Training Pay Sample Clauses
Training Pay. City shall pay one and one-half times regular salary rate for training required by the Police and Peace Officers Licensing Law which is taken outside of regular duty hours (approximately 48 hours every three years). The Chief will establish the type and amount of training required.
Training Pay. 1350 Any employee designated by the Department Administrator, Assistant Department Administrator, or Supervisor as a trainer/ preceptor shall be compensated at five percent (5%) above their rate for all hours spent as a trainer/preceptor. 1351 Training/Preceptor Guidelines and Pay 1352 The following summarizes the intent between the parties concerning eligibility for training pay in accord with the following guidelines: 1353 A trainer/preceptor is someone who is designated by the Department Administrator, Assistant Department Administrator or Supervisor to prepare for and present a training program. This does not include employees who may be assigned to orient or be observed by students or new employees. Training assignments must be a minimum of one (1) hour in duration and be prescheduled by Management in order for training pay to apply. 1354 Additionally, the following criteria must be met:
Training Pay. Full time Clerical Technicians in the Police Department may be selected, at the sole discretion of the Employer, to serve as a Police Clerical Trainer (PCT). PCT duties shall be assigned, in writing, by a supervisor and will be compensated at the rate of $1.00 per hour (in additional to regular pay) for all hours worked on that assignment. However, any hours worked as PCT during overtime shall be compensated at the base rate. The assigned duties may include one or more trainees, and will include responsibility for the direct training and performance documentation needed by the Supervisors for evaluation. The PCT shall be paid training pay if they reach at minimum one cumulative hour of training time per day to be tracked in increments no smaller than 15 minute blocks of time. During the assignment the PCT may be utilized to conduct their normal duties which will be paid at the regular rate of pay.
Training Pay. 33 A differential of three percent (3%) over base rate will be paid to employees 34 designated by management as trainers. The differential will be paid once even if an 1 employee trains in more than one area. Management reserves the right to designate 2 trainers, determine qualifications, and remove the designation with ten (10) days notice.
Training Pay. Employees who attend training shall be compensated unless attendance is completely voluntary, outside of normal work hours, not job-related, and no other work is performed.
Training Pay. Journey Level Mechanics assigned to train a Mechanic I or an apprentice shall be paid an additional two dollars ($2.00) per hour for each full hour that they work in such an assignment.
Training Pay. All cafeteria managers who are asked and agree to train other employees as cafeteria managers will be compensated at the rate of three dollars ($3.00) per hour above their normal rate of pay when they are training.
Training Pay. Employees assigned to training duties shall be compensated at one dollar ($1.00) per hour premium for time spent performing those duties.
Training Pay any employee selected and scheduled by the hospital for the duty of training another employee for a period of two (2) hours or more will receive training pay at the rate of seventy-five cents ($.75) per hour.
Training Pay. LRV operators when required to train new operators shall be paid training pay at an additional $2.00 per hour, with a minimum two (2) hours for each Operator trainee session. Sound Transit will endeavor to make operator trainee sessions for eight (8) hours whenever possible.