Elementary Schools. 1) The teacher's workday shall be six (6) hours and forty-five (45) minutes exclusive of the lunch period. 2) Each teacher shall be provided a duty free lunch period equal in length to the lunch period of students. However, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students it is understood that each teacher will remain at his/her place of assignment until it is cleared and shall be back at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings, or five minutes before the tardy xxxx, whichever is shorter. 3) Each teacher shall be in his/her building prior to the start of his/her assignment and, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students, shall be at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings. Each teacher shall remain in his/her building after the completion of his/her assignment. 4) Each teacher shall have a minimum of forty (40) minutes daily planning time during the student’s school day and a minimum of twenty (20) minutes of unassigned time. If an elementary teacher’s class is attending a special class, s/he shall be deemed to be having planning time. Planning time is a part of the regular in-school responsibility of teachers, and shall be utilized in lesson preparation, counseling students, conferring with parents and/or other school personnel, assessing student performance, and other professional responsibilities consistent with the principles and requirements set forth in Appendix E of this Agreement, including Individual Educational Planning (IEP) meetings, student staffing, and Section 504 staffing. Unassigned time is defined as teacher arrival to admittance xxxx, recess, and student’s dismissal to the end of the teacher workday. 5) The teacher’s instructional time shall be three hundred, forth six (346) minutes for each day for a five day week. 6) No elementary teacher shall be required to stand recess duty. 7) If an elementary teacher’s class in attending a special instruction class, such teachers shall be on planning time. a. Each elementary teacher shall have the primary responsibility for the educational program of his/her class. Elementary teachers and teacher specialists will cooperatively plan for the teaching and utilization of necessary skills and activities to be taught. b. It is understood that each classroom teacher is expected to be familiar with the activities and techniques used by the special teacher so that such activities may be continued and reinforced by the classroom teacher. c. The classroom teacher is expected to return to the classroom prior to the end of the instructional activity. d. It is understood that the addition of elementary (1-5) special classes will not increase the total length of the teacher’s instructional time each week. It is further understood that the special teachers’ planning time will be comparable to that received by regular elementary classroom teachers. 8) Each half-time Kindergarten teacher shall have no more than two (2) classes each of which shall be no more than three (3) hours and ten (10) minutes in length. It is understood that during the time a Kindergarten teacher is not assigned to classes, excluding lunchtime s/he shall be on planning time. 9) Every effort will be made to ensure that a Kindergarten teacher will not have two specials scheduled on the same day. 10) Kindergarten Testing/Screening: In the event that teachers are required to test and/or screen kindergarten students beyond the normal work year, they shall be compensated at their daily rate of pay for any additional days worked.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Elementary Schools. 1) The teacher's workday A. Each classroom shall have one text per child when the subject is being taught. Future textbook adoptions will include appropriate supplementary materials when those materials are recommended by the adoption committee. Any consumables or supplementary materials adopted shall be six (6) hours and forty-five (45) minutes exclusive distributed according to the committee’s recommendation prior to implementing the adoption. When adopted, consumables, such as workbooks, will be distributed to each child before required usage of the lunch periodmaterials. The joint Curriculum Committee shall be consulted prior to the discontinuance of such materials. (See Article XXVI). Newly employed teachers and all teachers who transfer to a new teaching assignment will be provided appropriate desk top supplies and Board adopted curriculum materials. If a teacher is transferring into a newly created classroom, appropriate furniture will be provided. The parties have agreed to an inventory (reference Appendix Z) of supplies, materials, and furniture. A teacher who is not provided the core inventory by September 1 or within thirty (30) days of assignment shall be entitled to appeal directly through the Federation to the appropriate Transformational Leader or his/her designee.
2B. Each child found to be without adequate health care, where immediate medical attention is needed, shall be referred by the Board to the appropriate social agency upon notification by the teacher. The teacher shall receive written confirmation of the referral within ten (10) Each school days.
C. No teacher shall be provided required to supervise or be present in the dining area during a duty free local, state or federal breakfast or lunch period equal in length to the lunch period of studentsprogram. However, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students it is understood that each teacher will remain at his/her place of assignment until it is cleared and Such instructional time used for said programs shall be back considered planning time for the teacher, at his/her a place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings, or five minutes before the tardy xxxx, whichever is shorter.
