Disciplinary Procedures. 28.1 Representation A. Upon request, an employee has the right to a union representative at an investigatory interview called by the Employer, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If the requested representative is not reasonably available, the employee will select another representative who is available. B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their representative. C. The role of the representative is to provide assistance and counsel to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation. 28.2 Discipline A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause. B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the employee. C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded. The Employer has the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations. D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure. E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion. F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will be entitled to payment of salary for time the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work had seven (7) calendar days notice been given. However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu of the seven (7) calendar days notice period if, in the Employer’s determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the college.
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures.
28.1 Representation
A. Upon request, 44.1 Plunket will act in accordance with the principles of natural justice when dealing with any instance of alleged misconduct on the part of an employee has the right to a union representative at an investigatory interview called by the Employer, if employee. Plunket will advise the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If of the requested representative is not reasonably availablespecific matter or matters of concern, and will allow the employee a reasonable opportunity to provide an explanation of the matter.
44.2 In all matters of alleged misconduct, the employee will select another representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking shall have the opportunity of obtaining assistance and representation are responsible for contacting from NZNO or their other representative.
C. The role 44.3 Plunket may choose to suspend the employee on full pay to take time to fully investigate any issues of serious misconduct in accordance with Plunket’s disciplinary policy and procedures.
44.4 If, following proper investigation, an offence is found to warrant disciplinary action the nature of the representative disciplinary action (whether it is to provide assistance and counsel be dismissal, warning, or other action) shall be promptly communicated by Plunket to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise employee may request to have their NZNO or other representative present at any meeting conveying such warnings
00.0 Xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx XXXX with at least one month's notice of rights in this Article will not interfere any redundancy situation and shall enter into discussions with them with the Employer’s right primary and initial objective of seeking mutually agreed redeployment. Such notice to conduct NZNO will be at least one month before the investigationintended date of termination.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers 45.2 For all employees other than Senior Nurses and Family Start employees, redundancy will not discipline any permanent employee without just causebe as per the Plunket Staff Redundancy Agreement in Schedule 1.
B. Discipline includes oral 45.3 For Senior Nurses employed by Plunket as at 10 May 2002 who have had continuous service prior to this date and written reprimandswhere their redundancy entitlement exceeds three months’ salary on 10 May 2002, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will shall be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in covered by the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the employee“Plunket Staff Redundancy Agreement”.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded. The Employer has 45.4 For Senior Nurses employed after 10 May 2002 they shall not be covered by the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations“Plunket Staff Redundancy Agreement.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will ” These Employees shall be entitled to payment receive redundancy compensation of salary for time three months’ base salary, which shall include one month’s notice.
45.5 For Family Start employees: In the employee would otherwise have been scheduled event the Employee's employment is to work had seven (7) calendar days notice been given. Howeverbe terminated by reason of redundancy, the Employer may discharge an Employee will be provided in writing with one month’s notice. The employee immediately without is entitled to redundancy compensation as follows:
45.5.1 For the first year of service, six weeks’ pay in lieu based on the Employee’s current base salary.
45.5.2 For each subsequent year of service or part thereof, two weeks’ pay based on the seven (7) calendar days notice period if, in Employee’s current base salary.
45.5.3 The maximum payment that the EmployerEmployee is entitled to receive by way of redundancy compensation is limited to 14 weeks’ pay based on the Employee’s determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the collegecurrent base salary.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures.
28.1 Representation
A. Upon request, an employee has the right to a union representative at an investigatory interview called by the Employer, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If the requested representative is not reasonably available, the employee will select another representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their representative.
