Emergency Financial Assistance. The CONTRACTOR shall not use contract funds to provide a parallel medication service to EIP. CONTRACTOR’s providing case management services shall make every effort to enroll clients in EIP.
Emergency Financial Assistance. The LHJ shall not use contract funds to provide a parallel medication service to EIP. LHJ’s providing case management services shall make every effort to enroll clients in EIP.
Emergency Financial Assistance. Emergency financial assistance includes one-time rental assistance or deposit, payment of utility arrears, and/or other one-time items that can impact overall housing stability (i.e. car repair or transportation costs that are linked to housing stability). Emergency Financial Assistance will be tailored to the specific needs of a household. The program will establish and maintain policies and procedures regarding the application process for clients (including what documents they are required to submit for each type of financial assistance), process for reviewing, prioritizing, and approving referrals, disbursing funds for approved requests, tracking of all requests and funds distributed, accounting for all transactions, and compliance with all applicable tax regulations, accounting standards, and audit requirements. The following two types of Emergency Financial Assistance will be provided:
i. Homeless Prevention
ii. Move-In Assistance (Rental/Deposit/Move-In/Other Assistance for Homeless Households Moving Into Housing)
Emergency Financial Assistance a) Provide eligible households with emergency financial assistance in order to prevent homelessness. Eligible households are individuals or families that:
i. Are at imminent risk of becoming homeless and have income at or below 50% of Area Median Income; and
ii. Have NOT received emergency financial assistance in the previous 12 months; and
iii. Have sufficient household income to maintain housing after receiving emergency financial assistance.
b) Provide emergency financial assistance such as rent, food, work-related transportation, medical, utilities to eligible clients.
c) Refer all clients to mainstream programs administered or offered by County departments including Behavioral Health Services Department (BHSD) and Department of Employment and Benefits Services (DEBS).