Diverse. 12.1 This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior agreements between the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein. 12.1 Detta Avtal efterträder och ersätter alla tidigare versioner av detta Avtal eller annat avtal mellan Parterna med avseende på ämnet som finns här. 12.2 This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Estonia, without regard to any conflict of law principles. 12.2 Detta avtal regleras av och tolkas i enlighet med Estnisk lagstiftning, utan hänsyn till några lagkonflikter. 12.3 In the event of any dispute arising from or in connection to this Agreement, the Parties shall first seek to resolve it 12.3 I händelse av någon tvist som uppstår från eller i samband med detta avtal, ska Parterna i första hand försöka lösa alla amicably through mutual agreement, but if no resolution is achieved, the dispute shall be submitted to the courts of Estonia, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction. tvister genom ömsesidig överenskommelse, men om ingen lösning uppnås ska tvisten överlämnas till domstolarna i Estland, som har exklusiv jurisdiktion. 12.4 Preferred by Nature may, from time to time, modify this Agreement as a result of changing Accreditation Body requirements, Certification Requirements, or Preferred by Nature procedures. Any such modifications shall be provided to the Organisation in writing at least ninety (90) days before they become effective. If the Organisation objects to any of the changes, the Organisation has the right to terminate the Agreement by giving Preferred by Nature thirty (30) days written notice. Any other amendments to this Agreement shall be agreed to in writing and signed by both Parties.
Appears in 2 contracts
Diverse. 12.1 This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior agreements between the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein.
12.1 Detta Avtal efterträder och ersätter alla tidigare versioner av detta Avtal eller annat avtal mellan Parterna Denne Aftale afløser og erstatter alle tidligere aftaler xxxxxx Parterne med avseende på ämnet som finns härhensyn til emnet indeholdt heri.
12.2 This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Estonia, without regard to any conflict of law principles.
12.2 Detta avtal regleras av och tolkas Denne Aftale er underlagt og fortolket i enlighet overensstemmelse med Estnisk lagstiftning, utan hänsyn till några lagkonflikterlovgivningen i Estland uden hensyn til nogen lovkonfliktprincipper.
12.3 In the event of any dispute arising from or 12.3 I tilfælde af enhver tvist, der opstår fra in connection to this Agreement, the Parties shall first seek to resolve it 12.3 I händelse av någon tvist som uppstår från eller i samband med detta avtal, ska Parterna i första hand försöka lösa alla amicably through mutual agreement, but if no resolution is achieved, the dispute shall be submitted to the courts of Estonia, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction. xxxxx i forbindelse med denne Aftale, skal Parterne xxxxx søge at løse alle tvister genom ömsesidig överenskommelsei mindelighed gennem gensidig aftale, men om ingen lösning uppnås ska hvis der ikke opnås en løsning, skal tvisten överlämnas till domstolarna forelægges domstolene i Estland, som har exklusiv eksklusiv jurisdiktion.
12.4 Preferred by Nature may, from time to time, modify this Agreement as a result of changing Accreditation Body requirements, Certification Requirements, or Preferred by Nature procedures. Any such modifications shall be provided to the Organisation in writing at least ninety (90) days before they become effective. If the Organisation objects to any of the changes, the Organisation has the right to terminate the Agreement by giving Preferred by Nature thirty (30) days written notice. Any other amendments to this Agreement shall be agreed to in writing and signed by both Parties.
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