C. The role of the representative is to provide assistance and counsel to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the employee.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded; however, federal laws and/or regulations related to Title IX will be followed by the institution, even if those laws and regulations conflict with this Agreement. The Employer has the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30, except where precluded by federal laws and/or regulations related to Title IX. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days days’ written notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days days’ notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will be entitled to payment of salary for time the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work had seven (7) calendar days days’ notice been given. However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu of the seven (7) calendar days days’ notice period if, in the Employer’s determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the college.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures. Section 12.1. Reasonable disciplinary action shall be given for just cause and will include one of the following:
28.1 RepresentationX. Xxxxxx warning;
A. Upon request, an employee has the right B. One or more written warnings;
C. Suspension with or without pay; and
D. Discharge from employment. The Engineer agrees that principles of progressive corrective action will be followed with respect to a union representative at an investigatory interview called minor offenses as determined by the Employer, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If the requested representative is not reasonably available, the employee will select another representative who is availableCounty Engineer.
B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their representative.
C. The role Section 12.2. Records of the representative is verbal warnings shall cease to provide assistance have force and counsel to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the employee.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded. The Employer has the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen effect twelve (1512) calendar days written notice prior to months after the effective date of such warnings, providing there is no intervening disciplinary action for any similar offenses during that time.
Section 12.3. Written reprimands and/or suspensions shall cease to have force and effect twenty-four (24) months after the effective date of such action providing there is no intervening written notice of disciplinary action during the twenty-four (24) month period. Disciplinary measures that have ceased to have force and effect shall not be used in determining subsequent disciplinary action.
Section 12.4. An employee shall be given a copy of any written warning, written reprimand, or other written disciplinary action entered on his/her personnel record. The employee shall sign acknowledging receipt of said disciplinary action.
Section 12.5. Any employee who has been disciplined by suspension or discharge will be given a written statement describing the reason or reasons for which he has been suspended or discharged. In the case of suspension, he will be advised of the duration of the suspension.
Section 12.6. If the supervisor or other representative of the Engineer has reason to discipline an employee, it shall be done in a businesslike manner and in a private meeting that will not embarrass the employee before other employees or the public.
A. Whenever the Engineer or his designee determines that an employee has engaged in conduct which may result in a suspension without pay, a reduction in pay or demotiontermination of employment, a pre-disciplinary conference will be scheduled to afford the employee an opportunity to offer an explanation of the alleged conduct.
B. Should the Engineer decide it is necessary he may suspend the employee(s) involved, with pay until the time of the hearing.
C. Pre-disciplinary conferences will be conducted by the Engineer or an individual selected by the Engineer.
D. Not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled starting time of the conference, the Engineer will provide a "Notice of Pre-Disciplinary Conference" to the employee outlining the charges which may be the basis for the disciplinary action.
E. At the pre-disciplinary conference, the Engineer or designee will ask the employee to respond to the allegations of misconduct which were outlined to the employee. Failure to respond or an untruthful response may result in further disciplinary action.
F. The Employer will normally provide an At the conference, the employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior may present any testimony, witness or documents relevant to the effective date matter at hand. The employee may be represented by any person he/she chooses, however, a representative of a dischargethe Union will be permitted to be present. If It is the Employer fails employee's responsibility to provide seven (7) calendar days noticenotify any witnesses that their attendance is desired.
X. Subsequent to the hearing, the discharge Engineer or designee will stand and issue a written report. The sole issue to be addressed by the Engineer or designee is whether or not the alleged conduct occurred. A copy of the Engineer's or designee’s report will be provided to the employee within five (5) days of the hearing.
X. After preparation of or receipt of the report, the Engineer will decide the extent of discipline, if any, to be imposed. The employee will be entitled to payment of salary for time the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work had seven informed, in writing, within thirty (730) calendar days notice been given. However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu of the seven (7) calendar days notice period if, in the Employer’s determination, the continued employment hearing of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the collegeEngineer's decision as soon as possible following such decision.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures.
28.1 Representation
A. Upon request, 43.1 Plunket will act in accordance with the principles of natural justice when dealing with any instance of alleged misconduct on the part of an employee has the right to a union representative at an investigatory interview called by the Employer, if employee. Plunket will advise the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If of the requested representative is not reasonably availablespecific matter or matters of concern, and will allow the employee a reasonable opportunity to provide an explanation of the matter.
