DURATION AND EXIT STRATEGY. What are the arrangements for the variation or termination of the Individual Scheme. Can part/all of the Individual Scheme be terminated on notice by a party? Can part/all of the Individual Scheme be terminated as a result of breach by either Partner? What is the duration of these arrangements? Set out what arrangements will apply upon termination of the Individual Service, including without limitation the following matters addressed in the main body of the Agreement
DURATION AND EXIT STRATEGY. Subject to the provisions of Section 22 of this agreement this scheme or any service contained within in it may be terminated with the agreement of both the Partners. There are none. SCHEDULE 1 – PART 2 AGREED SCHEME SPECIFICATION BCF SCHEME 4 DISABLED FACILITIES GRANT
DURATION AND EXIT STRATEGY. There is no requirement for an exit strategy, over and above each organisation’s own strategies. Responsibility for any debts, liabilities, record-keeping, equipment and contractual arrangements will remain with the relevant Partner.
DURATION AND EXIT STRATEGY. The provisions at [Clause 22] of the agreement will apply to the XXXX services. In the event of the termination of the XXXX Services, howsoever arising (including expiry), the Council shall be required to agree a Succession Plan with the CCGs. In addition to the obligations set out at [Clause 22.6] of the Agreement, the Partners agree that 6 months’ notice shall be given by the Council or the CCGs in the event that they wish or require to terminate the provision/commissioning (as appropriate) of the XXXX Services (except in the case of Force Majeure).
DURATION AND EXIT STRATEGY. Subject to the provisions of Section 22 of this agreement this scheme or any service contained within in it may be terminated with the agreement of both the Partners.
DURATION AND EXIT STRATEGY. As per clause 21 of the main s75 agreement for the Better Care Fund. The provisions of the following clauses shall survive termination or expiry of this Agreement:
DURATION AND EXIT STRATEGY. 9.1 The contractual arrangements for the variation or termination of Individual Schemes will include arrangements for:
(a) maintaining continuity of Services;
(b) allocation and/or disposal of any equipment relating to the Individual Scheme;
(c) responsibility for debts and on-going contracts;
9.2 No Partner will terminate an Individual Scheme without gaining prior approval from the other Partners. No Partner will make any variations to an Individual Scheme that may have an impact on the health and care integration programme of the Better Care Fund Plan, without the prior agreement of the other Partners and prior consultation with the Integration Executive.
9.3 Upon termination of the Individual Service, unless otherwise expressly stated in the Individual Scheme:
(a) responsibility for any termination of contractual arrangements with Service Providers as a result of the termination of the Individual Scheme and the consequences of such termination shall be the responsibility of the Partner or Partners who commissioned the Individual Scheme unless otherwise agreed by the other Partners;
(b) the responsibility for liabilities arising in relation to or out of or in connection with the termination of the Individual Scheme shall lie with the Partners or Partners with the responsibility for commissioning the Services.
DURATION AND EXIT STRATEGY. Either party can terminate the contract in full by providing 12 months formal written notice to the other party. All activity relating to this notice period would be invoiced by the local authority and need to be paid by the CCGs. Local Authorities would need to implement contract variations with the relevant providers within 10 working days of receiving the notice. The schedule will be reviewed on an annual basis. The membership of the Partnership Board will be as follows: the Chief Finance Officer for the time being of NHS East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group; or a deputy to be notified to the Partners in advance of any meeting; the Chief Commissioning and Performance Officer (or equivalent) of NHS East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group: or deputy to be notified to the Partners in advance of any meeting; the Chief Finance Officer for the time being of NHS West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group; or a deputy to be notified to the Partners in advance of any meeting; the Head of Service Integration and Delivery (or equivalent) of NHS West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group; or deputy to be notified to the Partners in advance of any meeting; the Section 151 Officer for the time being of the Council: or a deputy to be notified to the Partners in advance of any meeting; the Assistant Director for Strategy and Commissioning (adults and communities) of Leicestershire County Council; or a deputy to be notified to the Partners in advance of any meeting; At the first meeting of the Partnership Board the members will elect from their number, by unanimous agreement, a Chairperson. Thereafter, there will be a re-election at the next meeting following each anniversary of the first meeting of the Partnership Board. The Chairperson may vote but will not have a casting vote. To distinguish between the role of the Partnership Board and other health and social care integration groups, the Partnership Board will be more commonly referred to as the Integration Finance and Performance Group. The Partnership Board shall: Receive financial and activity information regarding the performance of the Individual Schemes in the Better Care Fund Plan on a quarterly basis or at a frequency otherwise agreed between the Partners, and shall take decisions on the delivery of the Individual Schemes based on that information, provided that, no decision shall be taken or acted upon without prior consultation with the Integration E...
DURATION AND EXIT STRATEGY. The intention of the Partners is to provide services to meet assessed need. The arrangements are reviewed and agreed on at least a yearly basis. Arrangements for early termination or changes are set out in this Agreement. This Schedule and the services covered by it will be reviewed on an annual basis and a report taken to The JSCG.