3) Each teacher shall be in his/her building prior to the start of his/her assignment andchoice, in order to ensure within the proper supervision and safety of students, shall be at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings. Each teacher shall remain in his/her building after the completion of his/her assignmentbuilding.
4) Each teacher shall have a minimum of forty (40) minutes daily planning time during the student’s school day and a minimum of twenty (20) minutes of unassigned time. If an elementary teacher’s class is attending a special class, s/he shall be deemed to be having planning time. Planning time is a part of the regular in-school responsibility of teachers, and shall be utilized in lesson preparation, counseling students, conferring with parents and/or other school personnel, assessing student performance, and other professional responsibilities consistent with the principles and requirements set forth in Appendix E of this Agreement, including Individual Educational Planning (IEP) meetings, student staffing, and Section 504 staffing. Unassigned time is defined as teacher arrival to admittance xxxx, recess, and student’s dismissal to the end of the teacher workday.
5) The teacher’s instructional time shall be three hundred, forth six (346) minutes for each day for a five day week.
6) D. No elementary teacher shall be required assigned to stand recess duty.
7) If teach in an elementary teacher’s class in attending a special instruction class, such teachers shall be on planning time.
a. Each elementary teacher shall have the primary responsibility for the educational program of area outside his/her class. Elementary teachers and teacher specialists will cooperatively plan for the teaching and utilization of necessary skills and activities certification, subject to be taughtArticle IV, G- 4.
b. It E. Cafeteria duty shall be voluntary when service is understood that each classroom teacher is expected to be familiar with the activities and techniques used performed by the special teacher so that such activities may be continued and reinforced by the classroom a teacher.
c. The classroom F. No bus or other additional duties shall be assigned to an elementary teacher is expected outside the six hour and fifteen minute duty day.
G. Elementary teachers shall not be required to return be present when other teachers are responsible for presenting materials to the classroom prior class. If a demonstration lesson is requested by the teacher, he/she will be required to be present. Such requests shall be initiated by the end of the instructional activityteacher.
d. It is understood that H. Teachers in bilingual classes shall be capable of teaching in both languages when those bilingual teachers can be found. Volunteers, paraprofessionals or casual employees shall be prohibited from supplanting a teacher in bilingual or ESL programs. However, a paraprofessional ELDP tutor may be used to work under the addition direction of elementary (1-5) special a regular teacher in the bargaining unit to assist those students who need reinforcement in English for less than a full class day. Regular contract teachers who will agree to obtain certification for bilingual or ESL classes will shall be employed or used when teachers with fluency in two or more languages cannot increase the total length of the be found. Consultants in these programs shall not replace or displace a teacher’s instructional time each week. It is further understood that the special teachers’ planning time will be comparable to that received by regular elementary classroom teachers.
8) Each half-time Kindergarten teacher shall have no more than two (2) classes I. Student test results for each of which elementary school shall be no more than made available on a timely basis for achievement and other Ohio mandated tests and standardized tests when administered.
J. When a teacher transfers, a three (3) hours and ten (10) minutes in length. It is understood that during the time a Kindergarten teacher is not assigned to classes, excluding lunchtime s/he day notice shall be on planning time.
9) Every effort will be made to ensure that a Kindergarten teacher will not have two specials scheduled on the same day.
10) Kindergarten Testing/Screening: In the event that teachers are required to test and/or screen kindergarten students beyond the normal work year, they shall be compensated at their daily rate of pay for any additional days worked.given when possible. Two
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Elementary Schools. 1) The teacher's workday A. Each classroom shall have one text per child when the subject is being taught. Future textbook adoptions will include appropriate supplemen- tary materials when those materials are recom- mended by the adoption committee.
B. Each child found to be without adequate health care, where immediate medical attention is needed, shall be six (6) hours and forty-five (45) minutes exclusive referred by the Board to the ap- propriate social agency upon notification by the teacher. The teacher shall receive written confir- mation of the lunch periodreferral within ten (10) school days.
