Examples of Measurement and Verification in a sentence
The program savings is broken down into three benchmarks; Energy Reduction Plan, Project Implementation, and Measurement and Verification.
A realization rate and net-to-gross ratio are applied to adjust the program reported savings based on the most recent Measurement and Verification and Attribution evaluation studies.
Verification of energy savings consistent with the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocols (IPMVP) is not required but encouraged.
Technical Aspects of ProposalSection G-1: Technical Summary; Preliminary Energy Savings Plan—Forms II, III & IV Section G-2: Preliminary Energy Savings Plan: Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) Section G-3: Project Development and Management OverviewSection G-4: Description of Savings Calculations, Monitoring, Measurement and Verification, and Program Guarantee Section G-5: Description of Post Construction Training and Services Section H.
Applicants may engage a third party to perform a post measurement and verification using International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocols.