ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVE. Supplier acknowledges that Bank of America encourages each supplier with which it enters into an agreement for the provision of goods or services to use, consistent with the efficient performance of such agreements, recycled paper goods, and to implement and adhere to other environmentally beneficial policies and practices. Supplier warrants that Supplier uses environmentally beneficial practices specific to its industry that meet at least the minimum standard recommended for its industry. Upon Bank of America’s request, Supplier will provide written information on its environmental policies and procedures. This section does not require Supplier to change its services and failure to adhere to such provisions shall in no event constitute a breach of this Agreement.
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ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVE. 19.1 Supplier acknowledges that Bank of America encourages each supplier with which it enters into an agreement for the provision of goods or services to use, consistent with the efficient performance of such agreements, recycled paper goods and other environmentally preferable products, and to implement and adhere to other environmentally beneficial policies and practices. Supplier warrants that Supplier uses environmentally beneficial practices specific to its industry that meet at least the minimum standard recommended for its industry. Upon Bank of America’s request, Supplier will provide written information on its environmental policies and procedures.
ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVE. Tech acknowledges that Bank encourages each supplier with which it enters into an agreement for the provision of goods or services to use, consistent with the efficient performance of such agreements, recycled paper goods and other environmentally preferable products, and to implement and adhere to other environmentally beneficial policies and practices. Tech represents and warrants that Tech uses environmentally beneficial practices specific to its industry that meet at least the minimum standard recommended for its industry. Upon Bank’s request, Tech will provide written information on its environmental policies and procedures.
ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVE. 20.1 Supplier acknowledges that BATO encourages each vendor with which it enters into an agreement for the provision of goods or services to use, consistent with the efficient performance of such agreements, recycled paper goods and to implement and adhere to other environmentally beneficial policies and practices.
ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVE. Service Provider acknowledges that Customer encourages each vendor with which it enters into an agreement for the provision of goods or services to use, consistent with the efficient performance of such agreements, recycled paper goods and to implement and adhere to other environmentally beneficial policies and practices. ------------------ * Confidential information has been omitted.


  • Environmental Investigation (a) Acquiror may, in its discretion, within thirty (30) Business Days of the date of this Agreement, require the Company to order, at Acquiror’s expense, a Phase I environmental site assessment to be delivered only to Acquiror for each parcel of real property in which the Company or an Acquired Subsidiary holds an interest or formerly held an interest (each a “Phase I Report”), conducted by an independent professional consultant reasonably acceptable to Acquiror to determine if any real property in which the Company or any Acquired Subsidiary holds any interest or formerly held an interest contains or gives evidence of any adverse environmental condition or any violations of Environmental Laws on any such property. If a Phase I Report discloses any violations or adverse environmental conditions, or reports a reasonable suspicion thereof, then Acquiror may promptly obtain, at the expense of the Company and Acquiror, shared equally, a Phase II environmental report with respect to any affected property which report shall contain an estimate of the cost of any remediation or other follow-up work that may be necessary to address those violations or conditions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations (each a “Phase II Report,” and collectively referred to with the associated Phase I Report, an “Environmental Report”). Acquiror shall have no duty to act upon any information produced by an Environmental Report for the benefit of the Company, any Acquired Subsidiary or any other Person, but shall provide such information to the Company upon the Company’s request.

  • Environmental Inspections In the event Landlord has a reasonable basis to believe that Tenant is in breach of its obligations under Sections 32.1 through 32.4, Landlord shall have the right, from time to time, during normal business hours and upon not less than five (5) Business Days written notice to Tenant (except in the case of an emergency that constitutes an imminent threat to human health or safety or damage to property, in which event Landlord shall undertake reasonable efforts to notify a representative of Tenant as soon as practicable under the circumstances), to conduct an inspection of the Leased Property or any portion thereof (and Tenant shall be permitted to have Landlord or its representatives accompanied by a representative of Tenant) to determine the existence or presence of Hazardous Substances on or about the Leased Property or any portion thereof. In the event Landlord has a reasonable basis to believe that Tenant is in breach of its obligations under Sections 32.1 through 32.4, Landlord shall have the right to enter and inspect the Leased Property or any portion thereof, conduct any testing, sampling and analyses it reasonably deems necessary and shall have the right to inspect materials brought into the Leased Property or any portion thereof. Landlord may, in its discretion, retain such experts to conduct the inspection, perform the tests referred to herein, and to prepare a written report in connection therewith if Landlord has a reasonable basis to believe that Tenant is in breach of its obligations under Sections 32.1 through 32.4. All costs and expenses incurred by Landlord under this Section 32.6 shall be the responsibility of Landlord, except solely to the extent Tenant has breached its obligations under Sections 32.1 through 32.5, in which event such reasonable costs and expenses shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord as provided in Section 32.4. Failure to conduct an environmental inspection or to detect unfavorable conditions if such inspection is conducted shall in no fashion constitute a release of any liability for environmental conditions subsequently determined to be associated with or to have occurred during Tenant’s tenancy. Tenant shall remain liable for any environmental condition related to or having occurred during its tenancy regardless of when such conditions are discovered and regardless of whether or not Landlord conducts an environmental inspection at the termination of this Lease. The obligations set forth in this Article XXXII shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease but in no event shall Article XXXII apply to matters first occurring after the later of (x) the end of the Term and (y) the date upon which Tenant shall have vacated the Leased Property and surrendered the same to Landlord, in each case to the extent such matters are not or were not caused by the acts or omissions of Tenant in breach of this Lease.

