Firefighters Any truck with an inoperative aerial ladder shall be regularly and routinely staffed with one (1) officer and five (5) firefighters for the period of time that the aerial ladder is inoperative, or until such time as the truck with the inoperative aerial ladder is replaced with a truck with an operative aerial ladder. At 0800 and 2000 hours, all trucks shall be staffed with one (1) officer and four (4) firefighters, and any truck with an inoperative aerial ladder shall be staffed with one (1) officer and five (5) firefighters.
Seat Belt Use The Recipient agrees to implement Executive Order No. 13043, “Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United States,” April 16, 1997, 23 U.S.C. § 402 note, (62 Fed. Reg. 19217), by:
DHS Seal, Logo, and Flags The Contractor shall not use the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) seal(s), logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likeness of DHS agency officials without specific FEMA pre-approval.
Integrated Digital Loop Carriers The feeder portion of some loops may be provide by means of Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (IDLC). IDLC provides a fiber optic cable transmission path that travels directly into BellSouth’s central office local switch. Where BellSouth uses IDLC ,if technically feasible and capacity does exist, BST will provide Al-Call with a Designed DS0 UVL by using alternative provisioning techniques including but not limited to such as “hairpinning” and DAC grooming. Alternative provisioning techniques will be provided at no additional cost to Al-Call . Hairpinning involves providing a DS0 signal from an IDLC-served loop to Al-Call ’s collocation equipment by using a dedicated pathway that traverses BellSouth’s central office switch. BellSouth will provide such DS0 signal to Al-Call by establishing a copper cross connect between the BellSouth switch and Al-Call ’s collocation equipment.
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