD. As such, anything done on the device is not private. This means DCSD staff may, at any point, confiscate and search the contents of any District-issued electronic device. In the event of loss or theft, the Chromebook will be de-activated. DeKalb County School District recognizes all aspects of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). DeKalb County School District does not monitor student’s home networks, devices or internet connection. The district does monitor the use of District-issued devices. In addition, DCSD tracks the location of District- issued devices in the event of loss or theft of the device.
Damage and Loss. During the rental period, between the time that the Client has picked up the equipment and the moment that it is returned to the Supplier at their address, the Client is responsible for any damage to, or loss of equipment. Normal wear-and-tear, decided by the Supplier, is not considered damage of equipment. If damage or loss of any of the rented equipment take place, it is the Clients responsibility to immediately notify the Supplier of the event. At the event of theft, the Client has the responsibility to report the theft to the police as well as making sure that the Supplier is presented with a copy of the police report. Damaged or missing equipment is charged at the per day rate until they are repaired or, in the case of loss, returned unless another agreement is made with the Supplier. Damaged or missing equipment is replaced by the New Acquisition Principle, wherein the Client will pay the difference in price between what the insurance company replaces and the product costs at current list price. Should the Supplier’s insurance company consider any damage done either intentional, due to misusage or lack of knowledge, the Client will be held responsible for any costs covering maintenance. If damaged equipment is considered to be beyond the ability to repair, the Client will be charged for replacement of the damaged equipment including any surrounding costs (e.g shipping). The Client should in all respects see to the Suppliers interests, the wellbeing and safety of the rented equipment.
Damage and LossStudents will immediately report any malfunctions, damage or loss of the Chromebook to a classroom teacher or the high school media center technology help desk. Students will not modify or vandalize the appearance or functionality of the LTSD Chromebook. The LTSD Chromebook is to be repaired only by district authorized repair designees. In the case of theft, vandalism and other criminal acts, a police report must be filed by the student or parent within 48 hours of the occurrence. Chromebooks should only be used to access school appropriate content. Incidental access to inappropriate or questionable content should be reported immediately. Inappropriate materials may include, but are not limited to, explicit or implicit references to: Students will follow all copyright laws. Students will not attempt to install or download software not approved for district use. Students will store their Chromebooks in a secure location (student assigned locker with a lock on it) when not using the device. Students will responsibly use multimedia content for educational use. Important Information
Damage and Loss. You are not to damage the Accommodation or the Building nor to damage or remove any property of ours or (where applicable) of the Building Owner. You must pay us the reasonable cost of; a. repairing any damage to the Accommodation and its contents, the Building or (where applicable) our lessor’s property that you cause, whether deliberately or through negligence, subject to an apportionment for fair wear and tear b. replacing any of our or (where applicable) our lessor’s property that you remove c. replacing any keys you lose and this cost may include the cost of replacing the locks d. the reasonable costs incurred in cleaning the Accommodation where You have failed to take care of the Accommodation and to leave it in a clean condition suitable for a new tenant to move into. If the damage, removal or loss is caused by any visitor or guest of yours, you must pay the reasonable cost of repair, replacement or cleaning as if you had caused the damage, or removed or lost the property yourself. If the damage, removal or loss is to a common area or common property for which you share responsibility you must pay a fair share of the reasonable cost of repair or replacement unless you can show that on the balance of probabilities you were not responsible. You have the right to appeal against any charge to the appropriate Residential Facilities Manager or Partnerships Manager. Students who deliberately or negligently cause damage to the accommodation or its contents may also be subject to disciplinary procedures in addition to damage charges.