THE SELECTION PROCESS. 4.1 In order to seek selection in the Team, you must have:
(a) completed and returned to the NZOC by the Application Date, your Athlete Application;
(b) completed and returned this Agreement by signing and returning to the NZOC, the Athlete Agreement Acceptance Form (as set out in Schedule C of this Agreement), on the date set in your National Federation’s Nomination Criteria for the Games; and
(c) been nominated to the NZOC by your National Federation.
4.2 If you meet the requirements of clause 4.1, the NZOC will consider your selection to the Team. In making its selections, the NZOC shall apply the Selection Policy. For the avoidance of doubt, any rights of appeal relating to your non-selection are set out in clause 14 of the NZOC Nomination and Selection Regulation.
THE SELECTION PROCESS. 4.1 In order to be appointed to the Team, you must have:
(a) completed and returned your Support Staff Application by the Application Date; and
(b) been recommended to the NZOC by your National Federation as a person which it considers suitable for appointment to a Support Staff role to assist Athletes for the Games on the basis that it believes you have the following attributes:
i. are suitable and qualified, and have the capabilities, skills and experience to carry out the tasks required by the position you have been nominated for;
ii. will work effectively and harmoniously with other Support Staff, the Chef de Mission and the Team; and
iii. have the support of the Athletes selected in the Team for your sport; applied for a position as Support Staff and, in doing so, you believe you have the following attributes:
i. are suitable and qualified, and have the capabilities, skills and experience to carry out the tasks required by the position you have applied for; and
ii. will work effectively and harmoniously with all Athletes, other Support Staff, the Chef de Mission and the Team; an employment agreement or a contract for service with the NZOC, and are required to travel to the Games and provide support to the Team; and
(c) completed and returned this Agreement by signing and returning the Support Staff Agreement Acceptance Form, by the date notified by the NZOC; and
(d) completed and returned a Police Vetting Form, if required by the NZOC, by the date notified by the NZOC.
THE SELECTION PROCESS. Any unit member who applies for a transfer, promotion, reassignment or voluntary demotion and meets the minimum requirements for the position, shall be paper-screened into the recruitment process.
THE SELECTION PROCESS. 4.1 Where eight (8) or fewer permanent members apply for the four (4) job share positions available, all applicants shall be approved for the job share arrangement. Where one or two of the applicants do not have a partner in the same job classification (or with equivalent skill sets, i.e. where a member has not yet been signed off as a communicator) after the internal application process, the Board has the following options:
(a) Permitting the unmatched applicant(s) to participate in a job share arrangement without a partner and the provisions of this XXX and Schedule F apply to the applicant as if he/she were a participant as defined in Schedule F;
(b) Matching two applicants from two different job classifications (or skill sets, i.e. where a member has not been signed off as a communicator) into one job share arrangement; or
(c) Hiring a temporary part-time employee to fill the other half of the job share arrangement(s) with the unmatched permanent member(s). Schedule F shall apply to the permanent member as if he/she were a participant as defined in Schedule F. Schedule E shall apply to the temporary part-time member with the following exceptions:
(i) The temporary part-time employee may be hired for an initial period not exceeding one (1) year, unless otherwise agreed; and
(ii) The employer may schedule the temporary part-time employee hired to fill a vacancy pursuant to this section to a half-time schedule for one year without first offering overtime to permanent full-time employees.
(d) It is understood and agreed by the parties that Option (c) may result in more than eight (8) individuals participating in job share arrangements at one time. It is further understood and agreed however, that the maximum number of permanent members participating in a job share arrangement at any time will be eight (8), unless otherwise agreed.
(e) It is also understood and agreed by the parties that there shall never be more than two (2) part-time temporary members in the Call Centre at any one time, unless otherwise agreed.
