Work Assignments Section 1. The Company shall determine whether to staff a position or fill a vacancy and the method or combination of methods it shall use for such purposes. In making this determination, the Company shall first give consideration to qualified internal candidates prior to off-street applicants. All vacancies within the Bargaining Unit shall be posted (manually or electronically) in such a fashion as to be accessible by employees. The posting shall include the title, pay range, and sufficient information regarding requirements and duties to adequately describe the vacancy. The vacancy shall remain posted for seven (7) calendar days. Section 2. In connection with Section 1. above, employees who have met a twelve (12) month time-in-title and location requirement shall be afforded the opportunity to submit to the Company a form on which they may identify their interest in being considered for vacancies which occur in the Bargaining Unit. Section 3. When a vacancy is to be filled from within the Bargaining Unit, Management will consider all qualified candidates who have forms on file relating to the vacancy in question. In selecting the employee to fill the position, the Company will first give due consideration to the candidates’ qualifications and past performance and where those factors are relatively equal, in the judgment of the Company, it shall consider seniority. Section 4. The Company agrees to provide the Union, in writing, the names and titles of all candidates selected under this Article, by the fifteenth (15th) calendar day after any such selection is made. Section 5. Nothing in this Agreement shall be applied or interpreted to restrict the Company in the exercise of its right to hire, promote or transfer; and, to the extent the needs of the business require, to have Bargaining Unit work performed by its supervisory personnel, or its right to make sales assignments without limitations.
Lease Assignment To the best of Seller's knowledge, the ------------------ Tenant has not assigned its interest in the Lease or sublet any portion of the premises leased to the Tenant under the Lease.
Overtime Assignment A. In institutional settings when the Agency determines that overtime is necessary, overtime shall be offered on a rotating basis, to the qualified employees who usually work the shift where the opportunity occurs. If no qualified employees on the shift desire to work the overtime, it will be offered on a rotating basis first to the qualified employee with the most state seniority at the work site. When there are no volunteers to work the overtime as outlined above, and/or where an emergency exists, reasonable overtime hours may be required by the Agency. Such overtime shall be assigned, on a rotating basis, first to the qualified employee with the least state seniority at the work site. This policy shall not apply to overtime work which is specific to a particular employee’s claim load or specialized work assignment or when the incumbent is required to finish a work assignment. B. In non-institutional settings, the Agency reserves the right to schedule and approve overtime. In emergency situations overtime may be approved after the fact. Required overtime that can be worked by more than one (1) employee at the work site (that which is not specific to the particular employee’s case load or specialized work assignment) will be offered on a rotating, state seniority basis. If no qualified employee volunteers for the work, or where an emergency exists, then the qualified employee with the least state seniority at the work site will be assigned on a rotating basis. C. The parties recognize that in both institutional and non-institutional settings, that the Employer has the right to require mandatory overtime where necessary; however, the Employer will not abuse the utilization of mandatory overtime.
Overtime Assignments 1. In classifications where employees are eligible for overtime pay, overtime work shall be offered to employees within the work location involved from the appropriate work group in continuing rotation on the basis of seniority. Each employee shall be selected in turn according to his/her place on the seniority list by rotation provided, however, the employee whose turn it is to work possesses the qualifications, training and ability to perform the specific work required. 2. An employee requesting to be skipped when it becomes his/her turn to work overtime shall not be rescheduled for overtime work until his/her name is reached again in orderly sequence and an appropriate notation shall be made on the overtime roster. 3. In the event no employee accepts required overtime work, the State shall assign employees within the work location involved from the appropriate work group to perform the overtime work by continuing rotation in inverse order of seniority. Employees who are unavailable, including employees who are on vacation, sick leave or other approved leaves of absence, and employees for whom the requirement of overtime work would cause undue hardship, shall be excused from a required overtime assignment. Employees so excused shall not lose their eligibility for overtime work within the then current rotation. 4. Work in progress, when appropriate, shall be completed by the employee performing the work at the time the determination is made that overtime is required except that an employee for whom the requirement of overtime work would cause undue hardship shall be excused from the overtime assignment.
