Procurement from UN Agencies Goods estimated to cost less than $100,000 equivalent per contract may be procured directly from Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office (IAPSO) in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.1 and 3.9 of the Procurement Guidelines.
Instructors 7.1 All instructors teaching COLLEGE courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must meet the minimum qualifications for instruction in a California community college as set forth in sections 53410 and 58060 of Title V of the California Code of Regulations, as required or hired as part of an Instructional Service Agreement. Instructor qualifications are consistent with requirements courses given by the WVMCCD. Cal. Code Regs., Title 5, § 53410. 7.2 Consistent with the terms negotiated between WVMCCD and the faculty union, WVMFT instructors for courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement shall be assigned as follows: • Courses will first be offered to regular faculty of COLLEGE that meet the above- stated minimum qualifications and have participated. • If courses are not filled by regular faculty, they will be offered to COLLEGE adjunct faculty who possess contractual rehire preference rights, and who meet the above-stated minimum qualifications. • If courses are still not filled, they may be offered to junior adjunct faculty and employees of CUHSD who meet the above-stated minimum qualifications. 7.3 WVMCCD shall be solely responsible for all salaries, wages, and benefits due to dual enrollment faculty who are WVMCCD employees. The CUHSD shall be solely responsible for the salaries, wages, and benefits due to the dual enrollment faculty who are CUHSD employees, unless otherwise agreed by CUHSD and WVMCCD. 7.4 The CCAP Agreement Appendix A shall specify which participating institution, either CUHSD or WVMCCD, will be the employer of record for purposes of assignment monitoring and reporting to the county office of education. (Ed. Code § 76004 (m)(1).) 7.5 CUHSD will assume reporting responsibilities pursuant to applicable federal teacher quality mandates. (Ed. Code § 76004 (m)(2).) 7.6 Instructors who teach courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must provide the supervision and control reasonably necessary for the protection of the health and safety of students and may not have any other assigned duty during the instructional activity. In the event of an emergency during the teaching of a course, instructors will act in accordance with WVMCCD policies, procedures and code of conduct and inform CUHSD as soon as reasonably possible. If the course is held on CUHSD property, instructors shall follow the direction of the Principal or his/her designee to coordinate the safety of the students in attendance during the emergency. 7.7 Instructors who teach courses under this CCAP Agreement shall comply with the fingerprinting requirements set forth in Ed Code section 45125 or as amended; the tuberculosis testing and risk assessment requirements of California Health and Safety Code section121525 or as amended; completion of training on mandated reporting as set forth in Education Code section 44691or as amended; and submission of a New Employee Data Input Form (i.e., Emergency Contact Information). In addition to any other prohibition or provision, no person who has been convicted of a violent or serious felony, as defined by Education Code section 44332.6 (c) shall be eligible to teach any courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement or otherwise provide services on a CUHSD site. The CCAP Agreement Appendix shall specify additional procedures for faculty under this agreement. 7.8 Prior to teaching, faculty provided by the CUHSD shall receive discipline-specific training and an orientation from WVMCCD at COLLEGE regarding, but not limited to, course curriculum, assessment criteria, pedagogy, course philosophy, testing and grading procedures record keeping, and other instructional responsibilities. Said training shall be approved by WVMCCD. In the event WVMCCD and CUHSD disagree regarding faculty training guidelines, the parties agree to meet and confer in good faith. If the parties cannot reach agreement within a reasonable time, WVMCCD shall make the final decision regarding the appropriate training and orientation for CUHSD faculty. 7.9 Faculty provided by the CUHSD may participate in professional development activities sponsored by the WVMCCD and shall be encouraged to participate in ongoing collegial activities address items such as address course content, course delivery, assessment, evaluation, and/or research and development in the field. 7.10 Faculty performance of all instructors, regardless of whether they are WVMCCD or CUHSD employees shall be evaluated by WVMCCD using the adopted evaluation process and standards for faculty of the WVMCCD. In conducting the evaluation, WVMCCD will provide CUHSD the opportunity to provide input. Such input will be given reasonable consideration. 7.11 WVMCCD shall determine the number of instructors, the ratio of instructors to students, and the subject areas of instruction, subject to approval by CUHSD. In the event of any disagreement, the parties agree to meet and confer in good faith. If the parties do not reach agreement, WVMCCD shall make the final determination.
First Aid Training In the interests of the occupational safety and health of employees, the Employer will undertake an in-service program of first aid training aimed at providing a first aid officer for each department.
