Exercise of discretions Sample Clauses
Exercise of discretions. Subject to clause 13.1(b), the Trustee may decide how and when to exercise the Trustee’s powers and discretions.
Exercise of discretions. The Servicer must, in servicing the Mortgage Loan Rights which then form part of the Assets of the Series Trust, exercise its power and discretions under this Deed, the Servicing Guidelines, and the relevant Mortgage Documents to which it is a party in accordance with standards and practices suitable for a prudent lender in the business of making retail home loans.
Exercise of discretions. 33.1 Any right conferred on us under the JBWere Agreement or an Additional Service Agreement may be exercised or not exercised in our absolute discretion.
33.2 We may waive your obligations or the exercise of our rights under the JBWere Agreement, an Additional Service Agreement, or any part of them, in our absolute discretion and such a waiver does not prevent us from exercising those rights in the future.
33.3 We will act reasonably and be guided by our legitimate business interests in deciding whether and how to exercise any discretion we have under the JBWere Agreement or an Additional Service Agreement.
Exercise of discretions. 33.1 Any right conferred on us under the JBWere Multi-Asset Platform Agreement or an Additional Service Agreement may be exercised or not exercised in our absolute discretion.
33.2 We may waive your obligations or the exercise of our rights under the JBWere Multi-Asset Platform Agreement, an Additional Service Agreement, or any part of them, in our absolute discretion and such a waiver does not prevent us from exercising those rights in the future.
33.3 We will act reasonably and be guided by our legitimate business interests in deciding whether and how to exercise any discretion we have under the JBWere Multi-Asset Platform Agreement or an Additional Service Agreement.
Exercise of discretions. 78 16.6 Servicer's Undertaking Regarding Mortgage Loan Rights...........78 16.7 Interest Rates on Mortgage Loans................................80 16.8 Release or Substitution of Security.............................80 16.9 Variation or Relaxation of Terms of Mortgage Loans..............80 16.10
Exercise of discretions. (a) Unless expressly required by the terms of this agreement, a party is not required to act reasonably in giving or withholding any consent or approval or exercising any other right, power, authority, discretion or remedy, under or in connection with this agreement.
(b) A party may (without any requirement to act reasonably) impose conditions on the grant by it of any consent or approval, or any waiver of any right, power, authority, discretion or remedy, under or in connection with this agreement. Any conditions must be complied with by the party relying on the consent, approval or waiver.
Exercise of discretions. The Commonwealth may exercise its powers, discretions and authorities in its sole and absolute discretion provided that it acts in good faith in exercising discretions, making decisions, approving or rejecting proposals and in all other dealings with the Grantee under this Agreement.
Exercise of discretions. Target must use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Target Board must, as soon as practicable after the date of this document, exercise any discretions in relation to Options and Option Rights to issue all outstanding Options which it is required to issue under the Target ESP so as to allow the Options to be exercised, and the Target Shares issued upon that exercise, to be acquired under the Scheme. Target must disclose to Bidder as soon as practicable the extent to which these discretions have been exercised.
Exercise of discretions. 75 16.6 Servicer's Undertaking Regarding Mortgage Loan Rights.................................... 75 16.7
Exercise of discretions. (a) Unless expressly required by the terms of this agreement or the ASX Settlement Operating Rules, a party is not required to act reasonably in giving or withholding any consent or approval or exercising any other right, power, authority, discretion or remedy, under or in connection with this agreement.
(b) Subject to the ASX Settlement Operating Rules, a party may (without any requirement to act reasonably) impose conditions on the grant by it of any consent or approval, or any waiver of any right, power, authority, discretion or remedy, under or in connection with this agreement. Any conditions must be complied with by the party relying on the consent, approval or waiver.