43.2 In all serious matters of misconduct, the employee will select another representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking shall have the opportunity of obtaining assistance and representation are responsible for contacting from NZNO or their other representative.
C. The role 43.3 Plunket may choose to suspend the employee on full pay to take time to fully investigate any issues of serious misconduct in accordance with Plunket’s disciplinary policy and procedures.
43.4 If, following proper investigation, an offence is found to warrant disciplinary action the nature of the representative disciplinary action (whether it is to provide assistance and counsel be dismissal, warning, or other action) shall be promptly communicated by Plunket to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise employee may request to have their NZNO or other representative present at any meeting conveying such warnings
00.0 Xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx XXXX with at least one month's notice of rights in this Article will not interfere any redundancy situation and shall enter into discussions with them with the Employer’s right primary and initial objective of seeking mutually agreed redeployment. Such notice to conduct NZNO will be at least one month before the investigationintended date of termination.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers 44.2 For all employees other than Senior Nurses and Family Start employees, redundancy will not discipline any permanent employee without just causebe as per the Plunket Staff Redundancy Agreement in Schedule 1.
B. Discipline includes oral 44.3 For Senior Nurses employed by Plunket as at 10 May 2002 who have had continuous service prior to this date and written reprimandswhere their redundancy entitlement exceeds three months’ salary on 10 May 2002, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will shall be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in covered by the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the employee“Plunket Staff Redundancy Agreement”.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded. The Employer has 44.4 For Senior Nurses employed after 10 May 2002 they shall not be covered by the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations“Plunket Staff Redundancy Agreement.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will ” These Employees shall be entitled to payment receive redundancy compensation of salary for time three months’ base salary, which shall include one month’s notice.
44.5 For Family Start employees : In the employee would otherwise have been scheduled event the Employee's employment is to work had seven (7) calendar days notice been given. Howeverbe terminated by reason of redundancy, the Employer may discharge an Employee will be provided in writing with one month’s notice. The employee immediately without is entitled to redundancy compensation as follows:
44.5.1 For the first year of service, six weeks’ pay in lieu based on the Employee’s current base salary.
44.5.2 For each subsequent year of service or part thereof, two weeks’ pay based on the seven (7) calendar days notice period if, in Employee’s current base salary.
44.5.3 The maximum payment that the EmployerEmployee is entitled to receive by way of redundancy compensation is limited to 14 weeks’ pay based on the Employee’s determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the collegecurrent base salary.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures. 16
28.1 Representation17 A. Disciplinary action or measures shall be limited to the following, but not necessarily in 18 this order, depending upon the nature of the action, or inaction, of the employee: 20 Oral Reprimand 21 Written Reprimand 22 Suspension (Notice in Writing) 23 Discharge (Notice in Writing)
A. Upon request, 25 B. Any disciplinary action taken against an employee has shall be for just cause; and notice of 26 the reasons for reprimands, suspensions, or discharges shall be stated in writing and 27 given to the employee affected and the Union President on or before the effective date 28 of the action. Any disciplinary action imposed upon an employee may be processed as a 29 grievance through the regular grievance procedure. The Union shall have the right to 30 take up a union representative suspension or discharge as a grievance at an investigatory interview called by the Employer, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If the requested representative is not reasonably available, the employee will select another representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their representative.
C. The role of the representative is to provide assistance and counsel to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the employee.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded. The Employer has the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 3 of the grievance procedure.
32 C. Under the system of progressive discipline, written reprimands may, but not required, be 33 preceded by an oral reprimand. Oral reprimands shall occur in the presence of the shop 34 xxxxxxx or other Union representative if so requested by the Unit employee.
36 D. Employees shall have complete supervised access to their individual personnel files 37 during normal business hours and shall be given copies of all adverse material at the 38 time such material is entered into the file.