4.2 Where more than eight (8) permanent members apply for the eight (8) job share positions available, priority shall be determined in the following manner:
THE SELECTION PROCESS. 4.1 Where eight (8) or fewer permanent members apply for the four (4) job share positions available, all applicants shall be approved for the job share arrangement. Where one or two of the applicants do not have a partner in the same job classification (or with equivalent skill sets, i.e. where a member has not yet been signed off as a communicator) after the internal application process, the Board has the following options:
(a) Permitting the unmatched applicant(s) to participate in a job share arrangement without a partner and the provisions of this XXX and Schedule F apply to the applicant as if he/she were a participant as defined in Schedule F;
(b) Matching two applicants from two different job classifications (or skill sets,
THE SELECTION PROCESS. 4.1 In order to seek selection in the Team, you must have:
(a) completed and returned to your NSO by the date specified by your NSO, your Athlete Application;
(b) completed and returned this Agreement by signing and returning the Athlete Agreement Acceptance Form (as set out in Schedule F of this Agreement) , prior to the Nomination Date set by the NZOC; and
(c) been nominated to the NZOC by your NSO.
4.2 If you meet the requirements of clause 4.1, the NZOC will consider your selection to the Team. In making its selections, the NZOC shall apply the selection policy set out in the ANSP Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, any rights of appeal relating to your non- selection are set out in the ANSP Agreement.
THE SELECTION PROCESS. The MTI Child Survival Project Manager and MTI country office staff met with the CHT and various local leaders and community personnel to determine the respective populations or each of the villages included in the survey sampling frame. Population figures obtained from MOH Grand Cape Mount County statistics for 2009 were used in conjunction with mapping techniques and visualization of the areas by MTI Liberia staff. Each village was listed randomly, with its population beside it. When the list was complete, the cumulative population of each village was determined by summing the total population of that village with the combined population of all the preceding villages on the list. The total cumulative population of the villages in the catchment area was then divided by 30 to obtain the sampling interval for that region. A random number was then chosen, with the stipulation being that the number had to be less than or equal to the sampling interval. The cumulative population of each village was then consulted, and the village containing the random number (the village whose cumulative population is equal to or larger than the random number, and whose preceding village had a cumulative population less than the random number) was chosen as cluster number 1. The second cluster was then identified by adding the sampling interval to the random number. The village whose cumulative population contained this number was chosen as the location of cluster number 2. The remaining clusters were then identified by continuing to add the sampling interval to the number that identified the previous cluster. In this way, each cluster was randomly chosen, with proper weight assigned to each village based on its population size. The larger the size of a population of a village, the greater the chance of having one or more clusters assigned to it. The center of each cluster was determined by allowing the supervisors and enumerators local to these villages enlist the help of the Village Chief to determine the spot they felt was surrounded by an equal number of households on each side. The survey team then chose a random starting direction by spinning a bottle in the physical center of the cluster. The team would then walk in the direction the bottle pointed, and count the number of households in that direction until they reached the end of the households in that cluster. The survey team would return to the center and then choose a random number from a random number table, with t...
THE SELECTION PROCESS. 1.1 Any Player seeking to be nominated in and selected for the Teams must have:
a) completed and returned to the NZCF by the date specified, their Application for Selection; and
b) completed and returned this Agreement by signing and returning the Player Acceptance form.
1.2 The NZCF then shall make its selections for the Teams from those Players who have signed the attached Player Acceptance form.
THE SELECTION PROCESS a. The primary pool of candidates shall include students who satisfy the program requirements, lists of whom shall be generated by audits and queries of LCCC student records.
b. The secondary pool of candidates may be students who self-select for interest in the CHC, those elected to Phi Theta Kappa, and those recommended made by administrators and faculty of the liberal arts (and humanistic social sciences) of LCCC.
c. LCCC CHC leadership shall recruit, advise, and mentor potential applicants.
d. LCCC CHC students shall declare their intent to be advised and mentored by LCCC CHC counselors and mentors in preparation to apply as a CHC Scholar and for admission to CWRU. This declaration shall be non-binding.
e. Students will submit applications to CWRU for admission by the March 15 early deadline for transfer to CWRU for Fall admission, or by October 1 for Spring admission.
f. CHC leadership shall convene a meeting in any semester in which applicants identify themselves to review CHC Scholar applications.
g. Final decisions for admission of candidates to CWRU and as CHC Scholars shall be at the sole discretion of CWRU.
THE SELECTION PROCESS. 6.2.1 The Part “A” (Techno-Commercial Bid) will be opened first to ascertain adherence to the tender requirements.
6.2.2 The acceptable bidders will be short-listed by the committee and the Part ‘B’ (Price Bid) of only technically acceptable bidders will be opened.