DBE Selection. If a DBE has not yet been selected, Construction Manager must assist the Judicial Council in selecting and retaining the DBE, including, without limitation: Reviewing and revising the request for qualifications, request for proposals or other solicitation documents; Assisting the Judicial Council in negotiating and finalizing the DBE agreement with the Judicial Council as needed to construct the Project.
DBE Selection. If a DBE has not yet been selected, Construction Manager must assist Judicial Council in selecting and retaining the DBE, including, without limitation:
4.3.1. Assist the Judicial Council in administering the DBE selection process; participating in a RFP briefing conference and RFP clarification meetings, responding to the Design-builder’s questions regarding the RFP, issuing addenda; review of the Design-builder’s proposals, provide recommendations regarding the Design-builder’s proposals; assist in conducting interviews and selecting the Design-builder.
4.3.2. Assisting Judicial Council in negotiating and finalizing the DBE contract with Judicial Council as needed to construct the Project.