40 E. The Employer will provide Should the City find it necessary to discipline an employee or employees with fifteen an oral 41 reprimand, it shall be done in such a manner as not to embarrass the employee in front 42 of the public or other employees. Employees receiving such disciplinary action shall 43 conduct themselves in a like manner.
45 F. Any letter of reprimand in an employee's personnel file will be removed from the file after 46 two (152) calendar days written notice prior years from the date of the issuance of the letter of reprimand, and any 47 suspension shall be removed after four (4) years, provided there has been no recurrence 48 of the type or kind of misconduct giving rise to the effective date original letter of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will be entitled to payment of salary for time the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work had seven (7) calendar days notice been given. However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu of the seven (7) calendar days notice period if, in the Employer’s determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the college.reprimand or
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures.
28.1 Representation
A. Upon request, an employee has the right to a union representative at an investigatory Page 35 interview called by the Employer, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If the requested representative is not reasonably available, the employee will select another union designated representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their union designated representative.
C. The role of the union designated representative is to provide assistance and counsel to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation.
28.2 DisciplineDiscipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a take reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the employee.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded; however, federal laws and/or regulations related to Title IX will be followed by the institution, even if those laws and regulations conflict with this Agreement. The Employer has the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30, except where precluded by federal laws and/or regulations related to Title IX. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days days’ written notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days days’ notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will be entitled to payment of salary for time the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work had seven (7) calendar days days’ notice been given. However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu of the seven (7) calendar days days’ notice period if, in the Employer’s determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the college.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures.
28.1 Representation
A. Upon request, The Board shall not take any disciplinary action against an employee has the right to a union representative at an investigatory interview called by the Employer, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If the requested representative is not reasonably available, the employee will select another representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their representative.
C. The role of the representative is to provide assistance and counsel to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will An employee shall be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in entitled to representation at any conference held for the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When purpose of disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the employee.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconductThe preliminary disciplinary hearing shall occur within ten (10) work days of the incident/behavior occurring or the administration (i.e., are supersededimmediate supervisor) learning of the incident, whichever is later. The Employer has immediate supervisor will issue his/her discipline within ten (10) work days of holding the authority disciplinary hearing. If the immediate supervisor determines that the misconduct warrants more than a written reprimand, he/she will refer the matter in writing to determine the method Superintendent/designee, with a summary of conducting investigationshis/her investigation and the information learned at the preliminary disciplinary hearing. The immediate supervisor will send a copy of the referral to the employee and the Association President. The Superintendent/designee shall hold a Xxxxxxxxxx hearing within ten (10) work days of the receiving the referral from the immediate supervisor. The Superintendent/designee will make a determination of the discipline to be imposed within ten (10) work days of holding the Xxxxxxxxxx hearing – the discipline may involve a written reprimand, suspension without pay, or termination. Failure to impose discipline within the timeframes set forth herein shall limit the discipline that may be imposed to a written reprimand. Nothing herein shall prevent the Superintendent/designee from assigning an employee to home, with pay, pending determination of the discipline to be imposed.
D. The Employer has Verbal warnings shall be documented in an employee’s personnel file by memorializing the authority to impose date/time, location, and general description of the misconduct (which normally will not exceed a few sentences), along with the direction provided by the immediate supervisor.
E. When the Superintendent/designee imposes any discipline, which is then subject to the employee may file a grievance procedure set forth in Article 30. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 immediately at Level Three of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee F. A verbal warning may only be grieved through Level Three (Formal Hearing with fifteen Superintendent/designee). A written reprimand may be grieved through Level Five (15) calendar days written notice prior Arbitration), but the losing party has to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will be entitled to payment of salary for time the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work had seven (7) calendar days notice been given. However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu all of the seven (7) calendar days notice period if, in the Employerarbitrator’s determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the collegefees.*
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures.