2) Each C. No teacher shall be provided required to supervise or be present in the dining area during a duty free local, state or federal breakfast or lunch period equal in length to the lunch period of studentsprogram. However, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students it is understood that each teacher will remain at his/her place of assignment until it is cleared and Such instruc- tional time used for said programs shall be back con- sidered planning time for the teacher, at his/her a place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings, or five minutes before the tardy xxxx, whichever is shorter.
3) Each teacher shall be in his/her building prior to the start of his/her assignment andchoice, in order to ensure within the proper supervision and safety of students, shall be at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings. Each teacher shall remain in his/her building after the completion of his/her assignmentbuilding.
4) Each teacher shall have a minimum of forty (40) minutes daily planning time during the student’s school day and a minimum of twenty (20) minutes of unassigned time. If an elementary teacher’s class is attending a special class, s/he shall be deemed to be having planning time. Planning time is a part of the regular in-school responsibility of teachers, and shall be utilized in lesson preparation, counseling students, conferring with parents and/or other school personnel, assessing student performance, and other professional responsibilities consistent with the principles and requirements set forth in Appendix E of this Agreement, including Individual Educational Planning (IEP) meetings, student staffing, and Section 504 staffing. Unassigned time is defined as teacher arrival to admittance xxxx, recess, and student’s dismissal to the end of the teacher workday.
5) The teacher’s instructional time shall be three hundred, forth six (346) minutes for each day for a five day week.
6) D. No elementary teacher shall be required assigned to stand recess duty.
7) If teach in an elementary teacher’s class in attending a special instruction class, such teachers shall be on planning time.
a. Each elementary teacher shall have the primary responsibility for the educational program of area outside his/her class. Elementary teachers and teacher specialists will cooperatively plan for the teaching and utilization of necessary skills and activities certification, subject to be taughtArticle IV, G-4.
b. It E. Cafeteria duty shall be voluntary when service is understood that each classroom teacher is expected to be familiar with the activities and techniques used performed by the special teacher so that such activities may be continued and reinforced by the classroom a teacher.
c. The classroom F. No bus or other additional duties shall be as- signed to an elementary teacher is expected outside the six hour and fifteen minute duty day.
G. Elementary teachers shall not be required to return be present when other teachers are responsible for presenting materials to the classroom prior class. If a demonstra- tion lesson is requested by the teacher, he/she will be required to be present. Such requests shall be initiated by the end of the instructional activityteacher.
d. It is understood that H. Teachers in bilingual classes shall be capable of teaching in both languages when those bilingual teachers can be found. Volunteers, paraprofes- sionals or casual employees shall be prohibited from supplanting a teacher in bilingual or ESL programs. However, a paraprofessional ELDP tutor may be used to work under the addition direction of elementary (1-5) special a regular teacher in the bargaining unit to as- sist those students who need reinforcement in English for less than a full class day. Regular con- tract teachers who will agree to obtain certifica- tion for bilingual or ESL classes will shall be employed or used when teachers with fluency in two or more languages cannot increase the total length of the be found. Consultants in these programs shall not replace or displace a teacher’s instructional time each week. It is further understood that the special teachers’ planning time will be comparable to that received by regular elementary classroom teachers.
8) Each half-time Kindergarten teacher shall have no more than two (2) classes I. Student test results for each of which elementary school shall be no more than made available on a timely basis for achievement and other Ohio mandated tests and standardized tests when administered.
J. When a teacher transfers, a three (3) hours and ten (10) minutes in length. It is understood that during the time a Kindergarten teacher is not assigned to classes, excluding lunchtime s/he day notice shall be on planning time.
9) Every effort will be made to ensure that a Kindergarten teacher will not have two specials scheduled on the same day.
10) Kindergarten Testing/Screening: In the event that teachers are required to test and/or screen kindergarten students beyond the normal work year, they shall be compensated at their daily rate of pay for any additional days worked.given when possible. Two
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Elementary Schools. 1) . The teacher's workday shall be six (6) hours and forty-five (45) minutes exclusive of the lunch period.
