Existing Conditions and Opportunities/Constraints Report. Alta employs a highly-effective data collection system allowing us to quickly collect and analyze conditions so that they can be mapped and used in bikeway and pedestrian studies. Based on information and data collected under the tasks listed above, Alta will review Rapid City Area’s existing bicycle and pedestrian facility network. We will determine the adequacy of facilities based on the following criteria: • Safety • Connectivity • Completeness of network • Ability to serve destinations (e.g., work centers, shopping, residential areas, parks, schools, civic buildings, community centers, colleges and universities, transit links, and other important destinations) • Accessibility • Convenience • Ability to serve the needs of different types of bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized users • We will prepare a memorandum describing Rapid City Area’s existing bikeway and walkway network, and summarize opportunities and constraints that may impact system improvements and expansions. Task 2 Products Comprehensive base maps of existing and planned bicycle/pedestrian facilities Memorandum describing existing conditions and opportunities and constraints Task 3 – Meetings with Steering Committee