UNION TRAINING LEAVE 46.1 An Employee elected as Union Delegate shall, upon application in writing to the Employer, be granted up to five days paid leave each calendar year to attend relevant Union Delegate courses. Such courses shall be designed and structured with the objective of promoting good industrial relations within the building and construction industry. 46.2 Consultation may take place between the parties in the furtherance of this objective. 46.3 The application for leave shall be given to the Employer in advance of the date of commencement of the course. The application for leave shall contain the following details: (a) The name of the Union Delegate seeking the leave (b) The period of time for which the leave is sought (including course dates and the daily commencing and finishing times); and (c) A general description of the content and structure of the course and the location where the course is to be conducted. 46.4 The Employer shall advise the Union Delegate within seven clear working days (Monday to Friday) of receiving the application as to whether or not the application for leave has been approved. 46.5 The time of taking leave shall be arranged to minimise any adverse effect on the Employer's operations. The onus shall rest with the Employer to demonstrate an inability to grant leave when an eligible Union Delegate is otherwise entitled. 46.6 The Employer shall not be liable for any additional expenses associated with an Employee's attendance at a course other than the payment of ordinary time earnings for such absence. For the purpose of this clause ordinary time earnings shall be defined as the relevant agreement classification rate including, shift work loadings where relevant plus Site Allowance where applicable. 46.7 Leave rights granted in accordance with this clause will not result in additional payment for alternative time off to the extent that the course attended coincides with a Union Delegate's RDO or with any concessional leave. 46.8 A Union Delegate on request by the Employer shall provide proof of their attendance at any course within 7 days. If an Employee fails to provide such proof, the Employer may deduct any amount already paid for attendance from the next week's pay or from any other moneys due to the Union Delegate.
Industrial Relations Training Leave Union Delegate/Employee Representative shall have access to industrial relations training in accordance with Appendix E hereof.
Disputes between a Contracting Party and an Investor (1) Any dispute which may arise between an investor of one Contracting Party and the other Contracting Party in connection with an investment on the territory of that other Contracting Party shall be subject to negotiations between the parties in dispute. (2) If any dispute between an investor of one Contracting Party and the other Contracting Party continues to exist after a period of three months, investor shall be entitled to submit the case either to: (a) The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes having regard to the applicable provisions of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States opened for signature at Washington D.C. on 18 March 1965, or in case both Contracting Parties have not become parties to this Convention, (b) An arbitrator or international ad hoc arb1 tral tribunal established under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. The parties to the dispute may agree in writing to modify these Rules. The arbitral awards shall be final and binding on both Parties to the dispute.Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. The parties to the dispute may agree in writing to modify these Rules. The arbitral awards shall be final and binding on both Parties to the dispute.
Trade Union Training Leave Subject to all qualifications in this clause, an employee appointed or elected as an accredited representative of the union to which he/she belongs will, upon application in writing to the Enterprise, be granted up to 5 days leave with pay each calendar year non-cumulative to attend courses conducted or approved by the Union.
Pendahuluan Industri perbankan syari’ah di Indonesia tengah memasuki fase growth (pertumbuhan) xxx sangat membutuhkan kepercayaan xxx loyalitas masyarakat untuk terus meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Kepercayaan xxx loyalitas mutlak dibutuhkan untuk memasuki fase maturity perbankan syariah dalam menghadapi kompetisi global. Kepercayaan xxx loyalitas tidak dapat diperoleh tanpa adanya produk- produk yang mampu menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat. Produk bank syariah sudah semestinya mampu memenuhi seluruh komponen masyarakat, baik dalam produk funding, financing, xxx services. Oleh karenanya, inovasi produk bank syariah menjadi syarat mutlak sebagai indikator bahwa bank syariah mampu beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan