Instructors Sample Clauses
Instructors. 7.1. All instructors teaching COLLEGE’s courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must meet the minimum qualifications for instruction in a California community college as set forth in Sections 53410 and 58060 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, and be hired by the CLPCCD.
7.2. The CCAP Agreement Appendix shall specify which participating TUSD or COLLEGE will be the employer of record for sole and limited purposes of assignment monitoring and reporting to the county office of education.
7.3. This CCAP Agreement specifies the TUSD will assume reporting responsibilities pursuant to applicable federal teacher quality mandates.
7.4. Instructors who teach COLLEGE’s courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must provide the supervision and control reasonably necessary for the protection of the health and safety of students and may not have any other assigned duty during the instructional activity.
7.5. Instructors who teach COLLEGE’s courses at TUSD shall comply with the fingerprinting requirements set forth in Education Code section 45125.1, and the tuberculosis testing and risk assessment requirements of California Health and Safety Code section 49406. In addition to any other prohibition or provision, no person who has been convicted of a violent or serious felony shall be eligible to teach any courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement or otherwise provide services on a TUSD site.
7.6. Prior to teaching, faculty provided by the TUSD shall receive discipline-specific training and orientation from COLLEGE regarding, but not limited to, course curriculum, assessment criteria, pedagogy, course philosophy, testing and grading procedures record keeping, and other instructional responsibilities. Said training shall be approved by and provided by the COLLEGE.
7.7. Faculty provided by the TUSD will participate in professional development activities sponsored by COLLEGE as required by the terms and condition of the contract and shall be encouraged to participate in ongoing collegial interaction to include, but not limited address course content, course delivery, assessment, evaluation, and/or research and development in the field.
7.8. Faculty performance shall be evaluated by COLLEGE using the adopted evaluation process and standards for faculty of the COLLEGE, subject to the approval of CLPCCD.
7.9. COLLEGE may select instructors from TUSD personnel. TUSD personnel selected to be instructors remain employees of the TUSD, subject to the au...
7.1 All instructors teaching OCCD courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must meet the minimum qualifications for instruction in a California community college as set forth in Title 5 California Code of Regulations, Sections 53410 and 58060 or as amended and be hired by OCCD pursuant to an approved Instructional Service Agreement. The minimum qualifications for instruction are listed in the CCAP Agreement Appendix.
7.2 The CCAP Agreement Appendix shall specify which participating NHUSD, or OCCD will be the employer of record for purposes of assignment monitoring and reporting to the county office of education. Sec. 2 (m)(1).
7.3 This CCAP Agreement specifies NHUSD will assume reporting responsibilities pursuant to applicable federal teacher quality mandates. Sec. 2 (m)(2).
7.4 Instructors who teach OCCD courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must provide the supervision and control reasonably necessary for the protection of the health and safety of students and may not have any other assigned duty during the instructional activity.
7.5 OCCD and NHUSD certify that any remedial course taught by OCCD faculty at a partnering high school campus shall be offered only to high school students who do not meet their grade level standard in math, English, or both on an interim assessment in grade 10 or 11, as determined by NHUSD, and shall involve a collaborative effort between high school and community college faculty to deliver an innovative remediation course as an intervention in student’s junior or senior year to ensure the student is prepared for OCCD-level work upon graduation. Sec. 2 (n).
7.6 Instructors who teach OCCD courses shall comply with the fingerprinting requirements set forth in Ed Code § 45125 or as amended and the tuberculosis testing and risk assessment requirements of California Health and Safety Code § 121525 or as amended. In addition to any other prohibition or provision, no person who has been convicted of a violent or serious felony shall be eligible to teach any courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement or otherwise provide services on a NHUSD site.
7.7 Prior to teaching, faculty provided by NHUSD shall receive discipline-specific training and orientation from OCCD regarding, but not limited to, course curriculum, assessment criteria, pedagogy, course philosophy, testing and grading procedures record keeping, and other instructional responsibilities. Said training shall be approved by and provided by OCCD.
7.8 F...
Instructors. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all instructors involved in the training of participants are qualified to instruct in the appropriate program or training component or curriculum. If necessary, such instructors shall be appropriately certified by the State of California. Within thirty (30) days after the execution of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall submit to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a list of the names and qualifications of all instructors who will be providing such training and shall notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR within five (5) business days of any amendments or revisions thereto.