28.1 Representation
A. Upon requestIf the investigation or interview of an officer employee results in a recommendation for disciplinary action, an employee has including demotion or dismissal, the following procedures shall be followed. It is understood that these procedures shall not apply in instances which result in oral or written reprimands and officers employees who are so reprimanded shall have the right to a union representative at an investigatory interview called by the Employer, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If the requested representative is not reasonably available, the employee will select another representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their representative.
C. The role of the representative is to provide assistance and counsel to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will be identified as grieve such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal action in accordance with Section 33.8Article XXIII.
1. When disciplining The officer employee who is the subject of disciplinary action shall be given an employeeopportunity to have a Xxxxxxxxxx hearing with the Chief of Police or hisa designee, prior to any discipline being imposed. The officer employee shall be advised, in writing prior to such Xxxxxxxxxx hearing, of the nature of the charges against him/herthem and the disciplinary action being recommended. Such notice shall specify the date and time of the meeting which shall provide the officer employee with at least two (2) weeks to exercise his their rights under this Article. Along with the notice the employee shall be provided with a copy of the Internal Affairs Investigation Report prepared by the investigating officer.
2. At the Xxxxxxxxxx hearing with the Chief or hisa designee, the Employer officer employee will make be given the opportunity to rebut the charges against him/herthem and the officer employee may be represented by counsel and/or a reasonable effort to protect the privacy representative of the employeeAssociation.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded3. The Employer has the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with Within seven (7) calendar days of the Xxxxxxxxxx hearing with the Chief or his their designee, the officer employee shall be given written notice prior of the disciplinary action the Chief intends to impose. The officer employee may appeal the effective date determination of the Chief by filing a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide written notice of appeal within seven (7) calendar days noticeto the First Selectman pursuant to Article XXIII, step 2. If said discipline is a suspension without pay of fifteen (15) working days or less, said discipline shall take effect as indicated in the notice from the Chief. If said discipline is in excess of a fifteen (15) working day suspension without pay, and the officer employee files a written appeal to the First Selectman as provided above, the discharge will stand and discipline shall not be imposed until the First Selectman has rendered a determination pursuant to Article XXIII, step 2.
4. The officer employee will be entitled to payment of salary for time may appeal the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work had seven (7) calendar days notice been given. However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu determination of the seven (7) calendar days notice period ifFirst Selectman pursuant to Article XXIII, in the Employer’s determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the collegeStep 3.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures. Discipline is an administrative response to unprofessional conduct, failure to meet professional responsibilities or continued documented unsatisfactory performance. Unless the behavior or instance is unlawful, unsafe, or results in the inability to perform one’s professional duties, the following steps will be followed:
28.1 Representation1. When the Employer receives a formal complaint against a faculty member that may result in disciplinary action, the appropriate administrator will notify the faculty member and the AHE President within 10 contract days of receipt.
A. Upon request2. Within 10 contract days of determining that a formal complaint or a discovery of employee conduct that requires investigation by law will prompt an investigation and possible subsequent disciplinary action, the employee and the AHE President will be notified in writing by the Executive Director of Human Resources or his/her designee. The notification will include a substantive explanation of the nature of the complaint.
3. At the discretion of the Executive Director of Human Resources, the investigation may be conducted by a WVC administrator or an independent third party. If the complaint originates from the employee’s supervisor, the Executive Director of Human Resources will assign the investigation to an alternate administrator or an independent third party. The employee has shall have the right to have an AHE representative present in any investigatory meeting. When a union request for such representation is made, no further action shall be taken until the representative at an investigatory interview called is present. Such meeting shall occur within 10 days of the request for representation. Exceptions to the 10-day timeline are subject to mutual written agreement by the Employeremployee, if AHE and appropriate administrator.