manusia modern. Inovasi produk merupakan salah satu unsur penting untuk dapat menjaga sustainabilitas perusahaan. Inovasi produk merepresentasikan kemampuan perusahaan untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pasar sekaligus sebagai upaya untuk memperoleh keuntungan perusahaan. Bank syariah pada dasarnya telah melakukan serangkaian upaya inovasi, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan “rekayasa” (engineering) terhadap akad- akad dalam fiqh muamalah. Beberapa akad dalam fiqh muamalah tidak begitu saja diadopsi oleh perbankan syariah, namun juga “diadaptasikan” dengan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap xxxx-xxxx perbankan. Rekayasa xxx adaptasi ini memang sebuah keniscayaan, karena jika adopsi dilakukan secara apa adanya maka produk bank syariah diragukan dapat memberikan manfaat yang tepat bagi masyarakat. Prinsip keleluasan bermuamalah dalam Islam merupakan modal utama untuk menghadapi kompleksitas permasalahan ekonomi serta besarnya tuntutan masyarakat akan peran perbankan syariah.1 Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat xxx mengembangkan industri perbankan xxx keuangan xxxx xxxx kompetitif, inovasi dalam berbisnis yang dilakukan oleh perbankan syariah melalui serangkaian adaptasi tersebut memang sudah menjadi tuntutan bisnis. Sebagai contoh dapat dikemukakan xxxxxx xxxx kartu kredit syariah, asuransi syariah, obligasi syariah, FX iB, xxx Islamic Swap. Produk-produk dalam kegiatan keuangan syariah tersebut mengandung beberapa akad. Sebagai contoh, dalam transaksi kartu kredit syariah terdapat akad ijarah, qardh, xxx kafalah. Obligasi syariah mengandung sekurang-kurangnya akad mudharabah (atau ijarah) xxx wakalah, serta terkadang disertai kafalah atau wa’d. Islamic swap mengandung beberapa kali akad tawarruq, bay‘, wakalah, xxxxx, xxx terkadang disertai wa’d.2 Dalam setiap transaksi, akad-akad tersebut dilakukan secara bersamaan atau setidak-tidaknya setiap akad yang terdapat dalam suatu produk tidak bisa ditinggalkan, karena kesemuanya merupakan satu kesatuan. Transaksi seperti 1 Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, “Konstruksi Akad dalam Pengembangan Produk Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia”, Al-‘Adalah, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Juni, 2015), 493. 2 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, “Multiakad dalam Transaksi Syariah Kontemporer pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia”, Al-Iqtishad, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Januari, 2011), 156. inilah yang dikenal dengan istilah multiakad (Indonesia) atau hybrid contract (Inggris) atau al-’uqud al-murakkabah (Arab). Hybrid contract merupakan perbincangan yang masih hangat dikalangan para cendikiawan muslim untuk menentukan keabsahan hukumnya. Pendapat pertama mengatakan hukumnya mubah berdasar kaidah fiqh al-ashlu fi al-mu’amalat al-ibahah (hukum asal muamalah adalah boleh). Pendapat kedua mengharamkan berdasarkan dengan hadits-hadits yang mengharamkan dua jual beli dalam satu jual beli (bai’ataini fi bai’atin), atau mengharamkan dua akad dalam satu akad (shafqatain fi shafqatin).3 Sebagai entitas bisnis yang menjadi bagian penting dalam sistem ekonomi syariah sebagai induknya, tentunya industri perbankan syariah tidak boleh keluar dari nilai-nilai syariah. Melakukan inovasi memang tuntutan bisnis, namun menjaga shariah compliance juga menjadi kewajiban bagi setiap pelaku bisnis syariah, tidak terkecuali perbankan syariah. Profit-oriented hanya boleh dijadikan sebagai media (tool) untuk mencapai tujuan (goal), yaitu benefit-oriented. Produk bank syari’ah seyogyanya memiliki multi benefit, yaitu: material benefit, emotional benefit, xxx spiritual benefit.4 Mengacu pada kondisi tersebut, maka inovasi produk perbankan syariah setidaknya memerhatikan inovasi dalam dua dimensi, yaitu dimensi ekonomi xxx dimensi sosial. Inovasi dalam dimensi ekonomi artinya bahwa produk perbankan syariah harus mampu menghadirkan produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, sehingga bank syariah menjadi pilihan utama masyarakat. Jika hal ini dapat dilakukan, maka fungsi-fungsi bank syariah akan mampu memainkan perannya sebagai intermediary institution. Pada dimensi sosial, sebagai produsen jasa keuangan syariah, bank syariah bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan edukasi terhadap perilaku masyarakat. Bank syariah xxx masyarakat xxxxxx melekat xxx memengaruhi satu dengan yang lain. Pada satu sisi, bank syariah melalui pola inovasinya harus mampu “men-syariah- kan” perilaku masyarakat, khususnya yang berhubungan dengan lembaga 3 Najamuddin, “Al-‘Uqud Al-Murakkabah dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah”, Jurnal Syariah, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Oktober, 2013), 6.
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