Economic and financial capacity. Evidence of economic and financial capacity shall be furnished by (one or more of) the following documents: o appropriate statements from banks or evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance; o the presentation of balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets for at least the last two years for which account have been closed, where publication of the balance sheet is required under the company law of the country in which the economic operator is established;
Economic and financial capacity. Requirement:
1. Be in a stable financial situation and have sufficient economic and financial capacity to perform the contract.
2. Have an average annual turnover over the last three years equal or greater than eight hundred thousand Euro (€800,000.00).
3. Have an insurance policy in place covering any damages that the installation of the devices and associated services may cause to the SatCen’s property, for a minimum amount of three hundred thousand Euro (€300,000.00). In case of joint tendering, a consolidated assessment of all the members of the grouping shall be made.
Economic and financial capacity. 1. A certificate for the annual average turnover of the last three years with a value not lower than the limit of Lek without VAT, (hereby sets the value of the Free Money Fund) issued by the Tax Administration. In the case of mergers of economic operators this criterion is met by each member of the union in proportion to the percentage of their participation in the merger.
2. Copy of the balance sheets of the last three years (2018, 2019, 2020) of the economic operator, submitted to the respective authorities and confirmed by them.
3. Balances should also be accompanied by an expert report conducted by an authorized accounting expert. In the case of mergers of economic operators this criterion is met by each member of the union.
Economic and financial capacity. 2.2.1 In order to prove that the economic operators have the necessary economic and financial capacity to implement the contract , they must present certification for the annual turnover for the financial years (2021, 2022, 2023), where the turnover value for at least one of the years of the requested period it must be no less than the value of the limit fund of the contract being procured . The requirement for completing the financial capacities is considered fulfilled if the economic operators reach the value of the minimum turnover, in at least one year of the period requested by the contracting authority/entity.
2.2.2 Economic operators must submit certified copies of balance sheets for the years: (2021, 2022, 2023) submitted to the relevant tax authorities. In the case that the economic operator is in the conditions of the provisions of Article 41, of Law No. 10091, dated 05.03.2009, then the balance sheets must also be accompanied by the legal audit reports of the annual financial statements, carried out by legal auditors or auditing companies . The criterion is considered fulfilled if there is no negative ratio between assets and liabilities in two consecutive balance sheets.
Economic and financial capacity. 6.1.1 Selection criterion 1 Annual turnover
Economic and financial capacity. Annual turnover The candidate must demonstrate that a turnover of at least the amounts specified below had been achieved from general activities, during one of the last three financial years (2021-2023), to qualify for each lot: If the candidate wishes to be considered for the award of multiple lots, they must demonstrate that their total turnover meets or exceeds the cumulative sum of the turnover requirements specified for the lots they are applying for. Candidates shall attach to their tender audited balance sheets for the last three years (2021- 2023) unless these documents are accessible via a digital portal. If the company has not yet published an annual account, an interim balance sheet certified by a certified accountant, or a company auditor will suffice. Please use FORM (7) - Economic and financial capacity to declare your annual history of annual turnover.
Economic and financial capacity. At the pre-qualification stage candidates will be asked to provide the following information in the submission template (see point II.
Economic and financial capacity. Economic and financial capacity (Section 3.2.2) The minimum level of economic and financial capacity for tenderers submitting tenders for two or more lots should be the average yearly turnover of the last two financial years equal to the aggregate of the respective lots. I.e. if applying for Lot 1 and 2, average yearly turnover of the last two financial years must be EUR 6 500 000 (Lot 1 EUR 5 000 000 and Lot 2 EUR 1 500 000). All of the above-specified evidence of economic and financial capacity must be provided with the tender. Technical and professional capacity (Section 3.2.3) A list of projects meeting the minimum level of capacity is requested.
Economic and financial capacity. Evidence of economic and financial capacity shall be furnished by one (or more) of the following documents: o Appropriate statements from banks or evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance; OR o The presentation of balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets for at least the last 2 (two) years for which account have been closed, where publication of the balance sheet is required under the company law of the country in which the tenderer is established; OR 11 Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25.10.2012, OJEU L 298/1 of 26.10.2012.
o A statement of overall turnover and turnover concerning the services covered by the contract during the last 2 (two) financial years. If, for some exceptional reason, which the EEA considers justified, a tenderer is unable to provide the references requested above, he may prove his economic and financial capacity by any other means which the EEA considers appropriate. A tenderer may, where appropriate and for a particular contract, rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links, which it has with them. He must in that case prove to the EEA that he will have at his disposal the resources necessary for performance of the contract, for example by producing an undertaking on the part of those entities to place those resources at his disposal.
Economic and financial capacity. Evidence of the consortium’s economic and financial capacity shall be furnished by the following documents: • proof of stable and sufficient sources of funding to maintain the consortium’s activity throughout the period 2014-2018; • for private partners: profit and loss accounts, balance sheet for the last financial year for which the accounts were closed (and audit reports by an approved external auditor certifying the accounts for the last available financial year(19)).