Emergency Energy. Each Party shall, to the maximum extent it deems consistent with the safe and proper operation of its respective Transmission System, provide Emergency Energy to the other Party in accordance with the provisions of the Inter Control Area Transactions Agreement.
Emergency Energy. The Parties will exchange emergency energy as requested and/or required to the extent consistent with NERC’s Emergency Preparedness and Operations (“EOP”), or other applicable, Reliability Standards.
Emergency Energy. The costs and net revenues associated with hourly energy sales to other Control Areas in connection with a Minimum Generation Emergency in the PJM Control Area shall be allocated to Market Sellers in proportion to their sales to the PJM Interchange Energy Market from generation resources within the metered boundaries of the PJM Control Area in each hour in which such energy was sold to other Control Areas.
Emergency Energy. (a) Internal Market Buyers shall be allocated a proportionate share of the net cost of Emergency energy purchased by the Office of the Interconnection. Such allocated share shall be determined in proportion to the amount of net PJM Interchange Imports by each Internal Market Buyer during the hour of each such energy purchase.
(b) Net revenues in excess of Real-time Prices attributable to sales of energy in connection with Emergencies to other Control Areas shall be credited to Internal Market Buyers in proportion to the amount of net PJM Interchange Imports by each Internal Market Buyer during each hour of such energy sales.
(c) The costs, revenues, and energy associated with hourly energy purchased from another Control Area in connection with a Minimum Generation Emergency in such other Control Area, shall be allocated to each Internal Market Buyer in proportion to its load in the PJM Control Area during the hour of such purchases.
Emergency Energy. Internal Market Buyers shall be allocated a proportionate share of the net cost of Emergency energy purchased by the Office of the Interconnection. Such allocated share shall be determined in proportion to the amount of net PJM Interchange Imports by each Internal Market Buyer during the hour of each such energy purchase.
Emergency Energy. (a) When the Office of the Interconnection has implemented Emergency procedures, resources offering Emergency energy are eligible to set real-time Locational Marginal Prices, capped at the energy offer cap plus the sum of the applicable Reserve Penalty Factors for the Synchronized Reserve Requirement and Primary Reserve Requirement, provided that the Emergency energy is needed to meet demand in the PJM Region.
(b) Market Participants shall be allocated a proportionate share of the net cost of Emergency energy purchased by the Office of the Interconnection. Such allocated share during each hour of such Emergency energy purchase shall be in proportion to the amount of each Market Participant’s real-time deviation from its net PJM Interchange in the Day-ahead Energy Market, whenever that deviation increases the Market Participant’s spot market purchases or decreases its spot market sales. This deviation shall not include any reduction or suspension of output of pool scheduled resources requested by PJM to manage an Emergency within the PJM Region.
(c) Net revenues in excess of Real-time Prices attributable to sales of energy in connection with Emergencies to other Control Areas shall be credited to Market Participants during each hour of such Emergency energy sale in proportion to the sum of (i) each Market Participant’s real-time deviation from its net PJM Interchange in the Day-ahead Energy Market, whenever that deviation increases the Market Participant’s spot market purchases or decreases its spot market sales, and (ii) each Market Participant’s energy sales from within the PJM Region to entities outside the PJM Region that have been curtailed by PJM.
(d) The net costs or net revenues associated with sales or purchases of hourly energy in connection with a Minimum Generation Emergency in the PJM Region, or in another Control Area, shall be allocated during each hour of such Emergency sale or purchase to each Market Participant in proportion to the amount of each Market Participant’s real-time deviation from its net PJM Interchange in the Day-ahead Market, whenever that deviation increases the Market Participant’s spot market sales or decreases its spot market purchases.
Emergency Energy. A Pool Participant, upon request by other Pool Participants, shall supply emergency energy up to the full amount of its Available Accredited Capacity available to supply emergency service under standards and requirements established by the Regional Reliability Committee, provided that the request for emergency service conforms with the provisions of Service Schedule C. 7.
Emergency Energy. Costs of Compliance. 35.6.4
Emergency Energy. Energy needed during an emergency on Company's System that is requested by Company to be supplied by Seller (i) under Company's Dispatch; (ii) in excess of the amount of Energy then being supplied to Company by Seller; and (ii) which Seller has no Legally Enforceable Obligation to supply.
Emergency Energy. The Parties will exchange emergency energy as requested and/or required to the extent consistent with NERC’s Emergency Preparedness and Operations (“EOP”), or other applicable, Reliability Standards. Effective Date: 9/17/2010 - Docket #: ER10-2746-000