Delivery and maintenance of office equipment; Replacement of equipment Sample Clauses

Delivery and maintenance of office equipment; Replacement of equipment. 7. Management and administration of car fleet and liaison with suppliers and accident managers. Estimated total Service Costs to service provider: US$67,502 Describe Service Cost methodology and factors affecting total Service Costs: HHGI shall pay TMP's direct and indirect, fully allocated costs (including overhead) of providing the services described in this Schedule, plus out-of-pocket expenses. In the case of expenses shared by TMP and HHGI, HHGI shall pay its pro rata share of such expenses based upon headcount at the relevant facilities for the relevant time period. TMP shall cause its employees performing the services described on this Schedule to maintain reasonably accurate records as to the portion of their time spent performing such services. Describe how Service Costs will be adjusted in the event of an increase/decrease in Services provided: Not applicable. Additional information: TMP Contact: Xxxx Xxxxxx Schedule #: 10 Service provider: ý TMP Worldwide x Xxxxxx Highland Functional area: o Insurance o Tax Services o Legal Services ý Facilities o Human Resources o Information Technology o Other (describe): Start/end date: Commencing on the Distribution Date, and ending simultaneously with the expiration of the last remaining sublease between TMP and HHGI dated March , 2003, unless terminated earlier. Summary of Services to be provided (describe in appropriate detail): TMP shall continue to provide the facilities services it has historically provided for HHGI employees at Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, 00-00 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx, including, without limitation, cleaning, security, pest control, switchboard, post room and dispatch, reception, placing orders for consumables requested by HHGI, and other facilities services requested by HHGI. Estimated total Service Costs to service provider: US$246,300 Describe Service Cost methodology and factors affecting total Service Costs: HHGI shall pay TMP's direct and indirect, fully allocated costs (including overhead) of providing the services described in this Schedule, plus out-of-pocket expenses. In the case of expenses shared by TMP and HHGI, HHGI shall pay its pro rata share of such expenses based upon square footage of space occupied at Chancery House (ignoring vacant or sublet space unless a subtenant occupies such space). Describe how Service Costs will be adjusted in the event of an increase/decrease in Services provided: Not applicable. Additional information: Schedule #: 11 Service provider: ý TMP Worldwide x...
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Related to Delivery and maintenance of office equipment; Replacement of equipment

  • Installation and Maintenance of Meters The Servicer shall cause to be installed, replaced and maintained meters in accordance with the Servicer Policies and Practices.

  • Maintenance of Equipment The Equipment shall be maintained in good operating condition and repair (reasonable wear and tear excepted) and all necessary replacements of and repairs thereto shall be made so that the value and operating efficiency of the Equipment shall be maintained and preserved. No Borrower shall use or operate the Equipment in violation of any law, statute, ordinance, code, rule or regulation. Each Borrower shall have the right to sell Equipment to the extent set forth in Section 4.3 hereof.

  • Repairs and Maintenance Grantor agrees to keep and maintain, and to cause others to keep and maintain, the Collateral in good order, repair and condition at all times while this Agreement remains in effect. Grantor further agrees to pay when due all claims for work done on, or services rendered or material furnished in connection with the Collateral so that no lien or encumbrance may ever attach to or be filed against the Collateral.

  • Repair and Maintenance Except in the case of damage to or destruction of the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property caused by an act of God or other peril, in which case the provisions of Article 10 shall control, the parties shall have the following obligations and responsibilities with respect to the repair and maintenance of the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas, and the Property.

  • OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF COMMON AREAS During the Term, Landlord shall operate all Common Areas within the Building and the Project. The term “Common Areas” shall mean all areas within the Building, Project and other buildings in the Project which are not held for exclusive use by persons entitled to occupy space.

  • Maintaining Records; Access to Properties and Inspections; Maintenance of Ratings (a) Keep proper books of record and account in which full, true and correct entries in conformity with GAAP and all requirements of law are made of all dealings and transactions in relation to its business and activities. Each Loan Party will, and will cause each of its subsidiaries to, permit any representatives designated by the Administrative Agent or any Lender to visit and inspect the financial records and the properties of such Person at reasonable times and as often as reasonably requested and to make extracts from and copies of such financial records, and permit any representatives designated by the Administrative Agent or any Lender to discuss the affairs, finances and condition of such Person with the officers thereof and independent accountants therefor.