4. Within 10 contract days of the completion of the investigation, the employee reasonably believes discipline could resultand the AHE President will be notified of its completion and provided a copy of the findings, the investigation report, and any supporting documents. If Within 10 days of notification, and prior to imposition of any disciplinary action, the requested representative is not reasonably availableparties will meet. In all cases, the employee will select another be provided with the documents listed above at least two contract days prior to the meeting between the parties. The employee shall have the right to have an AHE representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking representation present at the meeting. The administrator will explain the findings and state the possible disciplinary action, if any. The employee will have the opportunity to respond to the findings, the investigation report, the supporting documents and any proposed disciplinary action. Exceptions to the 10-day timelines are responsible for contacting their representative.
C. The role of the representative is subject to provide assistance and counsel to mutual written agreement by the employee, rather than serve as an adversary AHE and appropriate administrator.
5. Within 10 contract days of the conclusion of the meeting, the administrator will determine the level of discipline to be imposed, if any, and inform the investigatoremployee and the AHE President in writing. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be signed by the employee, indicating only receipt, and placed in the supervisoremployee’s file only, subject personnel file. The 10-day timeline may be extended if additional investigation is needed prior to removal in accordance with Section 33.8making a decision about the imposition of disciplinary action.
6. When disciplining an employeeIf disciplinary action is taken, the Employer administrator will make inform the employee of his/her right to submit a reasonable effort written rebuttal to protect be included in the privacy personnel file along with the documentation of the employee.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are supersededdiscipline. The Employer has rebuttal must be submitted within 20 days of receiving the authority to determine the method documentation of conducting investigationsdiscipline.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will be entitled to payment of salary for time the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work had seven (7) calendar days notice been given. However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu of the seven (7) calendar days notice period if, in the Employer’s determination, the continued employment of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the college.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures. 43.1 Plunket will act in accordance with the principles of natural justice when dealing with any instance of alleged misconduct on the part of an employee. Plunket will advise the employee of the specific matter or matters of concern, and will allow the employee a reasonable opportunity to provide an explanation of the matter.
28.1 Representation43.2 In all serious matters of misconduct, the employee shall have the opportunity of obtaining assistance and representation from NZNO or their other representative.
A. Upon request43.3 Plunket may choose to suspend the employee on full pay to take time to fully investigate any issues of serious misconduct in accordance with Plunket’s disciplinary policy and procedures.
43.4 If, following proper investigation, an offence is found to warrant disciplinary action the nature of the disciplinary action (whether it is to be dismissal, warning, or other action) shall be promptly communicated by Plunket to the employee. The employee may request to have their NZNO or other representative present at any meeting conveying such warnings
00.0 Xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx XXXX with at least one month's notice of any redundancy situation and shall enter into discussions with them with the primary and initial objective of seeking mutually agreed redeployment. Such notice to NZNO will be at least one month before the intended date of termination.
44.2 For all employees other than Senior Nurses, redundancy will be as per the Plunket Staff Redundancy Agreement in Schedule 1.
44.3 For Senior Nurses employed by Plunket as at 10 May 2002 who have had continuous service prior to this date and where their redundancy entitlement exceeds three months’ salary on 10 May 2002, shall be covered by the “Plunket Staff Redundancy Agreement”.
44.4 For Senior Nurses employed after 10 May 2002 they shall not be covered by the “Plunket Staff Redundancy Agreement.” These Employees shall be entitled to receive redundancy compensation of three months’ base salary, which shall include one month’s notice.
44.5 Equalisation allowance Where, as part of an organisational change, an employee has is offered and accepts a role where the right to a union representative at an investigatory interview called by rate of pay for the Employernew position is less than that which applied in their former position, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could result. If the requested representative is not reasonably available, the employee will select another representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their representative.
C. The role of the representative is to provide assistance and counsel to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands they will be identified as such andpaid an equalisation allowance, if documented, such documentation will be placed in the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8preserve their former rate of pay for a period of 12 months. When disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a reasonable effort to protect the privacy of the employee.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded. The Employer has the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose discipline, which This allowance is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth in Article 30. Oral and written reprimands, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in abated by any pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will be entitled to payment of salary for time the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work had seven (7) calendar days notice been given. However, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu of the seven (7) calendar days notice period if, in the Employer’s determination, the continued employment of the employee increases during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the collegeallowance is being paid.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Disciplinary Procedures.