2) . Each teacher shall be provided a duty free lunch period equal in length to the lunch period of students. However, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students it is understood that each teacher will remain at his/her place of assignment until it is cleared and shall be back at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings, or five minutes before the tardy xxxx, whichever is shorter.
3) . Each teacher shall be in his/her building prior to the start of his/her assignment and, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students, shall be at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings. Each teacher shall remain in his/her building after the completion of his/her assignment.
4) . Each teacher shall have a minimum of forty (40) minutes daily planning time during the student’s school day and a minimum of twenty (20) minutes of unassigned time. If an elementary teacher’s class is attending a special class, s/he shall be deemed to be having planning time. Planning time is a part of the regular in-school responsibility of teachers, and shall be utilized in lesson preparation, counseling students, conferring with parents and/or other school personnel, assessing student performance, and other professional responsibilities consistent with the principles and requirements set forth in Appendix E of this Agreement, including Individual Educational Planning (IEP) meetings, student staffing, and Section 504 staffing. Unassigned time is defined as teacher arrival to admittance xxxx, recess, and student’s dismissal to the end of the teacher workday.
5) . The teacher’s instructional time shall be three hundred, forth forty six (346) minutes for each day for a five five-day week.
6) . No elementary teacher shall be required to stand recess duty.
7) . If an elementary teacher’s class in is attending a special instruction class, such teachers shall be on planning time.
a. Each elementary teacher shall have the primary responsibility for the educational program of his/her class. Elementary teachers and teacher specialists will cooperatively plan for the teaching and utilization of necessary skills and activities to be taught.
b. It is understood that each classroom teacher is expected to be familiar with the activities and techniques used by the special teacher so that such activities may be continued and reinforced by the classroom teacher.
c. The classroom teacher is expected to return to the classroom prior to the end of the instructional activity.
d. It is understood that the addition of elementary (1-5) special classes will not increase the total length of the teacher’s instructional time each week. It is further understood that the special teachers’ planning time will be comparable to that received by regular elementary classroom teachers.
8) 8. Each half-time Kindergarten teacher shall have no more than two (2) classes each of which shall be no more than three (3) hours and ten (10) minutes in length. It is understood that during the time a Kindergarten teacher is not assigned to classes, excluding lunchtime s/he shall be on planning time.
9) . Every effort will be made to ensure that a Kindergarten teacher will not have two specials scheduled on the same day.
10) . Kindergarten Testing/Screening: In the event that teachers are required to test and/or screen kindergarten students beyond the normal work year, they shall be compensated at their daily rate of pay for any additional days worked.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Elementary Schools. 1) . The teacher's workday shall be six (6) hours and forty-five (45) minutes exclusive of the lunch period.
2) . Each teacher shall be provided a duty free lunch period equal in length to the lunch period of students. However, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students it is understood that each teacher will remain at his/her place of assignment until it is cleared and shall be back at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings, or five minutes before the tardy xxxx, whichever is shorter.
3) . Each teacher shall be in his/her building prior to the start of his/her assignment and, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students, shall be at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings. Each teacher shall remain in his/her building after the completion of his/her assignment.
4) . Each teacher shall have a minimum of forty (40) minutes daily planning time during the student’s school day and a minimum of twenty (20) minutes of unassigned time. If an elementary teacher’s class is attending a special class, s/he shall be deemed to be having planning time. Planning time is a part of the regular in-school responsibility of teachers, and shall be utilized in lesson preparation, counseling students, conferring with parents and/or other school personnel, assessing student performance, and other professional responsibilities consistent with the principles and requirements set forth in Appendix E of this Agreement, including Individual Educational Planning (IEP) meetings, student staffing, and Section 504 staffing. Unassigned time is defined as teacher arrival to admittance xxxx, recess, and student’s dismissal to the end of the teacher workday.
5) . The teacher’s instructional time shall be three hundred, forth six (346) minutes for each day for a five five-day week.
6) . No elementary teacher shall be required to stand recess duty.
