Expanded Analysis of Case LN Sample Clauses

Expanded Analysis of Case LN. This section expands on the results for Case LN presented in the previous section, examining oil recovery versus CO2 slug size. Based on the fits of the present section, a useful comparative analysis of project economics can be performed, as described in Section 3.11. In particular, it will be shown that it is possible to find the optimum CO2 slug size for various pricing scenarios. The results of Case LN were analyzed more closely to provide comparative results for different slug sizes. Prior to this analysis, three more slug-size simulation cases were performed, including runs for 7500 tons, 60000 tons, and 90000 tons of CO2. Under the assumptions made here about the system, it turned out that the cumulative oil versus time for the water-injection-only case could be fit with a straight line [= (t days)(37.8 STB/day)]. Using this as a baseline, it was assumed that the production above this value was the incremental oil due to CO2 injection. This cumulative incremental production, shown in Figure 3.4.2, was fit as a function of time and CO2 slug size using the following function: function y=thefit(slug,t) %slug size in tons, t in days u = log10(slug); tau=-81.928*u^2+1020.545*u-1795.586; A=48.97*(1-exp(-2.13E-05*slug ))*4 %MSTB; y=A*(1+tanh(.00211*(t-tau))); end
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Related to Expanded Analysis of Case LN

  • Basis of compilation This statement of eligible expenditure has been prepared to meet the requirements of the grant agreement between [enter Grantee name] and the Commonwealth represented by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. Significant accounting policies applied in the compilation of the statement of grant income and expenditure include the following: [enter details] Certification by directors [if not director, replace with appropriate equivalent] [Grantee name] [Project number] For the period [dd/ mm/yyyy] to [dd/ mm/yyyy] We confirm that, to the best of our knowledge and believe, having made such enquiries as we considered necessary for the purpose of appropriately informing ourselves: Statement of grant income and expenditure We have fulfilled our responsibilities for the preparation of the statement of grant income and expenditure in accordance with the cash basis of accounting and the terms of the grant agreement with the Commonwealth, represented by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources dated [enter date]; in particular, the statement of grant income and expenditure presents fairly in accordance therewith. All events subsequent to the date of the statement of grant income and expenditure which require adjustment or disclosure so as to present fairly the statement of grant income and expenditure, have been adjusted or disclosed. [Where applicable] The effects of uncorrected misstatements are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the statement of grant income and expenditure as a whole. A list of the uncorrected misstatements is attached to this representation letter. That all Grantee contributions and other financial assistance were spent for the purpose of the project and in accordance with the grant agreement and that the Grantee has complied with the grant agreement and relevant accounting policies. That salaries and allowances paid to persons involved in the project are in accordance with any applicable award or agreement in force under any relevant law on industrial or workplace relations. Signature Name [enter name] Director Date [dd/mm/yyyy] Signature Name [enter name] Director Date [dd/mm/yyyy] For Auditor use only I certify that this statement of grant income and expenditure is the one used to prepare my independent audit report dated [enter date] for the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. Signature Name [enter name] Position [enter position] Auditor’s employer [enter employer name] Date [dd/mm/yyyy] Attachment B - Independent audit report Background for auditors The purpose of the independent audit report is to provide us with an auditor's opinion on the Grantee’s statement of grant income and expenditure. The statement of grant income and expenditure is prepared by the Grantee to correspond with the expenditure reported to the department by the Grantee for the same period, in the process of claiming grant payments. The independent audit report must be prepared by a person who is an approved auditor. An approved auditor is a person who is: registered as a company auditor under the Corporations Xxx 0000 or an appropriately qualified member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, or of CPA Australia or the Institute of Public Accountants; and not a principal, member, shareholder, officer, agent, subcontractor or employee of the Grantee or of a related body corporate or a Connected Entity. The audit should be undertaken and reported in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. The independent audit report must follow the required format and include any qualification regarding the matters on which the auditor provides an opinion. We may follow up any qualifications with the Grantee or auditor. The independent audit report must be submitted on the auditor's letterhead. Auditors must comply with the professional requirements of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, CPA Australia and the Institute of Public Accountants in the conduct of their audit. If the auditor forms an opinion that the statement of grant income and expenditure does not give a true and fair view of the eligible expenditure for the period, the independent audit report should be qualified and the error quantified in the qualification section of the independent audit report. The required independent audit report format follows. Auditor’s report Independent audit report in relation to [Grantee name]’s statement of grant income and expenditure to the Commonwealth, represented by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (the department). We have audited: the accompanying statement of grant income and expenditure of [Grantee name] for the period [dd/mm/yyyy] to [dd/mm/yyyy], a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, and management’s attestation statement thereon (together “the financial statement”). The financial statement has been prepared by management using the cash basis of accounting described in note 3.2 to the financial statement; and [Grantee name]'s compliance with the terms of the grant agreement between [Grantee name] and the Commonwealth dated [date of agreement] for the period [dd/mm/yyyy] to [dd/mm/yyyy] (the grant agreement). We have: reviewed [Grantee name]’s statement of labour costs in support of its claim of eligible expenditure[; and performed limited assurance procedures on [Grantee name]’s statement of employee numbers under the grant agreement]. Management’s responsibility Management is responsible for: the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statement in accordance with the basis of accounting described in note 3.2, this includes determining that the cash basis of accounting is an acceptable basis for the preparation of the financial statement in accordance with the grant agreement; compliance with the terms of the grant agreement; the preparation of the statement of employee numbers and labour costs in support of eligible expenditure; and such internal control as management determines is necessary to: enable the preparation of the financial statement and the statement of [employee numbers and ]labour costs that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; and enable compliance with the terms of the grant agreement. Auditor’s responsibility Our responsibilities are: To express an opinion, based on our audit, on: the financial statement; and [Grantee name]’s compliance, in all material respects, with the terms of the grant agreement; and To conclude based on: our review procedures, on the statement of labour costs; and our limited assurance procedures on the statement of employee numbers. We conducted our audit of the financial statement in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards; our audit of compliance with the grant agreement in accordance with ASAE 3100, our review of the statement of labour costs in accordance with ASRE 2405[; and our limited assurance procedures on employee numbers in accordance with ASAE 3000]. The applicable Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements and plan and perform our work to: obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement is free from material misstatement and that [Grantee name] has complied, in all material respects, with the terms of the grant agreement; and obtain limited assurance as to whether anything has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the statements of employee numbers and labour costs are materially misstated. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement and about the Grantee’s compliance with the grant agreement. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statement, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Grantee’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statement, and to the Grantee’s compliance with the grant agreement, in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Grantee’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statement.

  • DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS The goal of this task is to collect operational data from the project, to analyze that data for economic and environmental impacts, and to include the data and analysis in the Final Report. Formulas will be provided for calculations. A Final Report data collection template will be provided by the Energy Commission. The Recipient shall: • Develop data collection test plan. • Troubleshoot any issues identified. • Collect data, information, and analysis and develop a Final Report which includes: o Total gross project costs. o Length of time from award of bus(es) to project completion. o Fuel usage before and after the project.

  • Audit and Testing 4.1 The Contractor shall conduct tests of the processes and countermeasures contained in the Security Plan ("Security Tests") on an annual basis or as otherwise agreed by the Parties. The date, timing, content and conduct of such Security Tests shall be agreed in advance with the Authority.

  • Technical Standards Applicable to a Wind Generating Plant i. Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) Capability A wind generating plant shall be able to remain online during voltage disturbances up to the time periods and associated voltage levels set forth in the standard below. The LVRT standard provides for a transition period standard and a post-transition period standard.

  • For Product Development Projects and Project Demonstrations  Published documents, including date, title, and periodical name.  Estimated or actual energy and cost savings, and estimated statewide energy savings once market potential has been realized. Identify all assumptions used in the estimates.  Greenhouse gas and criteria emissions reductions.  Other non-energy benefits such as reliability, public safety, lower operational cost, environmental improvement, indoor environmental quality, and societal benefits.  Data on potential job creation, market potential, economic development, and increased state revenue as a result of the project.  A discussion of project product downloads from websites, and publications in technical journals.  A comparison of project expectations and performance. Discuss whether the goals and objectives of the Agreement have been met and what improvements are needed, if any.

