Disputes of a collective character. Disputes of a collective character may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to the Commission. However, no dispute of a collective character may be referred to the Commission directly without a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute at the workplace level.
Disputes of a collective character. Disputes of a collective character may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to the FWC. However, no dispute of a collective character may be referred to the FWC directly without a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute at the workplace level.
Disputes of a collective character. 12.6.1 The parties bound by the Agreement acknowledge that disputes of a collective character concerning more than one employee may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to FWC.
12.6.2 No dispute of a collective character may be referred to FWC directly unless there has been a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute at the workplace level prior to it being referred to FWC for conciliation.
Disputes of a collective character. (a) The parties bound by the agreement acknowledge that disputes of a collective character concerning more than one Employee may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to the Commission.
(b) No dispute of a collective character may be referred to the Commission directly unless there has been a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute at the workplace level prior to it being referred to the Commission.
Disputes of a collective character. (a) The parties covered by the agreement acknowledge that disputes of a collective character concerning more than one employee may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to FWA.
(b) No dispute of a collective character may be referred to FWA directly unless there has been a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute at the workplace level prior to it being referred to the Commission.
Disputes of a collective character. The parties bound by the Agreement acknowledge that disputes of a collective character concerning more than one employee may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to the Fair Work Commission.
Disputes of a collective character. 22.6.1 The parties bound by the Agreement acknowledge that disputes of a collective character concerning more than one biomedical engineer may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to the AIRC.
22.6.2 No dispute of a collective character may be referred to the AIRC directly unless there has been a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute at the workplace level prior to it being referred to the AIRC.
Disputes of a collective character. 77.6.1 The parties covered by Section 3 acknowledge that disputes of a collective character concerning more than one Employee may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to Fair Work Commission.
77.6.2 No dispute of a collective character may be referred to Fair Work Commission directly unless there has been a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute at the workplace level prior to it being referred to Fair Work Commission.
Disputes of a collective character. The Parties acknowledge that disputes of a collective character concerning more than one Employee may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to the FWC.
Disputes of a collective character. 4.5.1 It is acknowledged that disputes of a collective character concerning more than one employee may be dealt with more expeditiously by an early reference to the Commission by the employees concerned and/or their nominated representatives.
4.5.2 No dispute of a collective character may be referred to the Commission directly unless there has been a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute at the workplace level prior to it being referred to the Commission.
4.5.3 Any dispute referred to the Commission under this clause should be dealt with by a member agreed by the parties to the dispute at the time or, in default of agreement, a member nominated by either the head of the relevant panel or the President.