Export of Benefits Sample Clauses

Export of Benefits. 1. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, a Contracting State shall not reduce or modify benefits acquired under its legislation solely on the ground that the beneficiary stays or resides in the territory of the other Contracting State.
Export of Benefits. 1. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, benefits under the legislation of one Contracting Party shall not be subject to any reduction, modification, suspension, withdrawal or confiscation by reason of the fact that the recipient resides or stays in the territory of the other Contracting Party, and the benefits shall be payable in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Export of Benefits. 1. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, benefits payable under the legislation of a Party to any person described in Article III, including benefits acquired by virtue of this Agreement, shall not be subject to any reduction, modification, suspension, cancellation or confiscation by reason only of the fact that the person resides in the territory of the other Party, and they shall be paid in the territory of the other Party. 2. Benefits payable under this Agreement to a person described in Article III in the territory of the other Party shall also be payable in the territory of a third State.
Export of Benefits. 1. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, a Party shall not reduce, modify, suspend, or cancel a benefit payable to a person described in Article 3 based only on the fact that the person who is eligible for that benefit resides in or is present in the territory of the other Party. A Party shall pay that benefit when that person resides in or is present in the territory of the other Party. 2. For Canada, an allowance or a guaranteed income supplement is payable to a person who is outside Canada only to the extent permitted by the Old Age Security Act. 3. For Austria, paragraph 1 does not apply to a compensatory supplement or a single payment to maintain purchasing power.
Export of Benefits. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, pensions and other cash benefits shall not be reduced, modified, suspended or withdrawn because the person resides or stays in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Export of Benefits. 1. Benefits of one Party, when payable by virtue of this Agreement, shall be payable to persons who are residents of, or in, the territory of either Party. 2. In relation to Australia, for the purposes of paragraph 1, any additional amount, increase or supplement that is payable under this Agreement, shall be payable to a person outside Australia only for the period specified in the provisions of the Social Security Xxx 0000. The reference to the Social Security Xxx 0000 includes any laws that subsequently amend, supplement or replace that Act. 3. In relation to Latvia, notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, state social security benefit and supplement to the old age pension shall be paid to a person who is outside the Republic of Latvia only to the extent permitted by the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
Export of Benefits. 1. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, a Contracting State shall not reduce or modify benefits acquired under its legislation solely on the ground that the beneficiary stays or resides in the territory of the other Contracting State. 2. The old age and survivors’ benefits due by virtue of the Belgian legislation are paid to the Indian nationals residing in the territory of a third State, under the same conditions as if they were Belgian nationals residing in the territory of such third State. 3. The old-age, survivor's and disability benefits due by virtue of the Indian legislation, are paid to the Belgian nationals residing in the territory of a third State, under the same conditions as if they were Indian nationals residing in the territory of such third State.
Export of Benefits. 1. Unless provided otherwise in this Agreement, (a) benefits payable under the Swiss legislation shall also be paid to nationals of Australia or other persons to the extent that they derive rights from a national of Australia, while the beneficiary is in the territory of Australia; (b) Australian benefits which are payable by virtue of this Agreement shall be payable in the territory of Switzerland. (a) Benefits payable under the legislation of Switzerland shall be paid to a national of Australia residing in a third State as well as to their family members and survivors with respect to rights they derive from that national, under the same conditions and to the same extent as they would be paid to a Swiss national or to their family members and survivors in respect to rights they derive from a national. (b) Where the legislation of Australia provides that a benefit is payable outside its territory, then that benefit, when payable by virtue of this Agreement, is also payable outside the territory of both Switzerland and Australia.
Export of Benefits. 1. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, cash benefits payable under the legislation of a Contracting Party shall not be subject to any reduction, amendment, suspension, withdrawal or confiscation solely on the grounds that the beneficiary stays or resides in the territory of the other Contracting Party or in a third State. These cash benefits shall be paid in accordance with the domestic legislation of the Contracting Party in which the beneficiary acquires benefits. 2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to the Republic of Serbia regarding the difference between the acquired amount of pension and the lowest amount of pension, if the level of the acquired amount of pension is below the lowest amount of pension.
Export of Benefits. 1. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, benefits of one Contracting State, when payable by virtue of this Agreement, shall be payable to persons who are residents of, or in, the territory of either Contracting State. 2. Where the legislation of a Contracting State provides that a benefit is payable in a third State, then that benefit, when payable by virtue of this Agreement, is also payable in that third State.