Room Assignment The Landlord will assign rooms in accordance with the current assignment practice set by Residence Services. The Landlord reserves the right to transfer or move Tenants when deemed necessary. Tenants failing to arrive within 48 hours of the specified move-in date, without informing Residence Services of the delay, will lose their room assignment.
Room Assignments A. It is the policy of University to assign roommates without regard to veteran status, race, religion, age, sexual preference, disabilities, or national origin. Generally, Student may request to live with a designated student based on a self-selection process. In this instance, Student preference profiles may be considered by Student but will not be considered by University. If Student does not self-select a room space, University will assign a space to the Student. Alternatively, University may try to match roommates based on Student preference profiles. In any case, University cannot guarantee requested preferences in the room assignment process. University may assign or reassign Student without regard to requested preferences to a specific hall, room or roommate. B. If Student executes multiple contracts for housing accommodations in University-Owned and managed properties for an overlapping academic term, University may terminate the earliest executed contract(s). In such instance, University will email contract termination notice to Student in accordance with Section XVII. C. Students without disabilities may reside in Residence Hall rooms which have been specifically designed to accommodate persons with disabilities. In the event a Residence Hall room is needed to accommodate a person with a disability, Student may be required to relocate to alternate University Campus Housing accommodations. In this instance, University shall pay reasonable moving expenses to relocate occupant(s) to alternate accommodations. In this instance, University shall provide no less than three (3) days written notice prior to terminating the existing Contract. In addition, University will also credit $300 to each relocated student in appreciation of any inconvenience the student may experience. D. If permanent space is not available, the UT Arlington Housing Office may place Student in temporary space until permanent space is available. During this period, Student will earn a 25% credit on the daily rate of the room portion of the Contract. If the UT Arlington Housing Office places Student in a temporary space, Student is bound to the terms and conditions of the Contract through the fifth class day. After the fifth class day and before the UT Arlington Housing Office offers Student permanent space, Student may cancel the Contract upon written notice and payment of the prorated amount under the Contract for the number of days that Student occupied the temporary space. E. Only the person(s) assigned by the UT Arlington Housing Office to Student’s room may reside in the room. The UT Arlington Housing Office reserves the right to make changes in room assignments for such reasons as the UT Arlington Housing Office determines to be appropriate in its sole and absolute discretion, including, without limitation, roommate conflicts, pending disciplinary action, non-compliance with University Regulations, and disruptions to the community. F. If Student fails to move to a new location within the Residence Halls within twenty-four hours after the UT Arlington Housing Office has issued to Student authorization or direction to move, Student may be assessed an improper check out fee and referred to the Office of Community Standards for disciplinary action. G. Single occupancy in double rooms is allowed only on University’s prior approval, which may be withheld in its sole and absolute discretion. Requests for single occupancy must be submitted in writing to the Leasing Consultant in University Housing Office for approval. Single room occupancy in rooms designated as double occupancy will be charged at one and seven-tenths (1.7) times the double room rate. If the University has a waitlist for Residence Hall bed space, single room contracts may be changed to double room contracts. University will provide to Student a forty-eight (48) hour notice and the rent will be adjusted accordingly. H. If Student's roommate vacates the double room or if Student’s suitemates all vacate the suite, Xxxxxxx agrees to accept another roommate or suitemate as assigned. Student may be asked to move to another room if requested by the UT Arlington Housing Office. Failure to move may result in Student being charged a single room rate and improper check out fee in addition to a referral to the Office of Community Standards for disciplinary action. I. Room changes may be made only with the approval of the Residence Director. Hall and/or room type changes may be made only with approval of the UT Arlington Housing Office. Students who complete a hall and/or room type change will be required to sign a new contract. Once signed, no changes will be made to the contract until two weeks after the Residence Halls open. Requests for changes will be accepted on opening day and afterwards. J. University reserves the right to consolidate vacancies and close all or part of Residence Halls.
Assignment; Sublease 19.1 Lessor may sell, assign or otherwise transfer all or any part of its right, title and interest in and to the Equipment and/or this Lease Agreement to a third-party assignee, subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement including, but not limited to, the right to the quiet enjoyment of the Equipment by Lessee as set forth in Section 7.1 above. Such assignee shall assume all of the rights and obligations of Lessor under this Lease Agreement and shall relieve Lessor therefrom. Thereafter, all references to Lessor herein shall mean such assignee. Notwithstanding any such sale, assignment or transfer, the obligations hereunder shall remain absolute and unconditional as set forth in Section 7.2 above. 19.2 Lessor may also pledge, mortgage or grant a security interest in the Equipment and assign this Lease Agreement as collateral. Each such pledgee, mortgagee, lienholder or assignee shall have any and all rights as may be assigned by Lessor but none of the obligations of Lessor hereunder. Any pledge, mortgage or grant of security interest in the Equipment or assignment of this Lease Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions hereof including, but not limited to, the right to the quiet enjoyment of the Equipment by Lessee as set forth in Section 7.1 above. Lessor, by reason of such pledge, mortgage, grant of security interest or collateral assignment, shall not be relieved of any of its obligations hereunder which shall remain absolute and unconditional as set forth in Section 7.2 above. Upon the written request of Lessor, Lessee shall acknowledge such obligations the pledgee, mortgagee, lienholder or assignee. 19.3 LESSEE SHALL NOT SELL, TRANSFER, ASSIGN, SUBLEASE, CONVEY OR PLEDGE ANY OF ITS INTEREST IN THIS LEASE AGREEMENT OR ANY OF THE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF LESSOR. Any such sale, transfer, assignment, sublease, conveyance or pledge, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Lessor, shall be void.
Work Assignment 8.1 The jurisdiction of the Unions shall be that jurisdiction established by Agreements between International Unions claiming the work or Decisions of Record recognized by the AFL-CIO for the various classifications and the character of work performed, having regard for the special requirements of thermal, nuclear or hydraulic generation and transmission and transformation construction. An Agreement or Decision of Record is one that is published by the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO (Agreement and Decisions Rendered Affecting the Building Industry). Where no Decision or Agreement applies, the Employer agrees to consider evidence of established practices within the industry when making jurisdictional assignments. (a) A markup process will be utilized when an Employer intends to perform work on a project site*. The purpose of this markup process is to indicate to the Union the work which is planned to be carried out by the Employer in order to minimize the potential for jurisdictional disputes. (b) When work is to be performed on a project site and it meets the following criteria: same employer, same work, same project site, the markup process will not be required. This procedure shall not preclude a Union’s right to contest previously disputed work. * For the purposes of this Article, Nanticoke, Lambton, Lakeview/Xxxxx, BNPD, Pickering, Darlington, Lines and Stations and the 5 Electricity Production Zones are each considered individual project sites. In the Electricity Production Zones when work falls within this criteria the EPSCA Office will send out a “Notification of Work” along with a copy of the original minutes of xxxx-up meeting(s) to the Local Union prior to work commencing. This procedure shall not preclude the Union’s right to contest previously assigned work, if the work is in a Local Union jurisdiction other than the one it was marked up in. (c) When an Employer has work that is less than 3 weeks duration and there are ten (10) or fewer employees covered by EPSCA Collective Agreements employed on this specific work, the Union and Union affiliates will be notified of the scope of work and the Employer’s proposed work assignments. The Unions will have two (2) weeks from the date of notification to submit jurisdictional claims and supporting evidence to the Employer for consideration. The Employer will notify the Union of the final work assignments prior to the commencement of the work. (d) All work that does not meet the criteria set out in clauses 8.2(b) or 8.2(c) will be reviewed and assigned at a markup meeting. (e) EPSCA will provide written notice to the Union as far in advance as possible of markup meetings. The Unions may attend these markup meetings, and every effort will be made to settle questions of jurisdiction before the work is expected to commence. (f) The Employer who has the responsibility for the work shall make a proposed assignment of the work involved. The Employer shall be responsible for providing copies of proposed assignments to the Union at the markup meeting. The Employer will specify a reasonable time limit for the Unions involved to submit evidence of their claims. The Employer will evaluate all evidence submitted and make a final assignment of the work involved. This final assignment will be in accordance with the procedural rules established by the Plan for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction Industry. The Employer will advise the Unions of the final assignments prior to the work commencing. (g) The EPSCA representative will record the proposed assignments and jurisdictional claims and forward a copy of them within fifteen (15) working days to the Union. (h) The parties recognize that circumstances may arise, particularly with discovery and emergency work, where the process set out above may not be practical or possible, however reasonable effort will be made by the Employer to adhere to the appropriate trade jurisdiction.