Instructors. 7.1 All instructors teaching COLLEGE courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must meet the minimum qualifications for instruction in a California community college as set forth in Title 5 California Code of Regulations, Sections 53410 and 58060 or as amended and be hired by the COLLEGE and become SMC employees or be provided by the District and be District employees. Faculty provided by the SCHOOL DISTRICT, who are being paid by the SCHOOL DISTRICT, must also sign an Instructional Service Agreement (ISA)- Instructor and get approved by the COLLEGE Board.
7.2 The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall be solely responsible for all salaries, wages, and benefits due to dual enrollment faculty teaching under an ISA who are SCHOOL DISTRICT employees.
7.3 The COLLEGE shall be solely responsible for all salaries, wages, and benefits due to dual enrollment faculty who are COLLEGE employees.
7.4 The COLLEGE shall be responsible for faculty salaries associated with the instructional class time of the classes conducted under this Agreement for faculty that are not SCHOOL DISTRICT employees. Any supplemental instruction related to the material presented in classes conducted under this Agreement by COLLEGE Employees, that extends beyond the college schedule, is the SCHOOL DISTRICT’s responsibility.
7.5 The CCAP Agreement Appendix shall specify which participating SCHOOL DISTRICT or COLLEGE will be the employer of record for purposes of assignment monitoring and reporting to the county office of education. Sec. 2 (m)(1)
7.6 This CCAP Agreement specifies the SCHOOL DISTRICT will assume reporting responsibilities pursuant to applicable federal teacher quality mandates. Sec. 2 (m)(2)
7.7 The COLLEGE shall have the primary right to control and direct the activities of faculty teaching dual enrollment courses. Instructors who teach COLLEGE courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement must provide the supervision and control reasonably necessary for the protection of the health and safety of students and may not have any other assigned duty during the instructional activity. As a general rule, faculty must be physically present in the classroom or lab or within line-of-sight of the students.
7.8 Instructors who teach COLLEGE courses shall comply with the fingerprinting requirements set forth in Ed Code § 45125 or as amended and the tuberculosis testing and risk assessment requirements of California Health and Safety Code § 121525 or as amended. In addition to any other prohibition or...
Instructors. Every appointment of an Instructor shall be one of the following ranks: Instructor III Instructor II Instructor I The rank of appointment shall be determined as follows:
Instructors. The most senior Instructor who is certified and currently teaching in the subject or trade area designated on the posting shall be transferred. If no such Instructor applies, the most senior Instructor who is certified, has taught (within the last five years) in the system in the subject or trade area designated on the posting, and who provides appropriate documentation of such shall be offered the transfer. The phrase “taught (within the last five years)” will be interpreted to mean six months of full-time teaching experience or its part-time equivalent.
Instructors. Instructors may be appointed to term, tenure-track, or tenured appointments. Appointments to the position of Instructor I, II, or III shall be in accordance with Article 13.
Instructors. These provisions may not be voided, modified nor waived by a related CA unless otherwise expressly provided herein:
Instructors. (a) In the event of a layoff, employees shall be laid off in order of inverse seniority (as defined in Section Two) in the employee’s current teaching assignment.
(b) The laid off Instructor shall be entitled to:
1. Superseniority for any vacancy for which he/she is certified and has taught in the Connecticut Technical High School System in a full-time capacity (Full-time capacity includes time spent in a durational position, but does not include substitute or part-time work); OR
2. Displace the least senior Instructor in current teaching assignment, provided he/she has greater seniority than that Instructor; OR
3. Displace the least senior Instructor in a different teaching area, provided he/she has greater seniority than that Instructor, is currently certified in that area and has taught in the Connecticut Technical High School System in that area in a full-time capacity. (Full-time capacity includes time spent in a durational position, but does not include substitute or part-time work.); OR
4. Elect layoff and placement on the Recall List.
Instructors. The primary professional duty of an Instructor is to teach. Other teaching-related duties may be required of Instructors. If such duties are to be assigned, the member shall be consulted beforehand and teaching loads shall be reduced appropriately. Teaching duties are assigned by the Xxxx following consultation in committee with the academic staff members.