28.1 Representation10.1 It is the intention of the Parties that both the Union and the Town be kept informed about matters having a substantial effect upon the conditions of employment in the Bargaining Unit. To accomplish this objective, the Parties agree that:
A. Upon requestThe Union or its President shall be given a two (2) week advance notice of any non-disciplinary layoff or demotion affecting the Bargaining Unit or members thereof.
B. A superior officer may issue an oral reprimand for minor infractions. At the Chiefs discretion, a record of the same may be entered in an employee has the right to a union representative at an investigatory interview called by the Employer, if the employee reasonably believes discipline could resultindividual’s personnel file. If the requested representative oral reprimand is not reasonably availablerecorded in the member’s personnel file, the employee member will select another representative who is available.
B. Employees seeking representation are responsible for contacting their representativebe given the opportunity to file a written response with the reprimand.
C. The role Any employee who is formally charged within an alleged violation of the representative is to provide assistance and counsel to the employee, rather than serve as an adversary to the investigator. The exercise of rights in this Article will not interfere with the Employer’s right to conduct the investigation.
28.2 Discipline
A. Employers will not discipline any permanent employee without just cause.
B. Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions, and discharges. Oral reprimands will be identified as such and, if documented, such documentation will be placed in the supervisor’s file only, subject to removal in accordance with Section 33.8. When disciplining an employee, the Employer will make a reasonable effort to protect the privacy rules of the employee.
C. All institution policies regarding investigatory procedures related to alleged employee misconduct, are superseded. The Employer has the authority to determine the method of conducting investigations.
D. The Employer has the authority to impose disciplinePolice Department, which is then subject to the grievance procedure set forth may result in Article 30. Oral and written reprimandsother than oral reprimand, however, may only be processed through Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
E. The Employer will provide an employee with fifteen (15) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a reduction in pay or demotion.
F. The Employer will normally provide an employee with seven (7) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of a discharge. If the Employer fails to provide seven (7) calendar days notice, the discharge will stand and the employee will be entitled to payment a Departmental hearing. Employees will be allowed to have a Unit Employee Representative observe but not participate in such Hearings.
D. Any employee in the Bargaining Unit receiving a letter of salary dismissal, demotion, reduction in base pay, suspension or reprimand shall be advised in writing that he/she is entitled to Union representation in an appeal Hearing before the Town Administrator, which will be conducted in two (2) separate parts:
1. The determination of just cause for time such disciplinary action; and
2. The determination of the appropriateness of the penalty.
E. Employee dismissals and dismissal appeals shall be consistent with this agreement, statute(s) and regulations created pursuant to such statute(s).
F. All unit employees shall be allowed to inspect their personnel files during normal working hours. Normal working hours, for this section, will be Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Such inspection shall be made subject to prior arrangement with the Employer. Every employee would otherwise shall be informed as to the existence and location of all official personnel files and have been scheduled access to work had seven (7) calendar days notice been giventheirs. HoweverAn employee may receive a copy of documents contained in his/her personnel file at the current reproduction cost of the Town as determined by the Town.
10.2 Every employee who is instructed to appear for a Departmental Hearing regarding an alleged violation of the rules of the Police Department, which may result in disciplinary action, shall be so advised in advance.
10.3 Except as expressly limited by a provision or provisions of this Agreement, the Employer may discharge an employee immediately without pay in lieu Town of Durham shall continue to exercise its right to establish, alter, and carry out disciplinary procedures. The Town shall furnish a copy of the seven (7) calendar days notice period if, in the Employer’s determination, the continued employment rules of the employee during the notice period would jeopardize the good of the collegePolice Department to each employee.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement