Shoes Sample Clauses
Shoes. All uniformed staff shall be provided with 2 pairs of shoes annually, replaceable on a normal wear and tear basis.
Shoes. Unless otherwise noted in departmental standards (Aquatics), uniformed pack members are required to wear black shoes that meet the following standards:
Shoes. The Employer will select a style of winter boot and shoes for official use. Each uniformed employee will be provided, at no cost, one pair of winter boots and one pair of shoes, except detectives who will receive one pair of dress shoes which will be required to be worn during all working hours. Employees may replace either one (1) pair of shoes or winter boots (employee choice) each calendar year.
Shoes. 1. Bargaining unit employees may use their uniform allowance to purchase shoes from the TSA approved uniform vendor or use their own funds to purchase shoes from another source without reimbursement.
2. Shoes and boots, athletic shoes and safety shoes, must be all black in color, with inconspicuous logos, clean and in good repair, and must be similar in style to the shoes and boots, athletic shoes and safety shoes in Appendix A.
Shoes. In those work locations where the University does not permit employees to wear or take home the shoes s/he wears at the work site, the University will, when those shoes are worn out, either supply the employee with replacement shoes or reimburse the employee for the reasonable replacement costs of her/his work shoes. Both the determination of when shoes are worn out, and the decision to either provide replacement shoes or reimburse the employee for the reasonable costs of replacing worn-out shoes, are at the sole non-grievable, non-arbitrable discretion of the University.
Shoes. An annual allowance of two hundred dollars ($200) shall be paid to employees in the classifications named below toward the purchase of safety shoes. The annual shoe allowance is subject to federal and state income tax withholding. 24060 Assistant Environmental Health Specialist 37060 Building Inspector I (Certified) 37050 Building Inspector II 33090 Code Enforcement Officer I 33100 Code Enforcement Officer II 28830 Environmental Compliance Specialist 91050 Field Representative assigned to the Solid Waste Division in Public Works 35070 Fire Prevention Inspector 24590 Hazardous Materials Specialist I 24560 Hazardous Materials Specialist II 33080 Housing Inspector 33060 Housing Inspector (Certified) 24050 Registered Environmental Health Specialist 32030 Senior Building Inspector 24690 Senior Environmental Health Specialist 34030 Senior Vector Control Technician 34040 Vector Control Technician
Shoes. All uniformed staff shall be provided with 2 pairs of shoes of good quality annually, replaceable on a normal wear and tear basis. Staff certified medically unfit to wear shoes provided by the Hospital shall seek reimbursement for shoes purchases from external vendors. The reimbursement is capped at a maximum of the tender price for shoes provided to staff.
Shoes. Effective June 18, 2017, all classifications covered by this MA shall be eligible for reimbursement of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) per fiscal year for the cost of safety shoes. Employees receiving this reimbursement must wear safety shoes on duty.
Shoes a. Shoes must be closed toed dress shoes or athletic shoes. Shoes must always be worn.
b. The emphasis regarding shoes is safety – for that reason, all shoelaces must be tied properly, all buckles fastened, all straps must be secured or velcroed – nothing may dangle or drag from the shoe. Slippers or thin-soled shoes, flip-flops, or open-toed shoes are not permitted
c. HIGH-HEELED SHOES ARE NOT PERMITTED - Heels on shoes may not be higher than one (1) inch.
d. ROLLER SHOES, “WHEELIES” or shoes with wheels are not permitted.
Shoes. This exclusion does not apply to therapeutic/molded shoes inserts for which Benefits are provided as described under Diabetes Services in Section 1: Covered Health Care Services.