SUBLET/ASSIGNMENT The Lessee may not transfer or assign this Lease, or any right or interest hereunder or sublet said leased Premises or any part thereof without first obtaining the prior written consent and approval of the Lessor.
Assignment Subleasing (a) With the exception of a tenant that would render any Leased Property or a portion thereof a “tax-exempt use property” within the meaning of Section 168(h) of the Code, Tenant may assign its interest in this Lease and may sublet or grant licenses to any Leased Property in whole or in part, from time to time, without the consent of Landlord, provided that, in the case of an assignment, Lease Guarantor reaffirms its obligations under the Lease Guaranty after giving effect to such assignment. Tenant shall have no rights to mortgage or otherwise hypothecate its leasehold interest under this Lease. With respect to any assignment or sublease to an entity that is not an Affiliate of Tenant and which relates to at least 10% of the usable square feet of any Leased Property, Tenant shall provide Landlord with a written summary of the material terms of such assignment or sublease prior to the commencement date thereof. For purposes of this Paragraph 17(a), the term “assignment” and “assign” shall not include any sale of the stock of Tenant, provided that (i) the Lease Guarantor reaffirms its obligations under the Lease Guaranty after giving effect to such sale and (ii) such sale does not result in an Event of Default. (b) Each sublease or license of a Leased Property or any part thereof shall be subject and subordinate to the provisions of this Lease, and the term of each such sublease shall terminate on or before the Expiration Date. No assignment or sublease shall affect or reduce any of the obligations of Tenant hereunder, and all such obligations shall continue in full force and effect as obligations of a principal and not as obligations of a guarantor, as if no assignment or sublease had been made, provided that if Tenant assigns its interest hereunder to any entity that has acquired all, or substantially all, of Tenant’s assets, Tenant shall be relieved of all of its obligations under this Lease from and after the effective date of such assignment so long as (i) the assignee has executed the agreement referred to below in this paragraph and (ii) such sale or transfer of assets by Tenant does not result in an Event of Default. Notwithstanding any assignment or subletting, but subject to the foregoing sentence, Tenant shall continue to remain primarily liable and responsible for the payment of the Basic Rent and Additional Rent and the performance of all its other obligations under this Lease. No assignment or sublease shall impose any obligations on Landlord, except as otherwise provided in this Lease. Tenant agrees that in the case of an assignment of this Lease, Tenant shall, within fifteen (15) days after the execution and delivery of any such assignment, deliver to Landlord (i) a duplicate original of such assignment in recordable form and (ii) an agreement executed and acknowledged by Tenant and its assignee in recordable form wherein the assignee shall agree to assume and agree to observe and perform all of the terms and provisions of this Lease on the part of the Tenant to be observed and performed from and after the date of such assignment. In the case of a sublease which relates to more than 10% of the usable square feet of a Leased Property, Tenant shall, within fifteen (15) days after the execution and delivery of such sublease, deliver to Landlord a duplicate original of such sublease; with respect to each other sublease, Tenant shall provide a copy thereof to Landlord promptly after Landlord’s request therefor. (c) Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default under this Lease, Landlord shall have the right to collect and enjoy all rents and other sums of money payable under any sublease or license of any Leased Property, and Tenant hereby irrevocably and unconditionally assigns such rents and money to Landlord, which assignment may be exercised upon and after (but not before) the occurrence of an Event of Default, provided, however, that if such Event of Default is subsequently cured and this Lease has not been terminated, Landlord shall pay to Tenant all amounts it received pursuant to such assignment that have not been applied to the obligations of Tenant hereunder.