  • Environmental Inspection 11 ARTICLE XI................................................................... 12 11.1 Modifications.................................................. 12 ARTICLE XII.................................................................. 13 12.1

  • Environmental Information At any time that any Company has breached the representation and warranty in Section 3.19, is not in compliance with Section 5.09(a) or has delivered a notice pursuant to Section 5.02(e), provide, at the Borrowers’ sole expense and at the request of the Administrative Agent, either (a) an environmental site assessment report concerning the Real Property owned, leased or operated by such Company that is the subject of any such breach, noncompliance or notice, prepared by an environmental consulting firm reasonably approved by the Administrative Agent, provided that if the Borrowers fail to provide the same within 45 days after such request was made, the Administrative Agent may order the same at any time thereafter if the Borrowers are not diligently pursuing the completion of such report, the cost of which shall be borne by the Borrowers, and in such case the respective Loan Party shall grant and hereby grants to the Administrative Agent and the Lenders and their respective agents reasonable access to such Real Property and specifically grant the Administrative Agent and the Lenders a license to undertake such an assessment at any reasonable time upon reasonable notice to the Administrative Borrower, all at the sole expense of the Borrowers; or (b) copies of the reports of the United States Coast Guard, Environmental Protection Agency and National Transportation Safety Board, and of any applicable state or foreign agency, if and when issued, concerning such breach, noncompliance or notice if related to a Vessel or Chartered Vessel owned, chartered to or operated by such Company; and

  • Environmental Studies Promptly conduct and complete, at Borrower’s expense, all such investigations, studies, samplings and testings as may be requested by Lender or any governmental authority relative to any substance, or any waste or by-product of any substance defined as toxic or a hazardous substance under applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, regulation, order or directive, at or affecting any property or any facility owned, leased or used by Borrower.

  • Environmental Issues Borrower shall comply with the affirmative covenants set forth below with respect to environmental issues.

  • Environmental Insurance If required by Lender, Borrower shall have obtained a secured creditor environmental insurance policy with respect to the Property, which shall be in form and substance satisfactory to Lender. Any such policy shall have a term not less than the term of the Loan. Borrower shall have provided to Lender evidence that the premiums for such policy has been paid in full.

  • Environmental Review (a) Buyer shall have the right to conduct or cause a consultant (“Buyer’s Environmental Consultant”) to conduct an environmental review of the Assets and Seller’s records pertaining to the Assets (as set forth in Section 3.01) prior to the expiration of the Examination Period (“Buyer’s Environmental Review”). The cost and expense of Buyer’s Environmental Review, if any, shall be borne solely by Buyer. The scope of work comprising Buyer’s Environmental Review shall not include any intrusive test or procedure without the prior written consent of Seller. Buyer shall (and shall cause Buyer’s Environmental Consultant to): (i) consult with Seller before conducting any work comprising Buyer’s Environmental Review, (ii) perform all such work in a safe and workmanlike manner and so as to not unreasonably interfere with Seller’s operations and (iii) comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain any Third Party consents and otherwise cooperate with Buyer in conducting Buyer’s Environmental Review and any activities related thereto. Seller shall have the right to have a representative or representatives accompany Buyer and Buyer’s Environmental Consultant at all times during Buyer’s Environmental Review. With respect to any samples taken in connection with Buyer’s Environmental Review, Buyer shall take split samples, providing one of each such sample, properly labeled and identified, to Seller. The Parties shall execute a “common undertaking” letter regarding the confidentiality for the Environmental Review where appropriate. Buyer hereby agrees to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and against all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, causes of action and judgments of any kind or character (INCLUDING THOSE RESULTING FROM SELLER’S SOLE, JOINT, COMPARATIVE OR CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY) to the extent arising out of Buyer’s Environmental Review. Buyer hereby covenants and agrees that it will have at least $2,000,000 of general liability insurance to cover its indemnification hereunder prior to the commencement of the Environmental Review.

  • Environmental Assessment In connection with its surrender of the Premises, Tenant shall submit to Landlord, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of this Lease (or in the event of an earlier termination of this Lease, as soon as reasonably possible following such termination), an environmental Assessment of the Premises by a competent and experienced environmental engineer or engineering firm reasonably satisfactory to Landlord (pursuant to a contract approved by Landlord and providing that Landlord can rely on the Environmental Assessment). If such Environmental Assessment reveals that remediation or Clean-up is required under any Environmental Laws that Tenant is responsible for under this Lease, Tenant shall submit a remediation plan prepared by a recognized environmental consultant and shall be responsible for all costs of remediation and Clean-up, as more particularly provided in Section 5.3, above.

  • Environmental Site Assessment Lender shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, to undertake an environmental site assessment on the Property, including any testing that Lender may determine, in its sole discretion, is necessary or desirable to ascertain the environmental condition of the Property and the compliance of the Property with Requirements of Environmental Laws. Borrower shall cooperate fully with Lender and its consultants performing such assessments and tests. If Lender undertakes such assessments because Lender reasonably believes contamination has occurred, or if the assessment reveals contamination not previously known to Lender, the expense of such assessment shall be paid by the Borrower. Otherwise, any such assessment shall be at Lender's expense.

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