Eligible Population 5.1 Program eligibility is determined by applicable law set forth in Program rules and the requirements established in the Program Policy Manual. 5.2 The unduplicated number of Clients for PHC services is 430. This represents the Grantee’s projected number of unduplicated Clients to be served during the Contract period. If during the Contract period it is foreseen that the Grantee might be unable to serve the contracted number of children, HHSC may reduce the Grantee’s grant award amount.
Eligible Goods and Related Services 4.1 All the Goods and Related Services to be supplied under the Contract shall have their origin in any country that is eligible in accordance with ITT 3.9. 4.2 For purposes of this ITT, the term “goods” includes commodities, raw material, machinery, equipment, and industrial plants; and “related services” include services such as insurance, installation, training, and initial maintenance.
Medical Appointment for Pregnant Employees 35.9.1 Up to three decimal seven five (3.75) hours of reasonable time off with pay for each appointment will be granted to pregnant employees for the purpose of attending routine medical appointments.
Eligible Participants Families and individuals experiencing homelessness. For the purposes of the Program, families and individuals are considered to be homeless only when he/she/they lack(s) a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence and reside(s) in a place not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings, motels, or other shelters, or for reference as further defined in 24 CFR Part 578.3 and 576.2.
Eligible Employees Regular and probationary, full time and less than full-time employees (on a pro rata basis) are eligible to participate in this program. Sec. 903 COURSES ELIGIBLE: The following criteria will be used in determining eligibility for reimbursement:
Probation for Newly Hired Employees (a) The Employer may reject a probationary employee for just cause. A rejection during probation shall not be considered a dismissal for the purpose of Article 11.2
Overtime-Eligible Employees Employees who are covered by the overtime provisions of state and federal law.
Dependent Care Assistance Program The County offers the option of enrolling in a Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) designed to qualify for tax savings under Section 129 of the Internal Revenue Code, but such savings are not guaranteed. The program allows employees to set aside up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) of annual salary (before taxes) per calendar year to pay for eligible dependent care (child and elder care) expenses. Any unused balance is forfeited and cannot be recovered by the employee.
Newly Hired Employees All employees hired to an insurance eligible position must make their benefit elections by their initial effective date of coverage as defined in this Article, Section 5C. Insurance eligible employees will automatically be enrolled in basic life coverage. If employees eligible for a full Employer Contribution do not choose a health plan administrator and a primary care clinic by their initial effective date, and do not waive medical coverage, they will be enrolled in a Benefit Level Two clinic (or Level One, if available) that meets established access standards in the health plan with the largest number of Benefit Level One and Two clinics in the county of the employee’s residence at the beginning of the insurance year. If an employee does not choose a health plan administrator and primary care clinic by their initial effective date, but was previously covered as a dependent immediately prior to their initial effective date, they will be defaulted to the plan administrator and primary care clinic in which they were previously enrolled.
Active Employees Active Employees who have not terminated service during the Plan Year and who meet the following requirements (select all that apply; leave blank if no exclusions): a. [ ] The Employee must be at least age (e.g., 55) b. [ ] The value of the sick and/or vacation leave must be at least $ (e.g., $2,000) c. [ ] A contribution will only be made if the total hours is over (e.g., 10) hours d. [ ] A contribution will not be made for hours in excess of (e.g., 40) hours