Existing Programmes Sample Clauses

Existing Programmes. 28.1 Subsidy programmes which have been established within the territory of any Member before the date on which such a Member signed the WTO Agreement and which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement shall be: (a) notified to the Committee not later than 90 days after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement for such Member; and (b) brought into conformity with the provisions of this Agreement within three years of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement for such Member and until then shall not be subject to Part II. 28.2 No Member shall extend the scope of any such programme, nor shall such a programme be renewed upon its expiry.
Existing Programmes. Subsidy programmes which have been established within the territory of any Member before the date on which such a Member signed the WTO Agreement and which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement shall be:
Existing Programmes. 28.1 Subsidy programmes which have been established within the territory of any Member berfore the date on which such a Member signed the WTO Agreement and which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement shall be: (a) notified to the Committee not later than 90 days after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement for such Member; and
Existing Programmes. 28.1 Subsidy programmes which have been established within the territory of any Member before the date on which such a Member signed the WTO Agreement and which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement shall be: (a) notified to the Committee not later than 90 days after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement for such Member; and (b) brought into conformity with the provisions of this ةتقؤم تابيترت :عساتلا ءزجلا 28 ةداملا ةيلاحلا جماربلا يف ةدوجوم تبببنابببك يتلا معدبببلا ماربل يغبني 1-28 قافتا ىلع هييعوت خيرات لبع وببببضع يأ يببببضارأ ماكحأ عم ىببشمتت لا يتلاو ةيملايلا ةراجتلا ةمظنم :نأ قافتلاا اذه خيراببت نم اببموي 90 لبببع ةببنجللا ابباب رطخت )أ ىلع ةيملايلا ةراجتلا ةمظنم قافتا نايرببببببس ؛وضيلا كلذ 3 للاخ قاببفتلاا اذببه ماببكحأ عم يكتت ) ةمظنم قافتا ذافن نايربببببس نم تاونبببببس

Related to Existing Programmes

  • Training Program It is agreed that there shall be an Apprenticeship Training Program, the provisions of which are set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and forms part of this Agreement.

  • Maintenance Programme (i) The Contractor shall prepare a monthly maintenance programme (the “Maintenance Programme”) in consultation with the Authority’s Engineer and submit the same to the Authority’s Engineer not later than 10 (ten) days prior to the commencement of the month in which the Maintenance is to be carried out. For this purpose a joint monthly inspection by the Contractor and the Authority’s Engineer shall be undertaken. The Maintenance Programme shall contain the following: (a) The condition of the road in the format prescribed by the Authority’s Engineer; (b) the proposed maintenance Works; and (c) deployment of resources for maintenance Works.

  • Project Plans The Contractor: must carry out the Contractor's Activities in accordance with, and otherwise implement, the Project Plans; and for the purposes of subparagraph (i), must: prepare Project Plans based, where applicable, on the draft Project Plans lodged by the Contractor in its tender for the Contractor's Activities, and otherwise in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and submit them to the Contract Administrator so as to ensure that there is no delay or disruption to the Contractor's Activities and in any event no later than the number of days specified in the Contract Particulars after the Award Date for each Project Plan; not commence any of the Contractor's Activities to which any Project Plan applies, unless the Contract Administrator has had the number of days specified in the Contract Particulars for each Project Plan to review the Project Plan and has not rejected the Project Plan; if any Project Plan is rejected, submit an amended Project Plan to the Contract Administrator; in any event, finalise each Project Plan so as to ensure that there is no delay or disruption to the Contractor's Activities and in any event in accordance with the requirements of the Contract to the satisfaction of the Contract Administrator; after each Project Plan has been finalised: regularly review, update and amend each Project Plan in accordance with the process set out in each Project Plan (and otherwise at least on each anniversary of the Award Date); update or amend a Project Plan on request of the Contract Administrator; and continue to correct any defects in or omissions from a Project Plan (whether identified by the Contract Administrator or the Contractor), and submit an updated or amended Project Plan to the Contract Administrator, after which: the Contractor must continue to comply with the requirements of the then current Project Plan until the process in subparagraph (ii) has been completed in respect of the updated or amended Project Plan; and subsubparagraphs B - E will apply (to the extent applicable); and document and maintain detailed records of all: reviews, updates, amendments and submissions of each Project Plan; audits or other monitoring of each Project Plan; and training and awareness programs and communications provided to Contractor and subcontractor personnel in respect of each Project Plan (including each updated or amended Project Plan). The Contractor will not be relieved from compliance with any of its obligations under the Contract or otherwise at law or in equity as a result of: the implementation of, and compliance with, the requirements of any Project Plan; any direction by the Contract Administrator concerning a Project Plan or the Contractor's compliance or non-compliance with a Project Plan; any audit or other monitoring by the Contract Administrator or anyone else acting on behalf of the Commonwealth of the Contractor's compliance with a Project Plan; or any failure by the Contract Administrator, or anyone else acting on behalf of the Commonwealth, to detect any defect in or omission from a Project Plan including where any such failure arises from any negligence on the part of the Contract Administrator or other person.