Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy. Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Teacher is familiar with the important concepts in the discipline but displays lack of awareness of how these concepts relate to one another. Teacher’s plans and practice indicate some awareness of prerequisite relationships, although such knowledge may be inaccurate or incomplete. Teacher’s plans and practice reflect a limited range of pedagogical approaches to the discipline or to the students. Teacher displays extensive knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline Teacher displays solid and the ways they relate In planning and practice, teacher makes content errors or does not correct errors made by students. knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline and the ways they relate to one another. both to one another and to other disciplines. Teacher’s plans and practice reflect Teacher’s plans and practice display little Teacher’s plans and practice reflect accurate understanding of prerequisite relationships understanding of prerequisite relationships important to student’s learning of the content. understanding of prerequisite relationships among topics and concepts. among topics and concepts and provide a link to necessary cognitive structures needed by Teacher displays little or no understanding of the range of pedagogical approaches suitable to student’s learning of the content. Teacher’s plans and practice reflect familiarity with a wide range of e¤ective pedagogical approaches in the discipline. students to ensure understanding. Teacher’s plans and practice reflect familiarity with a wide range of e¤ective pedagogical approaches in the discipline, anticipating student misconceptions. Critical Attributes Teacher is familiar with the discipline but does not see conceptual relationships. Teacher’s knowledge of prerequisite relationships is inaccurate or incomplete. Lesson and unit plans use limited instructional strategies, and some may not be suitable to the content. The teacher can identify important concepts of the In addition to the characteristics of “proficient”: Teacher cites intra- and interdisciplinary con- tent relationships. Teacher is proactive in uncovering student mis- conceptions and addressing them before proceeding. discipline and their Teacher makes content relationships to one another. errors. Teacher does not consider prerequisite relationships The teacher consistently provides clear explanations of the content. when planning. Teacher’s plans use inappropriate strategie...
Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy. The teacher shows his or her knowledge of content and how to teach it to a variety of learners. The teacher’s plans include natural connections among content areas that deepen student learning. The content that he or she teaches is aligned to the district curricula.