  • MEASUREMENT AND VERIFICATION The goal of this task is to report the benefits resulting from this project. Project team may use in- house expertise of the project demonstration site or use third party vendor for measurement and verification (M&V) of GHG and energy consumption reduction. The Recipient shall: • Enter into agreement with M&V subcontractor per Task 1.9 (if using outside vendor) • Coordinate site visits with the M&V subcontractor at the demonstration site(s) • Develop M&V protocol for pre-installation measurement (and calculations) following Section II.B.2 of the grant solicitation manual3: o Electric, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (use appropriate emissions factor from Attachment 8 of the grant solicitation) of the equipment/process/system(s)/sub-system(s) that are be upgraded and/or replaced and/or modified; and o If necessary, ensure installation of sub-metering equipment and data loggers for pre/post data analysis. • Prepare and provide a detailed M&V Plan for each project demonstration site to include but not be limited to: o A description of the monitoring equipment and instrumentation which will be used; o A description of the key input parameters and output metrics which will be measured; o A description of the M&V protocol and analysis methods to be employed; and o A description of the independent, third-party measurement and verification services to be employed, if applicable. • Perform three months (or shorter period as approved in writing by the CAM) of pre- installation measurements (and calculations) based on the M&V protocol for pre- installation. • Prepare and provide a Pre-Installation M&V Findings Report that includes M&V protocol, pre-install measurements (and calculations), analysis, and results performed in this task. • Develop M&V protocol for post-installation measurements (and calculations) of: o Electric, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (use appropriate emissions factor from Attachment 8 of the grant solicitation) of the equipment/process/system(s)/sub-system(s) that will be upgraded and/or replaced and/or modified.  Perform 12 months (or shorter period as approved in writing by the CAM) of post- installation measurements based on M&V protocol for post-installation. • Provide a summary of post-installation M&V progress in Progress Report(s) (see subtask 1.5) which shall include but not be limited to: o A narrative on operational highlights from the reporting period, including any stoppages in operation and why; and o A summary of M&V findings from the reporting period. • Analyze post-installation electrical, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel consumption and GHG emissions. 3 GFO-18-903, Food Production Investment Program, California Energy Commission, November 2018. xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx.xxx/contracts/GFO-18-903/000_FPIP_Solicitation_Manual.docx • Prepare and provide a Post-installation M&V Findings Report that includes M&V protocol, pre and post install measurements (and calculations), analysis, and results performed in this task. Results should at a minimum report on the reduction of electricity, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel usage and reductions of GHG emissions that directly result from this project.

  • Data Analysis In the meeting, the analysis that has led the College President to conclude that a reduction- in-force in the FSA at that College may be necessary will be shared. The analysis will include but is not limited to the following: ● Relationship of the FSA to the mission, vision, values, and strategic plan of the College and district ● External requirement for the services provided by the FSA such as accreditation or intergovernmental agreements ● Annual instructional load (as applicable) ● Percentage of annual instructional load taught by Residential Faculty (as applicable) ● Fall Full-Time Student Equivalent (FFTE) inclusive of dual enrollment ● Number of Residential Faculty teaching/working in the FSA ● Number of Residential Faculty whose primary FSA is the FSA being analyzed ● Revenue trends over five years for the FSA including but not limited to tuition and fees ● Expenditure trends over five years for the FSA including but not limited to personnel and capital ● Account balances for any fees accounts within the FSA ● Cost/benefit analysis of reducing all non-Residential Faculty plus one Residential Faculty within the FSA ● An explanation of the problem that reducing the number of faculty in the FSA would solve ● The list of potential Residential Faculty that are at risk of layoff as determined by the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources ● Other relevant information, as requested

  • Drug Test Results 1. All records pertaining to department-required drug tests shall remain confidential, and shall not be provided to other employers or agencies without the written permission of the person whose records are sought. However, medical, administrative, and immediate supervisory personnel may have access to relevant portions of the records as necessary to insure the acceptable performance of the officer's job duties.

  • Segmentation The purchase of any Products and related Service Offerings or other Service Offerings are all separate offers and separate from any other order for any Products and related Service Offerings or other Service Offerings You may receive or have received from Oracle. You understand that You may purchase any Products and related Service Offerings or other Service Offerings independently of any other Products or Service Offerings. Your obligation to pay for (a) any Products and related Service Offerings is not contingent on performance of any other Service Offerings or delivery of any other Products or (b) other Service Offerings is not contingent on delivery of any Products or performance of any additional/other Service Offerings. You acknowledge that You have entered into the purchase without reliance on any financing or leasing arrangement with Oracle or its affiliate.

  • Background and Narrative of Budget Reductions 2. Assumptions Used in the Deficit Reduction Plan: - EBF and Estimated New Tier Funding: - Equal Assessed Valuation and Tax Rates: - Employee Salaries and Benefits: - Short and Long Term Borrowing: - Educational Impact: - Other Assumptions: - Has the district considered shared services or outsourcing (Ex: Transportation, Insurance) If yes please explain: ESTIMATED LIMITATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS (School Districts Only) (For Local Use Only)

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