TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The normal teaching load in the senior high school will consist of an average of five (5) daily teaching periods and one (1) period of preparation, or the equivalent thereof. The normal teaching load at the middle school will consist of an average of five (5) daily teaching periods and one (1) period of preparation for core curriculum teachers. Related academics teachers at the middle school will teach five (5) periods per day on average with one (1) period of preparation. The term “preparation period” shall be construed to include the use of this period for purposes other than preparation that would be considered reasonable professional responsibilities or for purposes other than preparation when emergencies arise. The Association agrees that the purpose of non-teaching time (other than lunch periods) is to permit the teacher to have time during the school day for planning, conferences, preparations for teaching and related teaching functions and obligations concerned with the actual teaching assignment. The normal teaching load in the elementary schools for classroom and elementary teaching specialists will be approximately 26.5 hours of classroom duties weekly, or the equivalent thereof. Elementary teachers may use for preparation all the time during which their classes are receiving instruction from teaching specialists in the areas of elementary art, music, and physical education, and during the time of the 20 minute recess period when the students are under the direct supervision of hired playground aides. In addition, one-half (1/2) hour of the delayed start professional development days will be reserved for personal planning. Consistent with the above requirements, the Board shall determine the equivalence for employees in the bargaining unit who are assigned to non-classroom duties, such as librarians, guidance counselors, and itinerant personnel, etc. Travel time for all itinerant personnel shall count as contact time. The class size of an elementary teaching specialist will not exceed that of the elementary classroom teacher whose class they have for instruction (i.e., they will not have more than one teacher’s class during an instruction period). Exceptions will be made to accommodate students from self-contained special education classrooms. Department chairmen shall be appointed by the Administration and have such released time for their duties as the Administration deems necessary.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The normal weekly teaching load in the senior and junior high school will be twenty (20) teaching periods and five (5) unassigned preparation periods.
B. The normal weekly teaching load in the elementary school will be forty (40) teaching periods and ten (10) unassigned preparation periods.
C. In addition to the hours and periods referred to, each teacher will be allowed at least a consecutive 30-minute period daily for lunch, which period will be duty-free; any change to the 30-minute lunch shall be negotiated with the Association.
D. Teachers shall serve as substitutes during their preparation periods only if it is agreeable with the teacher. The administration shall keep an accurate accounting of all such substitutes. Any teacher who agrees to substitute during a preparation period for a teacher who is absent shall be paid at the rate of $21.40 per 76-minute period ($10.70 for a 40-minute period) or may choose to accumulate one period of personal leave time/“comp time.” Personal leave time so accumulated must be used during the current school year. At the end of each school year, the teacher shall be paid for unused hours of accumulated personal leave time at the above rate.
E. Faculty attendance at the annual Open House for elementary teachers and the annual before-school orientation night for middle/high school teachers and Parent-Teacher Conferences is required.
F. Independent Studies
1. All independent studies shall be scheduled by the high school principal with the agreement of the teacher involved.
2. Independent studies shall be given only in subjects offered in the secondary curriculum except upon agreement between the Association and Administration. Requirements for the independent study shall not differ greatly from those of the regular class. Only the teachers who meet applicable state and federal requirements such as Highly Qualified are eligible.
3. Teachers conducting an independent study shall be paid $500 per student per trimester, not to exceed five (5) students per teacher per trimester. In order for payment to be made, the length of the independent study must be more than one-half a trimester. (An independent study is a program of individualized instruction taking place outside the regular scheduled class time under the supervision of a staff member. It involves additional teacher time in preparation, instruction, and evaluation.)
G. The school day begins at 8:25 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. One of the elementary recess periods each ...
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. Should teacher absences necessitate using teachers on preparation periods as substitutes because no eligible substitutes are available, said teacher giving up his/her preparation period shall be paid at the rate listed is Schedule B for each prep period given up to substitute. Every effort will be made to share the assignments equally. When absences of fifty percent (50%) or more of the day occur, the Administration will call for an eligible substitute.
B. Elementary/Middle School scheduled recess periods will be supervised by non- teachers. Elementary/Middle School teachers may use this as preparation time, as long as it is a scheduled release time.
C. Any teacher may discuss his/her tentative assignment for the forthcoming year with their building administrator and may appeal the assignment to the Superintendent. Teachers who will be affected by a change in assignments or classroom will be notified of their tentative assignment by June 1. Teachers shall be informed of the final assignments and classrooms no later than August 1 unless an unforeseen or emergency situation arises. Should a situation arise, Administration shall notify the Association of the reasons.
D. The staff will be surveyed prior to the end of each school year to determine teaching preference for the next school term. E Because the Board of Education has the statutory duty to educate all children within the boundaries of the school district and those participating in schools of choice, and because the student/teacher ratio is an important aspect of the educational program, and because the number of students the teacher is required to instruct has a direct bearing upon the amount of work required of the individual teacher, the parties agree the size of the individual classes shall be given careful consideration to balance them by the administration. Upon the request of the teacher or association, if educationally appropriate, or economically feasible all options not limited to: balancing class loads, hiring a paraprofessional, or not being able to do anything will be considered. Discussion on whether to do so will be done by the 4th Wednesday count day.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The normal daily/weekly teaching load shall be:
1. The High School and Middle School will be either a six (6) period day with twenty-five (25) teaching periods and five (5) conference periods or a seven (7) period day with thirty (30) teaching periods and five (5)
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The normal weekly teaching load:
1. Senior and Middle School (6 period day) 25 teaching periods and 5 unassigned preparation periods.
2. Intermediate School (when operated as secondary-level program) (7 period day) 30 teaching periods and 5 unassigned preparation periods. In the event that the Intermediate School is restructured, the Association will be consulted regarding the impact of any resulting changes in working conditions.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. Insofar as practical, the Board will endeavor to comply with State of Michigan standards in regard to teaching loads and assignments.
B. Special Education teachers will be provided preparation time comparable to that of regular education teachers.
C. Pupils shall receive the number of instructional hours necessary to allow the district to qualify for full state aid.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The normal weekly teaching load in the junior and senior high schools will be thirty
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. Teachers who will be affected by a change in grade assignments in the elementary school grades and by changes in subject assignment in the secondary school grades will be notified by their principals as soon as practicable and with tentative assignment given before June 1st. Such changes will be voluntary to the extent possible. Every effort will be made to avoid reassigning probationary elementary school teachers to different grade levels unless the same is necessary for the school district’s well-being or unless the teacher requests such change.
B. 1. All secondary teachers shall have one (1) planning period per day. Unless agreed otherwise, such conference time shall not include actual travel time from one building to another and/or supervised lunch periods.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. Secondary (6-12) Level Maximum Students Note
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. Each high school teacher shall have not less than one (1) preparation period per day of not less than a full class period.
B. All teachers shall be scheduled a preparation period of two hundred forty (240) minutes per week, scheduled in blocks of time of not less than 15 minutes. The 240 minutes will be flexible under extenuating circumstances.
C. All teachers shall be entitled to a duty free, uninterrupted lunch period equivalent to a regular class period but in no event less than 30 minutes.
D. Elementary teachers will receive $49.00 per student, for each student over 25, according to the winter count, per year. High school teachers will receive $7.00 per student, per year, for every student over 170.
E. Since teacher attendance at school functions is of the utmost importance to students, teachers are encouraged to attend functions which they are sponsoring or in which their students are involved.