Day Care Treatment. Day care treatment refers to medical treatment, and/or surgical procedure which is:
i. undertaken under General or Local Anesthesia in a hospital/day care centre in less than 24 hrs because of technological advancement, and
ii. Which would have otherwise required a hospitalization of more than 24 hours. Treatment normally taken on an out-patient basis is not included in the scope of this definition.
Day Care Treatment. We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred on the Insured Person’s Day Care Treatment that occurs during the Policy Period following an Illness or Injury provided that:
(a) the Day Care Treatment is for Medically Necessary Treatment and follows the written advice of a Medical Practitioner;
(b) the Medical Expenses incurred are Reasonable and Customary ;
(c) We will only cover the Medical Expenses for those Day Care Treatments which are listed in Annexure II of the Policy. The complete list of Day Care Treatments covered is also available on Our website [];
(d) We will not cover any OPD Treatment under this Benefit.
Day Care Treatment. We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred on the Insured Person’s Hospitalization for any Day Care Treatment during the Policy Period following an Illness or Injury that occurs during the Policy Period provided that:
a. The Day Care Treatment is Medically Necessary and follows the written advice of a Medical Practitioner.
b. The Medical Expenses incurred are Reasonable and Customary Charges for any procedure where such procedure is undertaken by an Insured Person as Day Care Treatment.
c. The following procedures will be covered as Day Care Treatment under this benefit as they each require a period of specialized observation or care after completion of the procedure :
i. Stereotactic radiotherapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy for cancer (approved immunosuppressant drugs will be payable only if administered as a part of these procedures)
ii. Renal dialysis(Erythropoietin for chronic renal failure will be payable only if administered as a part of this procedure)
d. We will not cover any OPD Treatment and Diagnostic Services under this Benefit.
Day Care Treatment. We will cover payment of Medical Expenses of an Insured Person in case of Medically Necessary Day Care Treatment or Surgery that requires less than 24 hours Hospitalization due to advancement in technology and which is undertaken in a Hospital / nursing home/Day Care Centre on the recommendation of a Medical Practitioner. Any treatment in an outpatient department/OPD is not covered. For list of Day Care Treatments refer Xxxxxxxx XX of the Policy. All Claims under this benefit can be made as per the process defined under Section VII 4 & 5.
Day Care Treatment. The Company will indemnify the Insured Member for Medical Expenses incurred on Day Care Treatment up to the Coverage Amount specified in the Certificate of Insurance, subject to Deductible specified in Certificate of Insurance, provided that:
a) the Day Care Treatment is listed as per the Annexure-I to Policy Terms & Conditions; and
b) the period of treatment of the Insured Member in Hospital/Day Care Centre does not exceed 24 hours; and
c) the Day Care Treatment was taken on the advice of a Medical Practitioner; and
d) the Medical Expenses incurred are Reasonable and Customary Charges that were necessarily incurred.
Day Care Treatment. We will cover the Medical Expenses incurred on the Insured Person’s Day Care Treatment during the Policy Period following an Illness or Injury that occurs during the Policy Period provided that:
(i) The Medical Expenses are incurred, including for any procedure which requires a period of specialized observation or care after completion of the procedure undertaken by an Insured Person as Day Care Treatment and such list of Day Care Treatment is listed in Annexure I;
(ii) The Day Care Treatment is for Medically Necessary Treatment and follows the written Medical Advice;
(iii) We will not cover any OPD Treatment under this Benefit.
Day Care Treatment. Coverage of daycare must include the treatment or diseases mentioned in Annexure II from day one of the dates of the effect of the policy. In addition to the said list, the Insurer may also include other treatment under the Day Care treatment as per their standard list.
Day Care Treatment. The Company will indemnify the Insured Person for Medical Expenses incurred on Day Care Treatment due to Covered Conditions through Cashless or Reimbursement Facility, maximum up to the Sum Insured ,as specified in the Policy Certificate, provided that the Day Care Treatment is listed as per the Annexure-I to Policy Terms & Conditions and period of treatment of the Insured Person in the Hospital/Day Care Centre does not exceed 24 hours, which would otherwise require an in-patient admission and such Day Care Treatment was prescribed in written, by a Medical Practitioner, and the Medical Expenses incurred are Reasonable and Customary Charges that were Medically Necessary. The Day care List will Vary as per the Plan opted by the Policy Holder/Insured Person(Please refer Page 1 of Annexure -I to Policy Terms and Conditions)
Day Care Treatment. We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred on the Insured Person‟s Day Care Treatment during the Policy Period following an Illness or Injury provided that: :
a. The Day Care Treatment is Medically Necessary and follows the written advice of a Medical Practitioner.
b. The Medical Expenses incurred are Reasonable and Customary Charges for any procedure where such procedure is undertaken by an Insured Person as Day Care Treatment.
c. We will not cover any OPD Treatment and Diagnostic Services under this Benefit.
d. List of Day Care Treatments which are covered under the Policy are provided in Annexure VI.
Day Care Treatment. The Company will indemnify the Insured Person for Medical Expenses incurred on Day Care Treatment through Cashless or Reimbursement Facility, maximum up to the Sum Insured ,as specified in the Policy Schedule, provided that the Day Care Treatment is listed as per the Annexure-I to Policy Terms & Conditions and period of treatment of the Insured Person in the Hospital/Day Care Centre does not exceed 24 hours, which would otherwise require an in-patient admission and such Day Care Treatment was prescribed in written, by a Medical Practitioner, and the Medical Expenses incurred are Reasonable and Customary Charges that were Medically Necessary