7) . If an elementary teacher’s class in is attending a special instruction class, such teachers shall be on planning time.
a. Each elementary teacher shall have the primary responsibility for the educational program of his/her class. Elementary teachers and teacher specialists will cooperatively plan for the teaching and utilization of necessary skills and activities to be taught.
b. It is understood that each classroom teacher is expected to be familiar with the activities and techniques used by the special teacher so that such activities may be continued and reinforced by the classroom teacher.
c. The classroom teacher is expected to return to the classroom prior to the end of the instructional activity.
d. It is understood that the addition of elementary (1-5) special classes will not increase the total length of the teacher’s instructional time each week. It is further understood that the special teachers’ planning time will be comparable to that received by regular elementary classroom teachers.
8) 8. Each half-time Kindergarten teacher shall have no more than two (2) classes each of which shall be no more than three (3) hours and ten (10) minutes in length. It is understood that during the time a Kindergarten teacher is not assigned to classes, excluding lunchtime s/he shall be on planning time.
9) . Every effort will be made to ensure that a Kindergarten teacher will not have two specials scheduled on the same day.
10) . Kindergarten Testing/Screening: In the event that teachers are required to test and/or screen kindergarten students beyond the normal work year, they shall be compensated at their daily rate of pay for any additional days worked.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Elementary Schools. 1) The teacher's workday shall be six (6) hours and forty-five (45) minutes exclusive of the lunch period.
2) Each teacher shall be provided a duty free lunch period equal in length to the lunch period of students. However, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students it is understood that each teacher will remain at his/her place of assignment until it is cleared and shall be back at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings, or five minutes before the tardy xxxx, whichever is shorter.
3) Each teacher shall be in his/her building prior to the start of his/her assignment and, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students, shall be at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings. Each teacher shall remain in his/her building after the completion of his/her assignment.
4) Each teacher shall have a minimum of forty (40) minutes daily planning time during the student’s school day and a minimum of twenty (20) minutes of unassigned time. If an elementary teacher’s class is attending a special class, s/he shall be deemed to be having planning time. Planning time is a part of the regular in-school responsibility of teachers, and shall be utilized in lesson preparation, counseling students, conferring with parents and/or other school personnel, assessing student performance, and other professional responsibilities consistent with the principles and requirements set forth in Appendix E of this Agreement, including Individual Educational Planning (IEP) meetings, student staffing, and Section 504 staffing. Unassigned time is defined as teacher arrival to admittance xxxx, recess, and student’s dismissal to the end of the teacher workday.
5) The teacher’s instructional time shall be three hundred, forth forty six (346) minutes for each day for a five day week.
6) No elementary teacher shall be required to stand recess duty.
7) If an elementary teacher’s class in attending a special instruction class, such teachers shall be on planning time.
a. Each elementary teacher shall have the primary responsibility for the educational program of his/her class. Elementary teachers and teacher specialists will cooperatively plan for the teaching and utilization of necessary skills and activities to be taught.
b. It is understood that each classroom teacher is expected to be familiar with the activities and techniques used by the special teacher so that such activities may be continued and reinforced by the classroom teacher.
c. The classroom teacher is expected to return to the classroom prior to the end of the instructional activity.
d. It is understood that the addition of elementary (1-5) special classes will not increase the total length of the teacher’s instructional time each week. It is further understood that the special teachers’ planning time will be comparable to that received by regular elementary classroom teachers.
8) Each half-time Kindergarten teacher shall have no more than two (2) classes each of which shall be no more than three (3) hours and ten (10) minutes in length. It is understood that during the time a Kindergarten teacher is not assigned to classes, excluding lunchtime s/he shall be on planning time.
9) Every effort will be made to ensure that a Kindergarten teacher will not have two specials scheduled on the same day.
10) Kindergarten Testing/Screening: In the event that teachers are required to test and/or screen kindergarten students beyond the normal work year, they shall be compensated at their daily rate of pay for any additional days worked.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Elementary Schools. 1) The teacher's workday A. Each classroom shall have one text per child when the subject is being taught. Future textbook adoptions will
B. Each child found to be without adequate health care, where immediate medical attention is needed, shall be six (6) hours and forty-five (45) minutes exclusive referred by the Board to the appropriate social agency upon notification by the teacher. The teacher shall receive written confirmation of the lunch periodreferral within ten (10) school days.