  • Maintenance Repairs and Alterations 6.01 Tenant's Obligations to Repair ------------------------------ Tenant shall at its sole cost and expense, maintain in clean and safe condition, and make all repairs and replacements to the Premises and every part thereof, structural and non-structural, so as to keep, maintain and preserve the Premises in first class condition and repair, including, without limitation, the roof, the foundation, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system ("HVAC"), elevators, if any, all plumbing and sewage facilities, fire sprinklers, electrical and lighting facilities, systems, appliances, and equipment within the Premises, fixtures, interior and exterior walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, entrances, all interior and exterior glass (including plate glass), and skylights located within the Premises, and all sidewalks, service areas, parking areas and landscaping comprising part of the Premises. All repairs and replacements required to be made by Tenant shall be made promptly with new materials of like kind and quality to those used in the original construction of the Premises. If the repair or replacement work affects the structural parts of the Premises, or if the estimated cost of any item or repair or replacement exceeds $10,000, then Tenant shall first obtain Landlord's written approval of the scope of work, plans therefor, and materials to be used. Any such work shall be performed by Landlord's contractor or by such contractor as Tenant may choose from an approved list to be submitted by Landlord. Landlord shall have the right to make any repairs or replacements which are not promptly made by Tenant and charge Tenant, as Additional Rent, for the cost thereof together with interest thereon at the Agreed Rate from the date of payment thereof by Landlord. Without limiting any of Tenant's obligations hereunder, during the Lease Term Tenant, at its expense, shall obtain and keep in force an HVAC service contract and a roof maintenance program satisfactory to Landlord. Tenant hereby waives the benefit of any statute now or hereafter in effect which would otherwise afford Tenant the right to make repairs at Landlord's expense or to terminate this Lease because of Landlord's failure to keep the Premises in good condition, order and repair. Tenant specifically waives all rights it may have under Sections 1932(1), 1941 and 1942 of the California Civil Code, and any similar or successor statute or law. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Landlord shall exercise its rights under any guaranties or warranties relating to the original construction of the Premises if the need to make repairs arises due to a defect therein; provided, however, Landlord shall not have any liability or be required to expend any funds if such guaranties or warranties are not honored by the makers hereof.

  • MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF COLLATERAL Grantor shall maintain all tangible Collateral in good condition and repair. Grantor will not commit or permit damage to or destruction of the Collateral or any part of the Collateral. Lender and its designated representatives and agents shall have the right at all reasonable times to examine, inspect, and audit the Collateral wherever located. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender of all cases involving the return, rejection, repossession, loss or damage of or to any Collateral; of any request for credit or adjustment or of any other dispute arising with respect to the Collateral; and generally of all happenings and events affecting the Collateral or the value or the amount of the Collateral.

  • Repairs; Maintenance and Compliance Borrower shall at all times maintain, preserve and protect all franchises and trade names, and Borrower shall cause the Property to be maintained in a good and safe condition and repair and shall not remove, demolish or alter the Improvements or Equipment (except for alterations performed in accordance with Section 5.4.2 below and normal replacement of Equipment with Equipment of equivalent value and functionality). Borrower shall promptly comply with all Legal Requirements and immediately cure properly any violation of a Legal Requirement. Borrower shall notify Lender in writing within two (2) Business Days after Borrower first receives notice of any such non-compliance. Borrower shall promptly repair, replace or rebuild any part of the Property that becomes damaged, worn or dilapidated and shall complete and pay for any Improvements at any time in the process of construction or repair.

  • Tenant’s Repairs and Maintenance Tenant covenants and agrees that, from and after the date that possession of the Premises is delivered to Tenant and until the end of the Lease Term, Tenant will keep neat and clean and maintain in good order, condition and repair the Premises and every part thereof, excepting only for those repairs for which Landlord is responsible under the terms of Article VII of this Lease and damage by fire or casualty and as a consequence of the exercise of the power of eminent domain. Tenant shall not permit or commit any waste, and Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of repairs which may be made necessary by reason of damages to common areas in the Building or Prudential Center by Tenant, Tenant’s agents, employees, contractors, sublessees, licensees, concessionaires or invitees. Tenant shall maintain all its equipment, furniture and furnishings in good order and repair. If repairs are required to be made by Tenant pursuant to the terms hereof, Landlord may demand that Tenant make the same forthwith, and if Tenant refuses or neglects to commence such repairs and complete the same with reasonable dispatch after such demand, Landlord may (but shall not be required to do so) make or cause such repairs to be made and shall not be responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage that may accrue to Tenant’s stock or business by reason thereof. If Landlord makes or causes such repairs to be made, Tenant agrees that Tenant will forthwith on demand, pay to Landlord as Additional Rent the cost thereof together with interest thereon at the rate specified in Section 16.21, and if Tenant shall default in such payment, Landlord shall have the remedies provided for non-payment of rent or other charges payable hereunder.

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