2) Each C. No teacher shall be provided required to supervise or be present in the dining area during a duty free local, state or federal breakfast or lunch period equal in length to the lunch period of studentsprogram. However, in order to ensure the proper supervision and safety of students it is understood that each teacher will remain at his/her place of assignment until it is cleared and Such instructional time used for said programs shall be back considered planning time for the teacher, at his/her a place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings, or five minutes before the tardy xxxx, whichever is shorter.
3) Each teacher shall be in his/her building prior to the start of his/her assignment andchoice, in order to ensure within the proper supervision and safety of students, shall be at his/her place of assignment when the admittance xxxx rings. Each teacher shall remain in his/her building after the completion of his/her assignmentbuilding.
4) Each teacher shall have a minimum of forty (40) minutes daily planning time during the student’s school day and a minimum of twenty (20) minutes of unassigned time. If an elementary teacher’s class is attending a special class, s/he shall be deemed to be having planning time. Planning time is a part of the regular in-school responsibility of teachers, and shall be utilized in lesson preparation, counseling students, conferring with parents and/or other school personnel, assessing student performance, and other professional responsibilities consistent with the principles and requirements set forth in Appendix E of this Agreement, including Individual Educational Planning (IEP) meetings, student staffing, and Section 504 staffing. Unassigned time is defined as teacher arrival to admittance xxxx, recess, and student’s dismissal to the end of the teacher workday.
5) The teacher’s instructional time shall be three hundred, forth six (346) minutes for each day for a five day week.
6) D. No elementary teacher shall be required assigned to stand recess duty.
7) If teach in an elementary teacher’s class in attending a special instruction class, such teachers shall be on planning time.
a. Each elementary teacher shall have the primary responsibility for the educational program of area outside his/her class. Elementary teachers and teacher specialists will cooperatively plan for the teaching and utilization of necessary skills and activities certification, subject to be taughtArticle IV, G-4.
b. It E. Cafeteria duty shall be voluntary when service is understood that each classroom teacher is expected to be familiar with the activities and techniques used performed by the special teacher so that such activities may be continued and reinforced by the classroom a teacher.
c. The classroom F. No bus or other additional duties shall be assigned to an elementary teacher is expected outside the six hour and fifteen minute duty day.
G. Elementary teachers shall not be required to return be present when other teachers are responsible for presenting materials to the classroom prior class. If a demonstration lesson is requested by the teacher, he/she will be required to be present. Such requests shall be initiated by the end of the instructional activityteacher.
d. It is understood that H. Teachers in bilingual classes shall be capable of teaching in both languages when those bilingual teachers can be found. Volunteers, paraprofessionals or casual employees shall be prohibited from supplanting a teacher in bilingual or ESL programs. However, a paraprofessional ELDP tutor may be used to work under the addition direction of elementary (1-5) special a regular teacher in the bargaining unit to assist those students who need reinforcement in English for less than a full class day. Regular contract teachers who will agree to obtain certification for bilingual or ESL classes will shall be employed or used when teachers with fluency in two or more languages cannot increase the total length of the be found. Consultants in these programs shall not replace or displace a teacher’s instructional time each week. It is further understood that the special teachers’ planning time will be comparable to that received by regular elementary classroom teachers.
8) Each half-time Kindergarten teacher shall have no more than two (2) classes I. Student test results for each of which elementary school shall be no more than made available on a timely basis for achievement and other Ohio mandated tests and standardized tests when administered.
J. When a teacher transfers, a three (3) hours and ten (10) minutes in length. It is understood that during the time a Kindergarten teacher is not assigned to classes, excluding lunchtime s/he day notice shall be on planning time.
9) Every effort will be made to ensure that a Kindergarten teacher will not have two specials scheduled on the same day.
10) Kindergarten Testing/Screening: In the event that teachers are required to test and/or screen kindergarten students beyond the normal work year, they shall be compensated at their daily rate of pay for any additional days worked.given when possible. Two
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement